マイクロ・バイオ・ナノ流体ユニット (エイミー・シェン)
Unit Head: エイミー・シェン教授
Latest Posts
Congratulations to Fabian Hillebrand for his publication on Soft Matter!
Congratulations to Fabian Hillebrand on his recent paper published "Flow of wormlike micellar solutions over concavities" !
Congratulations to Murali Mohan Jaligam for his publication on Nanoscale!
Congratulations to Murali Mohan Jaligam on his recent paper published "Enhanced Antibacterial Efficacy: Rapid Analysis of Silver-Decorated Azithromycin-Infused Soluplus® Nanoparticles Against E. coli and S. epidermidis Biofilms" !
Almuni update: Murali took an assistant professor position in SRM University in Chennai, India.
Murali Mohan Jaligam will join SRM University in Chennai, India as an assistant professor. Congratulations!