Virtual Seminar"Biosensors for the point-of-care diagnostics"Verónica C. Martins


2021年4月8日 (木) 9:00




Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics (Shen) Unit would like to invite you to the virtual seminar by Dr. Verónica C. Martins on April 8th (Thursday).
Date: Thursday, April 8th, 2021
Time: 9:00-10:00am
**Zoom session

*Zoom information

Topic: Veronica's Zoom Seminar
Time: Apr 8, 2021 09:00 AM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

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Meeting ID: 999 5273 0376
Passcode: 464383


Dr. Verónica C. Martins
INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal


Biosensors for the point-of-care diagnostics


Accurate diagnosis of infections and infectious diseases and prompt treatment decision are critical factors to improve clinical outcomes and general public health. Yet, conventional in vitro diagnostics are still laborious requiring central labs, bulky equipment and experienced personnel. In a perspective of expediting such clinical diagnostics, point-of-care (POC) testing and the use of biosensors have gained increased interest due to vowed advantages, such as rapid ‘on-site’ results, affordability and convenience, while maintaining high standard performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, dynamic range). Despite ongoing research towards the development of portable diagnostic assays, either based on genomic or immunoassays, it has so far failed to be largely implemented and go beyond the standard laboratory methods. Nevertheless, recent advances on biosensor technologies, promoted by bionanotechnologies, are boosting point-of-use (PoU) and point-of-care (PoC) devices.
In this view, INESC MN have been actively working in this area of bionanotechnologies for almost two decades, exploring several biosensing concepts, bioreceptors, biomarkers and integrated systems.



Prof. Amy Shen

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