沖縄県内 SSH指定・理系教育強化校向けアンケート





研修内容について Program Content
OISTで行われるプログラムは、高校生の皆さんの国際的な視野を醸造することを目的としておりますので、基本英語で行われます。 The program is aimed to expose the high school students to international perspective hence, the program is mainly conducted in English.
Please select the following items for the content that you wished to be included in the program (multiple selections allowed).

Please find research discipline and specialty available at OIST here.

Please select the following research discipline of interest (multiple selections allowed).
その他情報について Other Information
Did you ever arrange a study trip abroad in the past?
Do you have any of the following concerns about arranging a study trip abroad? (multiple selection allowed)
What is your preferred duration?
If you are considering to participate in the study trip program at OIST, how many high school students would you like to bring?
If OIST organizes a study trip (2-5 days) for high school students, is it possible for the students to participate as part of their school trip/curriculum? (excluding long holidays in summer, winter and spring)
Please write any specific requests or expectations in regards to this program.


科学教育アウトリーチチーム | メール: science.outreach@oist.jp