Mini Course: Vector Graphics

Vector graphics are computer graphics defined with points, lines and curves rather than pixels, which has the advantage of scaling perfectly to any resolution. This is well suited for many scientifics graphs and illustrations.

In the course, we will cover the theory behind vector graphics, as well as graphic creation workflow, using Affinity Designer. Of course, the vector editing skills taught here will be directly transferable to other vector graphic software such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape.

This course is independent but builds up on concepts explored in Mini Course: Graphic Design in Science, which we invite you to take a look at (in particular, this 5 minute introduction video).

Target audience

This course is suitable for anyone. 


The teacher will be Maria Gohlke, mechanical engineer and technician in the Froese Unit.


The course will take place over a single session, on Tuesday September 28, from 1PM to 3PM.

The topics covered include:

  • basic introduction to the concept of vector graphics vs pixel graphics
  • basic approach to how to plan a graphic
  • introduction to attributes of vector objects
  • introduction to the most important basic tools (the ones that are used most and make your life a lot easier)

We will do a theoretical part, walking through the basics, and rest will be hands-on.

The material for the course can be found here.

The session was recorded and the footage is available here.

More information

  • Location: B701, Computer Lab, Lab 3.
  • What to bring
    • A laptop with Affinity Designer installed, using the 30-day free trial
    • A fully functionning mouse (with batteries charged and the right adaptor)
  • Zoom link: if you prefer joining remotely, or if B701 exceeds 50% capacity, you can join using this link. Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide much help with the hands-on part via Zoom. 
  • Video Recording: this course might be recorded and uploaded online, only the teacher will be recorded. Contact Jeremie Gillet if you have reservations about this.
  • Drinks: There will be free coffee and tea, bring your cup!

If you are interested in the course but cannot participate to this particular event, let us know and we will contact you for any later occurrence of this course.

Thank you very much for your interest.

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Have you made vector graphics before? With which software? For what purpose?
Why are you interested in this topic? Is there a particular thing you would like to learn?