Welcome to the OIST PhD Program!
An important first task as you enroll in the PhD program is to meet with your Mentor and plan your academic curriculum and future professional development. This is done through the following Academic Plan.
The PhD program at OIST offers continued and dedicated mentoring and development in academic and professional skills, preparing you for your life beyond graduation. As you progress through the program, you will continue to reflect on and revise your training and development in academic, scientific, and professional skills. Your Mentor, and later your Thesis Supervisor, are an important part of this process.
The OIST PhD program includes a Professional and Career Development (PCD) program to help you develop professional skills and explore career options. Professional skills development is a proactive and continuing process, and is a strong indicator of success in many careers, including science. Many granting bodies (including NIH) now require evidence of such planning, and many other institutions also now require this of all their academic and research appointments.
Mentoring at OIST
Your Mentor is a faculty member initially appointed by the Graduate School considering shared research interests, background, and academic history. Your Mentor will serve as your guide in all aspects of your academic development over the duration of your PhD program. As such, having a good working relationship is important, and it is possible to have a new mentor assigned if unresolvable issues arise or there is simply a lack of rapport.
Your Mentor is distinct from your Thesis Supervisor, so if you are accepted into Mentor’s unit for thesis research, you will need to seek a new Mentor and advise the Graduate School of the change.
Your Mentor will be a first point of contact for academic advice and support, including your choice of courses and lab rotations. Your Mentor should also be one of the people you turn to for advice on other necessary academic and professional development. Of course, you are encouraged to develop other informal mentoring arrangements inside and outside OIST as you build your professional network.
From your third year of enrolment onward, you will undertake an annual research progress review with your Mentor and Thesis Supervisor, looking at your research progress through the year and at your plans towards completion. Concurrently with this process, you should reflect on your previous year's academic and professional development plan and adjust that as your needs change.
Your Academic Plan
The Academic Plan is an individualized plan tailored to your specific needs to prepare you for your research and for your future career. You work with your mentor and with Graduate School advisors to build your own plan of elective courses and rotations before commencing studies at OIST, and then submit it to the Graduate School as part of the initial onboarding and enrollment process. Submitting your academic plan helps us to place you into appropriate and available laboratories for rotations in the first year, helps us plan for you to attend the classes and courses you ask for, and helps you and your mentor plan ahead for your future needs in professional and career development.
Planning for your First Years in the OIST PhD
First, read through the Academic Plan and consider your answers to these questions. Then, arrange a meeting, online or in person, with your assigned Academic Mentor where you will complete several steps. First, discuss your needs and research interests with your mentor. Then, choose your elective courses from the OIST courses available, identify suitable and relevant lab rotations, and indicate any additional training needed for your research and to develop skills and confidence across a range of professional and soft skills.
A brief synopsis of your achievements so far: Where did you graduate from? In which field? Have you received any special awards or recognition? Have you written any research papers yet? Any special extracurricular achievements or interests?
What general area of science are you interested in right now?
Do you have a specific research topic in mind already?
Do you have any other areas that you may consider researching?
Do you prefer experimental, theoretical, or applied sciences?
Why are these out-of-field rotation units complementary and/or beneficial to your overall training goals?
Do you intend to change your research field away from your previous training and experience?
And if you wish to suggest other units as alternatives, please list them here.
Also, if you have agreed to do the rotation with the Professor, please share that information here.
Discuss with your mentor additional training that you may need, in areas not covered by OIST courses. These may include specific skills training such as programming languages, experimental and instrumentation techniques, or professional skills development. The Grad School will assist in meeting your needs by provision of on-campus training, online courses, and other opportunities. Some of these may be available for credit as Independent Study or Special Topics, or as part of the Professional and Career Development courses that are an important ongoing part of the OIST curriculum.