ECogS Seminars 2021-2022

Dear colleagues,
The interdisciplinary field of cognitive science was officially inaugurated half a century ago, and since then it has considerably expanded its scope. The Embodied Cognitive Science (ECogS) Seminars will host speakers with approaches that are theoretically and methodologically diverse yet united in their commitment to an embodied stance, one in which agent-environment interaction plays the primary organizing role of life, mind, and consciousness.
The aim of this seminar series is to facilitate the development of this new orientation in both conceptual and experimental terms.
ECogS Seminars 2021-2022
The seminar series will kick off with a thematic focus on the key term in its title: embodiment. We encourage participants to take stock of the many roles that embodiment - in its organismic, neural, social, and technological dimensions - plays in shaping the mind. As the seminar series unfolds, other topics related to embodied cognition are also welcome.
We hope that you enjoy these seminars as much as we did.
With best wishes,

Conference Chair, Embodied Cognitive Science Unit, OIST

Local coordinator, Embodied Cognitive Science Unit, OIST

Local coordinator, Embodied Cognitive Science Unit, OIST
For inquiries, please contact us
e-mail: ECogS at