Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission deadline: July 2, 2023 

Author notification: July 20, 2023 


We seek diverse contributions covering all topics addressed from within an embodied approach.


However, we particularly encourage submissions that explore the broader implications of embodied cognitive science on matters relating to health, well-being and flourishing at all scalesindividual, collective, and environmental. Submissions may address (but by no means are limited to) the following topics


  • The 'essence' of health and well-being and their interdependence
  • Well-being across multiple scales (including cultural dimensions)
  • The physical body in mental health, e.g., the gut-brain connection, movement
  • Regulation of psychophysiological states, including bodily and environmental dimensions
  • Affectivity and well-being
  • Phenomenology of well-being and health
  • Flexibility and rigidity in health and well-being
  • Higher states and their contribution to well-being and health
  • Assessment and monitoring of health and well-being
  • Order, disorder, and reordering interventions
  • Preventative and curative care and interventions 
  • Material/environmental design and its impacts
  • The role of technology 
  • Future challenges and opportunities 


To submit your abstract, kindly visit the submission page or, if you are a student, consider applying for our student award