The Trust Landscape in Japan and Implications for SDGs

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Trust is the ultimate currency in the relationship that all institutions — companies and brands, governments, NGOs, and media — build with their stakeholders. Trust defines an organization’s license to operate, lead, and succeed. Trust is the foundation that allows an organization to take responsible risk, and, if it makes mistakes, to rebound from them. Without trust, credibility is lost and reputation can be threatened.
The annual Edelman Trust Barometer surveys 33,000 people around the world about their trust in four key societal institutions — business, government, media, and NGOs. Every year, it learns how much people around the world trust their institutions, and about their fears and concerns for the future.
Edelman Japan President and CEO Meghan Barstow presents highlights from Edelman’s Trust Barometer 2022 research highlighting Japan and contrasting it with the rest of the world.
Areas covered will be trust in institutions, leaders, media, democracy, capitalism. Societal issues touched on will include climate change, economic inequality, systemic injustice, and access to healthcare.
Following a presentation, Meghan Barstow will chat with several thought leaders in Japan on the implications of the data to the future of the SDGs and Japan.
NOTE: This session will be delivered in English and simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Japanese.
Meghan Barstow, President and Representative Director, Edelman Japan K.K.
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