Japan Scicom Forum 2022 - Hosted by OIST

Science communication and outreach, especially to global audiences in English, is taking off in Japan. Japan Scicom Forum brings together communicators, writers, scientists, journalists and select experts from abroad to inspire and boost the cohesion of scicomm in Japan, learn new skills and inform the community with best practices. Keynote talks will reflect on research-media interactions from the perspectives of both scientists and press professionals. Workshops will provide hands-on training to support communicators and scientists working in Japan as they engage in global outreach. Open discussion and networking opportunities are spread over the program. Registration is free and the event will be in English.
This year, OIST is honored to host virtually this event.
Oct. 21
Part one:
10:00-10:10 - Welcome and housekeeping
10:15-10:45 - Keynote speaker
10:45-11:00 - Q&A with keynote speaker
11:00-12:00 - Workshop 1 and 2*
12:30-14:00 - Networking Lunch
Part two:
14:00-14:10 - Welcome and housekeeping
14:10-14:50 - Flash talks
14:50-15:00 - Break/coffee
15:00-16:00 - Workshop 3 and 4*
16:00-16:50 - Panel discussion
16:50-17:00 - Wrap up and final remarks
*Workshop themes:
Online and hybrid events post-COVID
Media producing 101 for scientists
Massimiano Bucchi (Ph.D. Social and Political Science, European University Institute, 1997) is Full Professor of Science and Technology and Society and Communication, Science and Technology at the University of Trento and Director of the International Master programme SCICOMM.
Website: https://mb.soc.unitn.it/english/
The conference registration will be open until October 07, 2022. Register here.
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