Biological Systems Unit
Professor Igor Goryanin

Over the past few years, the Biological Systems Unit has been dedicated to the advancement of BioElectrochemical System (BES)/Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology for wastewater treatment. This innovative approach harnesses the intricate interactions between microbial populations and electrodes to effectively remove organic pollutants while generating electricity. By integrating fundamental and practical objectives, our Unit aims to enhance BES/MFC systems through interdisciplinary methods such as biology, chemistry, engineering, and bioinformatics. Our ultimate goal is to optimize treatment efficiency and electricity production by developing ideal microbial communities and cost-effective materials. Sustainable wastewater treatment is particularly crucial for small islands like Okinawa. Scaling up the BES/MFC technology poses one of the significant challenges.
Continuing our research, the Unit has focused on refining the biocathode system to remove organics, eliminate odors, and reduce nitrogen and phosphate levels in both raw and aerated swine wastewater. This year, we were fortunate to secure two grants that facilitated the construction and testing of our scaled-up reactors (525L) at the Okinawa Prefecture Grassland and Livestock Research Center, in collaboration with Nikko Company and the Okinawa Prefecture Environment Science Center. This endeavor aimed to validate the technology for future commercialization. During the first year of reactor operation, our primary focus was to ensure the smooth functioning of the reactors by establishing the necessary peripheral devices and equipment for conducting verification tests. We have made significant progress in achieving our targeted organic removal performance while minimizing excess sludge generation over a period of seven months. However, the stable removal of nitrate still presents a challenge. In collaboration with Professor Osana from the University of the Ryukyus, we have also worked on developing low-cost data loggers and potentiostats, along with remotely accessible software, to reduce the initial installation costs of the reactors in the future.
1. Staff
- Dr. Igor Goryanin, Professor
- Dr. Mami Kainuma, Group Leader
- Dr. Peter Babiak, Staff Scientist
- Dr. Anatoly Sorokin, Staff Scientist
- Mr. Takuro Kometani, Technician
- Ms. Rie Hiyane, Technician
- Ms. Shizuka Kuda, Research Unit Administrator
2. Collaborations
2.1 An advanced wastewater treatment technology development for swine farms
- Type of collaboration: Joint research and development
- Okinawa Prefecture Environment Science Center
- Okinawa Prefecture Grassland and Livestock Research Center
- NIKKO Company
2.2 Development of low-cost datalogger, potentiostat, and remotely accessible switch timers
- Type of collaboration: Joint research and development
- Prof. Yasunori Osana, University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Engineering
3. Activities and Findings
3.1 R&D on swine wastewater treatment technology for simultaneous removal of nitrate and organics using bioelectrochemical systems (BES)
The amount of wastewater generated by intensive pig farming in Okinawa exceeds the available capacity for treatment and recycling. The global concern regarding the removal of nitrate from wastewater arises from its harmful impact on human and environmental health. Currently, the nitrate-nitrogen discharge limit for livestock wastewater is given special consideration at 500 mg/L. However, it is expected to be reduced to the general discharge standard of 100 mg/L in the near future, aligning with regulations for other industries. Consequently, finding a cost-effective solution for nitrate removal in the livestock industry is an urgent matter in Japan.Treating swine wastewater is particularly challenging. Through interviews with local swine farmers, we discovered that the current aeration-based technology has significant drawbacks, including high electricity costs and the expense of chemicals used to coagulate excess sludge. These operational costs constitute 60-80% of the total running cost. Farmers are seeking a wastewater system that is both cost-effective and low-maintenance.
To address these issues, our Unit has been developing biocathode technology that can simultaneously treat organics and nitrate in real swine wastewater. In this system, the raw wastewater, which contains high levels of organic compounds and volatile fatty acids responsible for unpleasant odors, is oxidized by the anaerobic microbial community in the anode chamber. This reduces the required aeration time and the need for excess sludge removal. At the same time, under applied potential, electrons are transferred to the cathode, where nitrate in the aerated wastewater acts as an electron acceptor and is converted to dinitrogen through denitrification by the cathodic microbial community. One advantage of this system is its ability to operate denitrification at a low wastewater COD/N ratio. We conducted on-site testing of this technology at a swine farm using 65L pilot-scale reactors for three years, and the results were promising. The system achieved organic removal (over 1g COD/L/day) without significant excess sludge removal, as well as nitrate removal to meet the standard regulations, depending on the initial nitrate level.
In FY2021, we collaborated with Nikko Company and the Okinawa Prefecture Environment Science Center to design the blueprint for the scale-up reactors of 525L. This year, the reactors were constructed by Nikko Company and installed at the Okinawa Grassland and Livestock Research Center, adjacent to the swine aeration tank. The reactor comprises an anode chamber (170L) and two cathode chambers (340L) (Fig.1).
We have established systems to ensure smooth wastewater flow, directing raw wastewater and aerated wastewater to the anode and cathode chambers, respectively. This was one of the challenges we encountered when operating the 65L reactors. After nine months of continuous operation, we achieved an average organic removal rate of 700 mg CODcr/L/day (see Fig. 1). Stable nitrate removal down to the discharge limit of 100 mg NO3-N/L proved to be challenging, potentially due to calcium phosphate precipitation on the cathode electrodes. Our efforts will continue next year as we optimize the performance of the scale-up reactors.
To make the newly developing rectors more commercially viable, we are working on reducing the cost of the commercial potentiostat and data logger through collaboration with Prof Osana at U of the Ryukyus. Our goal is to create a prototype for test operation with lower-cost alternatives by using a common microcontroller to manage the potentiostat, data logger, and pump control unit.
3.2. FBA-PRCC. Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC) Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) in Application to Constraint-Based Models
3.2.1. FBA-PRCC development and performance evaluation.
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) that combine functional annotation of the genome with available metabolic knowledge are a valuable tool for modern computational and systems biology. GEMs were used in biotechnology for strain engineering, for a better understanding of the metabolic consequences of various pathological processes, such as cancer, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Over the past decade, GEMs have been created for several hundreds of unicellular organisms and dozens of human body tissue types. FBA is a computational approach used to analyze and predict the metabolic behavior of an organism using GEM. FBA is commonly used in systems biology and metabolic engineering to study cellular metabolism and to predict the growth and behavior of an organism in different conditions. FBA is based on the principle of mass balance, where the input and output of each metabolite in a metabolic network are balanced. The metabolic network is represented as a set of reactions, which are connected by metabolites. Each reaction has an associated flux, which represents the rate at which the reaction occurs. FBA uses linear programming to optimize the flux through the metabolic network of GEM, subject to constraints such as the availability of nutrients and the capacity of enzymes. Recently FBA become an invaluable instrument for the analysis of dynamics of the microbial communities. We have developed the new method to evaluate sensitivity of the GEMs to various parameters, such as availability of substrates, rate of product removal and the maximal enzyme activity with global sensitivity analysis (GSA) method called PRCC. The main purpose of the GSA is identification of parameters that have little influence on the system behavior, and estimation of the strength and sign of such influences for other parameters.
To prove applicability of the PRCC to FBA we analyze sensitivity coefficients for all enzymes in a GEM of lysine producing strain of E. coli. It was shown that sensitivity coefficients allow to trace the important steps beyond standard definition of the lysine biosynthesis pathway. We also show that the FBA-PRCC is computationally efficient and could be easily parallelized on any modern HPC cluster. The results of this work have been published.
3.2.2. Analysis of the Functional Characteristics of Microbial Communities with FBA-PRCC
Microbial communities are groups of microorganisms that interact with each other and with their environment. Optimizing microbial communities for the best performance in the BES/MFC, which involves manipulating their composition and structure, is one of the Unit goals.
Coexistence theory is a scientific framework that seeks to understand why and how multiple species can coexist in the same ecosystem, despite competing for limited resources. The theory suggests that coexistence can occur through several mechanisms, such as niche differentiation, trade-offs, and competition-colonization trade-offs.
To apply the coexistence theory, we need to identify the niche for each species and model trade-offs. Our FBA-PRCC techniques, which have been proposed to apply global sensitivity analysis to whole-genome bacterial metabolic models (GEMs) is an ideal candidate for such analysis. By modeling the sensitivity of bacterial growth to the presence of various external metabolites via FBA-PRCC, we can create the community sensitivity graph. In this graph, each bacterial species is connected to the sensitive metabolites, providing a valuable tool for identifying the niche of each species.
We have used AGORA reconstruction that contains over 800 semiauotomatically created GEMs for human symbionts to create the sensitivity graph of the human gut microbiome. This work was accepted for the oral presentation in ISMB2023 conference.
To evaluate the stability of the community composition from its sensitivity graph, which is an essential step towards understanding the complex mechanisms that underlie the coexistence of microbial communities, we need a reliable suit of graph-theoretical computational tools. Together with colleagues from the Edinburgh University we assemble such a suit and made it available as Bioconductor package “BioNAR”. That tool allows us to identify groups of highly related microbes and metabolites that connect them. At the moment we are evaluating FBA-PRCC results against published experimental data.
In conclusion, understanding the mechanisms that allow multiple species to coexist in microbial communities is essential for predicting community changes and developing effective conservation and management strategies. FBA-PRCC techniques can be used to model the sensitivity of bacterial growth to external metabolites, providing valuable insights into the niche of each species. The sensitivity graph of the human gut microbiome can be prepared using AGORA reconstruction, and graph-based techniques can be used to evaluate the stability of the community composition[4]. These tools provide valuable insights into the complex mechanisms that underlie microbial community coexistence.
The temperature of the brain can reflect the activity of its different regions, allowing us to evaluate the connections between them. A study involving 111 patients in a vegetative state or minimally conscious state used microwave radiometry to measure their cortical temperature. The patients were divided into a main group receiving a 10-day selective craniocerebral hypothermia (SCCH) procedure, and a control group receiving basic therapy and rehabilitation. The main group showed a significant improvement in consciousness level as measured by CRS-R assessment on day 14 compared to the control group. Temperature heterogeneity increased in patients who received SCCH, while remaining stable in the control group. The use of microwave radiometry to assess rehabilitation effectiveness and the inclusion of SCCH in rehabilitation programs appears to be a promising approach.[5]
Breast cancer prevention is an important health issue for women worldwide. In this study, we compared the conventional breast cancer screening exams of mammography and ultrasound with the novel approaches of passive microwave radiometry (MWR) and microRNA (miRNA) analysis. While mammography screening dynamics could be completed in 3–6 months, MWR provided a prediction in a matter of weeks or even days. Moreover, MWR has the potential of being complemented with miRNA diagnostics to further improve its predictive quality. These novel techniques can be used alone or in conjunction with more established techniques to improve early breast cancer diagnosis.[6,9]
Sports traumatic brain injury (TBI) [7] accounts for up to 20% of all sports injuries, and the number of cases is growing year by year due to an increase in the number of people involved in sports, the growing popularity of extreme and contact sports, as well as a high level of motivation to achieve record results. Mild TBI dominates, which can provoke the development of a very wide range of complications and negative consequences. In the programs for the prevention of complications and the rehabilitation of athletes after TBI, TBI features are not sufficiently considered, which significantly differ from household, road or criminal injuries. There are no instrumental methods for diagnosing the severity of the injury. Sports TBI is characterized by repeated frequent TBI, elevated body and brain temperature, peripheral redistribution of blood flow and hypocapnia, which significantly affect cerebral blood flow. Brain injury is an independent cause of the development of cerebral hyperthermia, which significantly worsens the consequences of TBI. To diagnose sports TBI, the method of microwave radiometry of the brain (MWR) can be used. For the prevention of complications, the technology of craniocerebral hypothermia (CCH), which allows for to reduce of physical general and cerebral hyperthermia, and increases the resistance of cerebral cortex neurons to hypoxia and trauma could be used However, these approaches in sports medicine are used sporadically, which, is due to the lack of awareness of coaches and doctors of sports teams. The purpose of the review is to present MWR and CCH in sports TBI.
Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer [8] remains an urgent issue owing to the continuing trend towards increasing incidence along with only marginal improvements in mortality and 5-year survival rates. Furthermore, there is a lack of a clear formulation of the concept of pathogenesis. The diagnostic values of tumor markers, their potential advantages and disadvantages, and their combination with radiation imaging methods and transvaginal sonography are discussed. More advanced imaging techniques, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging have proven too expensive for widespread use. According to the World Health Organization, more than half of the world’s population does not have access to diagnostic imaging. Consequently, there is high demand for a low-cost, reliable, and safe imaging system for detecting and monitoring cancer. Currently, there is no clear algorithm available for examining and accurately diagnosing patients with postmenopausal ovarian tumors; moreover, reliable criteria allowing dynamic observation and for determining surgical access and optimal surgical intervention measures in postmenopausal patients are lacking. Medical microwave radiometry shows promising results yielding an accuracy of 90%.
Medical microwave radiometry (MWR) is used to capture the thermal properties of internal tissues and has usages in breast cancer detection. Our goal in the paper [10] is to improve classification performance and investigate automated neural architecture search methods.We investigated extending the weight agnostic neural network by optimizing the weights using the bi-population covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (BIPOP-CMA-ES) once the topology was found. We evaluated and compared the model based on the F1 score, accuracy, precision, recall, and the number of connections.The experiments were conducted on a dataset of 4912 patients, classified as low or high risk for breast cancer. The weight agnostic BIPOP-CMA-ES model achieved the best average performance. It obtained an F1-score of 0.933, accuracy of 0.932, precision of 0.929, recall of 0.942, and 163 connections.The results of the model are an indication of the promising potential of MWR utilizing a neural network-based diagnostic tool for cancer detection. By separating the tasks of topology search and weight training, we can improve the overall performance.
The study of circadian rhythms in the human body using temperature measurements is the most informative way to assess the viability of the body’s rhythm-organizing systems. Pathological processes can affect circadian rhythm dynamics in damaged organs. Severe brain damage that caused the development of disorders of consciousness (DOC) (strokes, traumatic brain injury) disrupts the activity of central oscillators, by directly damaging or destroying the periphery links, and the level of preservation of circadian rhythms and the dynamics of their recovery can be informative diagnostic criteria for patient’s condition assessment. This study examined 23 patients with DOC by using a non-invasive method for obtaining body and cerebral cortex temperature to compare with healthy controls. Measurements were made with a 4 h interval for 52 h beginning at 08:00 on day 1 and ending at 08:00 on day 3. The profile of patients with DOC showed complete disruption compared to healthy controls with rhythmic patterns. The results indicate that the mechanisms for maintaining brain circadian rhythms are different from general homeostasis regulation of the body. Use of microwave radio thermometry for the identification of rehabilitation potential in patients with DOC is a promising area of investigation. [11, 12]
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a disease with unknown causes in all forms of arthritis in children under 16 years of age. It is diagnosed when other joint pathologies are excluded. Difficulties in early and differential diagnoses lead to rapid disability and an unfavorable life prognosis. Therefore, a timely diagnosis is necessary to prevent irreversible damage to joints and preserve their function. Due to the widespread use of new technologies, modern multimodal imaging has gained recognition, including radiography, ultrasound, and MRI. The combination of methods plays a key role in confirming the diagnosis, monitoring the disease activity, the prognosis during the disease course, and the outcome in children with JIA. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The introduction of passive microwave radiometry (MWR), in combination with other imaging methods, makes it possible to expand the possibilities of screening the disease in the preclinical and early clinical phases [13]
Passive microwave radiometry (MWR) is a measurement technique based on the detection of passive radiation in the microwave spectrum of different objects. When in equilibrium, this radiation is known to be proportional to the thermodynamic temperature of an emitting body. We hypothesize that living systems feature other mechanisms of emission that are based on protein unfolding and water rotational transitions. To understand the nature of these emissions, microwave radiometry was used in several in vitro experiments. In our study, we performed pilot measurements of microwave emissions from egg whites during denaturation induced by ethanol. Egg whites comprise 10% proteins, such as albumins, mucoproteins, and globulins. We observed a novel phenomenon: microwave emissions changed without a corresponding change in the water’s thermodynamic temperature. We also found striking differences between microwave emissions and thermodynamic temperature kinetics. Therefore, we hypothesize that these two processes are unrelated, contrary to what was thought before. It is known that some pathologies such as stroke or brain trauma feature increased microwave emissions. We hypothesize that this phenomenon originates from protein denaturation and is not related to the thermodynamic temperature. As such, our findings could explain the reason for the increase in microwave emissions after trauma and post mortem for the first time. These findings could be used for the development of novel diagnostics methods. The MWR method is inexpensive and does not require fluorescent or radioactive labels. It can be used in different areas of basic and applied pharmaceutical research, including in kinetics studies in biomedicine.[14]
Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of nonspecific lower back pain (LBP) is currently largely based on the patient’s subjective feelings. The purpose of this study was to use passive microwave radiometry (MWR) as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of various treatment methods in patients with acute and subacute nonspecific LBP. Patients with a pain assessment on a visual analogue scale (VAS) of 6 to 10 points were divided into two groups: Group I included patients with pharmacological, syndrome-oriented treatment (n = 30, age 54.9 ± 2.3 years); Group II included a combination of pharmacotherapy with self-controlled energy-neuroadaptive regulation (SCENAR) (n = 25, age 52.8 ± 2.5 years). The analysis showed that the addition of SCENAR therapy (Group II) significantly potentiated the analgesic effect at the stages of treatment, and after 3 weeks, this had increased by more than two times, by 1.3 points on the VAS. There was also a significant decrease in the maximum internal temperature and normalization of the gradient of internal and skin temperatures, and a decrease in thermo-asymmetry, as assessed by temperature fields. Thermal asymmetry visualization allows the identification of the area of pathological muscle spasm and/or inflammation in the projection of the vertebral-motor segment for the possible targeted use of treatment methods such as percutaneous electro neurostimulation, massage, manual therapy, diagnostic and treatment blocks, etc. The MWR method also avoids unnecessary radiation exposure.[15]
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is one of the most important factors to consider when evaluating water contamination. BOD5 is the amount of oxygen consumed in five days by microorganisms that oxidize biodegradable organic materials in an aerobic biochemical manner. The primary objective of this effort is to use microbial fuel cells (MFCs) to shorten the time required for BOD5 measurements. We created a regression artificial neural network (AI), and the predictions we obtained for BOD5 measurements were taken over 6–24 hours with an average error of just 7%. The outcomes demonstrated by our AI MFC/BES BOD5 sensor’s viability for use in real-world scenarios. [16]
In the study [17], electrogenic microbial communities originating from a single source were multiplied using our custom-made, 96-well-plate-based microbial fuel cell (MFC) array. Developed communities operated under different pH conditions and produced currents up to 19.4 A/m3 (0.6 A/m2) within 2 days of inoculation. Microscopic observations [combined scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)] revealed that some species present in the anodic biofilm adsorbed copper on their surface because of the bioleaching of the printed circuit board (PCB), yielding Cu2 + ions up to 600 mg/L. Beta- diversity indicates taxonomic divergence among all communities, but functional clustering is based on reactor pH. Annotated metagenomes showed the high presence of multicopper oxidases and Cu-resistance genes, as well as genes encoding aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading enzymes, corresponding to PCB bioleaching. Metagenome analysis revealed a high abundance of Dietzia spp., previously characterized in MFCs, which did not grow at pH 4. Binning metagenomes allowed us to identify novel species, one belonging to Actinotalea, not yet associated with electrogenicity and enriched only in the pH 7 anode. Furthermore, we identified 854 unique protein-coding genes in Actinotalea that lacked sequence homology with other metagenomes. The function of some genes was predicted with high accuracy through deep functional residue identification (DeepFRI), with several of these genes potentially related to electrogenic capacity. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using MFC arrays for the enrichment of functional electrogenic microbial consortia and data mining for the comparative analysis of either consortia or their members.
4. Publications
4.1 Journals
- Babiak, P., Schaffer-Harris, G., Kainuma, M., Fedorovich, S., Goryanin, I. (2022) Development of a new hydrogel anion exchange membrane for swine wastewater treatment. Membranes, 12(10), 984. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12100984
- Sorokin, A., & Goryanin, I. (2023). FBA-PRCC. Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC) Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) in Application to Constraint-Based Models. Biomolecules, 13(3), 500. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom13030500
- Sorokina, O., Sorokin, A., & Armstrong, J. D. (2022). Synaptome.db: A bioconductor package for synaptic proteomics data. Bioinformatics Advances, 2(1), vbac086. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioadv/vbac086
- Mclean, C., Sorokin, A., Sorokina, O., & Armstrong, J. D. (2022). BioNAR: Biological network analysis in R. Bioconductor version: Release (3.16) 10.18129/B9.bioc.BioNAR.
- Correction of Local Brain Temperature after Severe Brain Injury Using Hypothermia and Medical Microwave Radiometry (MWR) as Companion Diagnostics OA Shevelev, MV Petrova, EM Mengistu, MY Yuriev, IZ Kostenkova, I. Goryanin Diagnostics 13 (6), 1159, 2023
- Passive Microwave Radiometry and microRNA Detection for Breast Cancer DiagnosticsL L. Fisher, O Fisher, D Chebanov, S Vesnin, A Goltsov, A Turnbull, M Dixon, I.Goryanin Diagnostics 13 (1), 118, 2023
- Sports Cranio-Brain Injury. Diagnostics and Prevention of Complications OA Shevelev, A Smolensky, M Petrova, MY Yuriev, MA Zdanova, I. Goryanin Preprints, 2022
- Diagnostics of Ovarian Tumors in Postmenopausal Patients C Mustafin, S Vesnin, A Turnbull, M Dixon, A Goltsov, I Goryanin Diagnostics 12 (11), 2619, 2 , 2022
- Passive Microwave Radiometry (MWR) and microRNA for Breast Cancer Diagnostics S Vesnin, DK Chebanov, L Fisher, O Fisher, M Dixon, A Turnbull, I. Goryanin Preprints, 2022
- Dynamic Weight Agnostic Neural Networks and Medical Microwave Radiometry (MWR) for Breast Cancer Diagnostics J Li, C Galazis, L Popov, L Ovchinnikov, T Kharybina, S Vesnin, A Losev, ...I. Goryanin, Diagnostics 12 (9), 2037, 3, 2022
- Study of Brain Circadian Rhythms in Patients with Chronic Disorders of Consciousness and Healthy Individuals Using Microwave Radiometry OA Shevelev, MV Petrova, MY Yuriev, EM Mengistu, IZ Kostenkova, ...I. Goryanin Diagnostics 12 (8), 1777, 3, 2022
- A Method of Microwave Radiometry in Studies of Circadian Rhythms of Brain Temperature OA Shevelev, MV Petrova, MY Yuriev, EM Mengistu, IZ Kostenkova, I. Goryanin Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 173 (3), 380-383, 4, 2022
- Passive Microwave Radiometry as a Component of Imaging Diagnostics in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis AV Tarakanov, ES Ladanova, AA Lebedenko, TD Tarakanova, SG Vesnin, ...I. Goryanin, Rheumato 2 (3), 55-68, 1, 2022
- Monitoring Protein Denaturation of Egg White Using Passive Microwave Radiometry (MWR) I Goryanin, L Ovchinnikov, S Vesnin, Y Ivanov, Diagnostics 12 (6), 1498, 2, 2022
- Treatment and Companion Diagnostics of Lower Back Pain Using Self-Controlled Energo-Neuroadaptive Regulator (SCENAR) and Passive Microwave Radiometry (MWR) AV Tarakanov, AA Tarakanov, T Kharybina, I Goryanin Diagnostics 12 (5), 2022
- Using AI and BES/MFC to Decrease BOD5 Measurements Prediction Time Medvedev, K Polusmackova, C Galazis, B Lorant, G Tardy, A Losev, I Goryanin Preprints, 2022
- Novel species identification and deep functional annotation of electrogenic biofilms, selectively enriched in a microbial fuel cell array L Szydlowski, J Ehlich, P Szczerbiak, N Shibata, I Goryanin, Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 951044, 2022
4.2 Oral Presentations
- I Goryanin MWR and AI for breast Cancer. 12th Edition of Webinar on BREAST CANCER, March, 2023
- I Goryanin Thermal homeostasis disorders and Medical Microwave Radiometry, Neurology, Paris, March, 2023
- I Goryanin Webinar on Medical Education & Health, Global Public Health ,Medical Devices, Personalized Medicine & Toxicology, December, 2022
5. Intellectual Property Rights and Other Specific Achievements
- Kainuma, M., Prokhorova, A., Hiyane, R., Kazeoka, M. Goryanin, I. and Babiak, P. Concurrent raw and aerated wastewater treatment method using bioelectrochemical system. 18/076, 860 (US), 2022-195980 (JP), Dec. 7, 2022
- Bioelectrochemical system for treatment of organic liquid wastes [V Fedorovich], I Goryanin, T Inoue - US Patent App. 17/633,283, 2022
6. Grants
- Proof of Concept (POC) 2 FY2022 - 23 Cost-effective and low-maintenance scale-up advanced wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery for swine farms.
- Okinawa Innovation Ecosystem Join Research Promotion Grant. FY2022-23 Development of environmentally concerned scale-up advanced wastewater treatment system.