⾒えない障がいの解明: ニューロダイバージェンスと併発的課題の探求 Dr. Kana Grace Unmasking the Invisible Struggles: Navigating Neurodivergence and Co-Occurring Challenges


Saturday, January 20, 2024 - 11:00 to 15:15


沖縄科学技術⼤学院⼤学(OIST) シーサイドハウス内、 セミナールーム Seminar Room, Seaside House



「見えない障がいの解明:ニューロダイバージェンスと併発的課題の探求」by Dr. Kana Grace


English: 14:00~15:15

Seminar Room, Seaside House Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)

The same talk will be delivered in two languages. Please select you

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Japanese 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm English


2023年7月29日の第1回講演会に引き続きDr. Kana Grace がニューロダイバージェント者の実際の生活体験と当事者としての過去、現在の困難さと対応方法の紹介、また、科学者として、これらの個人的な洞察に科学的情報を加えてお伝えします。オーティズム(自閉症)、ADHD、ディスレクシア、ディスプラクシア、トゥレットというニューロダイバージェンスと、それらと併発する可能性の高い身体的課題であるエーラス・ダンロスやマスト細胞活性症候群などのトピックをお話しします。

Continuing from the first lecture on July 29, 2023, Dr. Kana Grace will reflect personal experiences as neurodivergent individuals and their past and present difficulties and ways of coping with the challenges, and as a scientist, she will will discuss the neurodivergences of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and Tourette's, and the physical challenges that are likely to occur such as Ehlers-Danlos and Mast Cell Activity Syndrome.


E メールで valtameri.grace@outlook.com にご連絡ください。





定員 20 名の先着順です。


To reserve your spot, kindly send an email to valtameri.grace@outlook.com with the following information.

Email Subject: “Talk in January”

In the email, please specify your preferred session (English or Japanese) and

indicate the number of attendees.

We will send you a confirmation email for your booking.

Please note that bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis, and we have a

maximum capacity of 20 participants.

Dr. Kana Grace will share her lived experiences in facing and navigating these challenges, interweaving them with the latest scientific information. Following the talk, there will be a Q&A session to further explore these topics.


Dr Kana Grace, PhD

Kana is a neurodivergent advocate and researcher in the field of neurodivergence. She is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) at IOE, University College London (UCL), where she completed her PhD. Kana views neurodivergence as a natural variation of diverse minds, and she has made significant international contributions by shifting autism research from the traditional medical model to the neurodiversity paradigm. Kana has been featured in major media outlets such as BBC and Scientist. https://linktr.ee/kanagrace


Academic background:

PhD, University College London, UK MA, Boston College, USA

Postgraduate Certification, Sheffield Hallam University, UK BS, Northeastern University, USA


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