Past Events

Polyvagal and Psychosomatic Conditions

Ganjuu Wellbeing service is excited to be hosting Dr. Theresa Hanaoka for a 3-day workshop on the appliations of Polyvagal Theory.
Explore the Polyvagal Theory (PVT), developed by Dr. Stephen W. Porgers, which underscores the vital role of the autonomic nervous system in health, wellbeing and behavior.

Understanding and Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Room C 209: 13:30~16:30
Ganjuu Wellbeing service is excited to be hosting Dr. Theresa Hanaoka for a 3-day workshop on the appliations of Polyvagal Theory.
Explore the Polyvagal Theory (PVT), developed by Dr. Stephen W. Porgers, which underscores the vital role of the autonomic nervous system in health, wellbeing and behavior.

Polyvagal and Neurodiversity

Room C 209: 9:00~12:00
Ganjuu Wellbeing service is excited to be hosting Dr. Theresa Hanaoka for a 3-day workshop on the appliations of Polyvagal Theory.
Explore the Polyvagal Theory (PVT), developed by Dr. Stephen W. Porgers, which underscores the vital role of the autonomic nervous system in health, wellbeing and behavior.

Polyvagal Theory 3-Day workshop Series Febrary 7-9 by Dr. Theresa Hanaoka

Room B 250: 9~12 pm
Ganjuu Wellbeing service is excited to be hosting Dr. Theresa Hanaoka for a 3-day workshop on the appliations of Polyvagal Theory.
Explore the Polyvagal Theory (PVT), developed by Dr. Stephen W. Porgers, which underscores the vital role of the autonomic nervous system in health, wellbeing and behavior.

⾒えない障がいの解明: ニューロダイバージェンスと併発的課題の探求 Dr. Kana Grace Unmasking the Invisible Struggles: Navigating Neurodivergence and Co-Occurring Challenges

沖縄科学技術⼤学院⼤学(OIST) シーサイドハウス内、 セミナールーム Seminar Room, Seaside House

2023年7月29日の第1回講演会に引き続きDr. Kana Grace がニューロダイバージェント者の実際の生活体験と当事者としての過去、現在の困難さと対応方法の紹介、また、科学者として、これらの個人的な洞察に科学的情報を加えてお伝えします。オーティズム(自閉症)、ADHD、ディスレクシア、ディスプラクシア、トゥレットというニューロダイバージェンスと、それらと併発する可能性の高い身体的課題であるエーラス・ダンロスやマスト細胞活性症候群などのトピックをお話しします。

Continuing from the first lecture on July 29, 2023, Dr. Kana Grace will reflect personal experiences as neurodivergent individuals and their past and present difficulties and ways of coping with the challenges, and as a scientist, she will will discuss the neurodivergences of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and Tourette's, and the physical challenges that are likely to occur such as Ehlers-Danlos and Mast Cell Activity Syndrome.

Mindfulness Practice Jan.19th 12:15to 12:30

C209 or Zoom

There will be a mindfulness meditation practice on 19th Jan. from 12:15 to 12:30 at Seminar Room C209 or Zoom.


We hope to see you all.

時刻: 2024年1月19日 12:15 PM 大阪、札幌、東京

参加 Zoom ミーティング


ミーティング ID: 979 7131 1800

パスコードを設定する: 958041

Ganjuu Open House がんじゅうオープンハウス

Ganjuu Wellbeing Service

Join us for our Winter Ganjuu Open House!

15th Dec. between 14 to 16 pm.




Women's minds and Bodies: 女性の心と身体 

Room B250: 15~17 pm

Women's minds and bodies

Hormonal perspectives on life planning and wellbeing

女性の心と身体 ホルモンから考える


『心が折れるとき~レジリエンスを働かせよう~』自殺防止ワークショップ by 沖縄いのちの電話 長田清理事長 “When the Heart Breaks - Let's Work on Resilience” Suicide Prevention Workshop by Kiyoshi Nagata, director of Okinawa Lifeline


[With Simultaneous Interpretation 英語同時通訳あり]





The human body has immunity and resistance that protect us from illness and injury. The human mind also has the capacity to rescues us from difficulties and despair. This power is called resilience. When people are in pain, when they have given up, they think about death because they think it is the only solution. Before the vision of death flickers over us, tempting us with false solutions, let's think about how to draw out and use our resilience.

We will proceed with a dialogue. A dialogue between you and me. And as we listen to each other, have a dialogue with our own hearts.


 長田(ながた) (きよし)  (長田クリニック院長  医学博士)










Kiyoshi Nagata (Director, Nagata Clinic, M.D.)

Born in Naha City.

Graduated from Tokushima University School of Medicine.

Worked at Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital and Okinawa Prefectural Seiwa Hospital. Opened Nagata Clinic (psychosomatic medicine) in Naha City in 2001.

He has focused his activities on psychotherapy, including introspective therapy, hypnotherapy, group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-oriented approach, and positive psychology. He is actively learning counseling techniques and is applying his experience in clinical treatment and social activities.

Representative Director of NPO Okinawa CAP Center (Child Abuse Prevention Activities)

President, Okinawa Hotline

Vice President, Okinawa Psychiatric Clinics Association


This workshop is open to the whole OIST community.

OIST コミュニティどなたでもご参加いただけます。

TELL Step Up Challenge ・TELLステップアップチャレンジ


TELL Step Up Challenge ・TELLステップアップチャレンジ

Oct. 2nd (Mon)  11:00-13:00  @Meet at Lab 4 entrance at 11:00 

10月2日(月)11:00-13:00 @LAB4入り口に11時集合


Join us in taking action to raise awareness while creating hope. As we remember 21,881 people who lost their lives to suicide last year in Japan, we aim to walk 21,881 steps around the OIST campus.

However, walking isn’t the only option. Whether you’re cycling, swimming, dancing or meditating for 21,881 seconds – whatever you choose to do, it all matters and all are welcome! If you would like your steps/ seconds to be counted, please email Ganjuu so we may collate all our efforts together!

You can register for TELL Step Up Challenge via their website. There is a ¥1,500 sign-up fee, however this is not required to participate. ( campaign aims to raise awareness of mental health issues.




