Past Events
Science Careers Journal Club: Lab Leadership
Next roundtable: Lab Leadership; Guest Expert: Nick Luscombe, Adjunct Professor at OIST; Who: ALL are welcome, although OIST Scientists are strongly encouraged to join/attend; When: noon - 1 pm on Thursday, Nov. 24; Where: Ctr Bldg - SR B503; Coordinator: Dr. Garth Ilsley, Sience and Technology Group, OIST; To get more info about the Club and the event, please go to
[Seminar] "Standalone Simulator and Cloud Service for Multilevel Physiological Model Simulations" - Prof. Asai, Yamaguchi University
Professor Yoshiyuki Asai, Yamaguchi University
[Seminar] "Design and Implementation of High Performance Biochemical Simulator" - Prof. Funahashi, Keio University
Professror Akira Funahashi, Keio University
Okinawa Underwater Photographic Society Meeting in November
This event is open to all. Event in English (no interpretation). For details contact organizers.
Community Detection and Mean Field Approximation for Dimension Reduction of Spiking Network Models
Internal Seminar: Carlos Gutierrez, Postdoctoral Researcher, Neural Computation Unit (Kenji Doya)
Seminar: Evolutionary Design of biosynthetic pathways and regulatory networks
Dr. Daisuke Umeno, Associate Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Japan , PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan E-mail address:
Seminar by Bret Grasse “A look into the deep: Collecting and keeping deep-sea cephalopods in public aquaria”
Speaker: Bret Grasse, Aquarist, Monterey Bay Aquarium
Workshop: "Identify and Leverage your Skills and Strengths: Part 2 – Using Your Strengths"
When: 15:45-17:30 on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016; Where: Lab 3, Seminar Room C700; Whom: OIST Postdoctoral Scholars and Scientists are strongly encouraged to attend; Instructors: Dr. Natalie Lundsteen, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, USA; Registration: is required. Please fill out the form below; Registration deadline: Monday, Nov. 14; To register and read more about the workshop please go to
Working in a Japanese company, Kaisha ( 会社 ) , as a foreigner is a very scary process that only few have attempted so far. Both the daunting hierarchy and bewildering Keigo ( 敬語 ) frighten most people away. On the other hand, Japanese companies are also famous in their generosity to provide a full range of career trainings and supports to their employees. To know how to get a entry ticket from Kaisha and how to survive in it, we invite you to join with us!!
*** The poster says B600 for the location but it is a typo, the location is B700, Lab3 ***
Workshop: "Identify and leverage your skills and strengths: Part 1 - Transferable Skills"
When: 13:30-15:30 on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016; Where: Lab 3, Seminar Room C700; Whom: OIST Postdoctoral Scholars and Scientists are strongly encouraged to attend; Instructors: Dr. Natalie Lundsteen, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, USA; Registration: is required. Please fill out the form below; Registration deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 15; To register and read more about the workshop please go to
Successfail lunchtime discussion group
22nd International Congress of Zoology (ICZ) "Animal evolution: genomics, genes, development and physiology"
Diwali event: Special dinner and dancing
Members of the Indian community at OIST invite you all on the auspicious occasion of Diwali . Come, join hands and overwhelm yourself in a vibrant synergy of traditional Indian music, dance and sport. Rediscover the exotic taste of Indian food and switch your mind for some frivolous Bollywood action!
***Tickets for this event are 2000 JPY. Tickets are limited***
This is one of mulitple Diwali events this week. For more information, visit the website .
Diwali event: Cricket match
Members of the Indian community at OIST invite you all on the auspicious occasion of Diwali . Come, join hands and overwhelm yourself in a vibrant synergy of traditional Indian music, dance and sport. Rediscover the exotic taste of Indian food and switch your mind for some frivolous Bollywood action! This is one of mulitple Diwali events this week. For more information, visit the website .
Diwali event: Bollywood Movie
Members of the Indian community at OIST invite you all on the auspicious occasion of Diwali. Come, join hands and overwhelm yourself in a vibrant synergy of traditional Indian music, dance and sport. Rediscover the exotic taste of Indian food and switch your mind for some frivolous Bollywood action! This is one of mulitple Diwali events this week.
Seminar: DNA polymerases that defend genomes against double-strand breaks
Dr. Richard D. Wood, Professor The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Epigenetics and Molecular Carcinogenesis The Virginia Harris Cockrell Cancer Research Center
Successfail lunchtime discussion group
Percolating Cluster Devices: Possible Neuromorphic Applications
Nanoparticles by Design Unit (Sowwan Unit) would like to announce a seminar by Prof. Simon Brown
Speaker : Prof. Simon Brown, The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, 8140, Christchurch, New Zealand
Title : Percolating Cluster Devices: Possible Neuromorphic Applications
Abstract :
When clusters (nanoparticles) are randomly deposited on a surface they produce percolating films which have remarkable electrical properties. [1] Here we will focus on devices that contain percolating films of Sn clusters, and especially those that are deliberately constructed so as to guarantee that the film is close to the percolation threshold (onset of conduction). In these devices quantum mechanical tunnelling...
“Symmetry-protected topological phases in SU(N) cold fermion systems” Keisuke Totsuka (YITP, Kyoto University)
Seminar by Prof. Keisuke Totsuka (YITP, Kyoto U), Tue 8th Nov 2-3PM at D015.
Memorial Service for Laboratory Animals 実験動物慰霊祭のご案内
Animal Resources Section cordially invites researchers involved in laboratory animal experiment as well as other members to attend the annual memorial service for laboratory animals.
Grant Peer Support Group - 6th meeting
Time: 12:30-14:00, Monday - Nov 7, 2016; Venue: Lab 3, SR C700; Coordinator: Dr. Cecilia Lu, Group Leader, Van Vactor Unit, OIST; To register and read more about the event, go to
Bootcamp: "Building Communication Skills for Lab Leadership"
10:00 am - 1:00 pm on Saturday, November 5th; Ctr Bldg - Seminar Room C210; Instructor: Bill Lindstaedt; Assistant Vice Chancellor, Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services (CAIPS); University of California, San Francisco, USA; Please register on by Friday, October 28th
JavaOne 2016 Debrief Meeting in Okinawa
This is an externally organized event. For more information contact the organizers.
"The First Gene Functional Study on Corals Gives Insight into Evolution" -- Dr. Yuuri Yasuoka
Internal Seminar: Yuuri Yasuoka, Postdoctoral Researcher, Marine Genomics Unit (Satoh Unit)
"Using historical collections to understand the evolutionary response of bees to an emergent parasite" -- Dr. Alexander Mikheyev
Internal Seminar: Alexander Mikheyev, Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolution Unit (Mikheyev Unit)
Seminar!:"Magnetic Imaging by Lorentz TEM and electron holography by Prof. Hyun Soon Park"
Title: "Magnetic Imaging by Lorentz TEM and electron holography"
Speaker: Prof. Hyun Soon Park
Affiliation: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea
Observing and characterizing the magnetic microstructures on a nanometer scale are of vital importance for understanding material property and its application to engineering. Among the repertoire of so-called “magnetic imaging” methods, imaging techniques in transmission electron microscope (TEM) are Lorentz microscopy and electron holography, which can be implemented in a standard TEM. These techniques have been widely utilized to image magnetic microstructures and the magnetization process in situ. In the Fresnel (out-of-focus) method of Lorentz microscopy, domain walls (DWs), vortices and skyrmions (nanoscale spin...
Workshop: Brief Description of “Negotiating Your Faculty Start-up Package”
12:30 - 2 pm on Friday, November 4th; Ctr Bldg - Seminar Room C210; Instructor: Bill Lindstaedt; Assistant Vice Chancellor, Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services (CAIPS); University of California, San Francisco, USA; Please register on by Wednesday, November 2nd
Workshop: " Launching Your Academic Job Search and Preparing Your Application Materials"
10:00 - 11:30 am on Friday, November 4th; Ctr Bldg - Seminar Room C210; Instructor: Bill Lindstaedt; Assistant Vice Chancellor, Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services (CAIPS); University of California, San Francisco, USA; Please register on by Wednesday, November 2nd
OIST-JST Presto Joint Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics
As OIST is encouraging researchers to obtain external funding, this is a unique occasion for JST, the second biggest funding agency in Japan, and OIST, to get to know each other. This meeting is open to ALL OIST RESEARCHERS and MEMBERS of the OIST community.
Seminar "Targeted approaches for studying ecology important microbial eukaryotes" by Prof. Karla Heidelberg
Seminar "Targeted approaches for studying ecology important microbial eukaryotes"
Speaker: Prof. Karla Heidelberg
Affiliation: University of Southern California
Abstract: Microbes represent the single largest source of evolutionary and biochemical diversity on the planet. They are the major agents for cycling carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements through ecosystems. Most attention for studying environmental microbes has focused on the bacteria, and to a lesser extent on the archaea and viruses, because of the relative ease with which these assemblages can be analyzed and studied genetically. In contrast, single-celled, eukaryotic microbes (the protists) have received much less attention, in part due to large and complex genomes and comparatively sparse public databases of known genes. In this talk I will...
Workshop: "Put your PhD to work: Planning for a successful career in science"
Workshop: "Put your PhD to work: Planning for a successful career in science" - 13:30-15:30 on Friday, October 28 - Ctr Bldg, SR C210 - Instructor: Dr. Philip Clifford, University of Illinois, USA - Registration required on - Registration deadline: Tuesday, October 25
Seminar: "Comparable senescence induction in 3D human cartilage model by exposure to therapeutic doses of X-rays or C-ions" by Yannick Saintigny, CEA
Dr Yannick Saintigny. French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). Research Laboratory and Open Facility for Radiation Biology with Accelerated Ions (LARIA). Large Heavy Ion National Accelerator (GANIL).
Workshop: "Fostering scientific careers with individual development plans"
Workshop: "Fostering scientific careers with individual development plans" - 13:30-14:30 Thursday, October 27 - Lab 3 - Seminar Room C700 - for OIST Faculty (This event is not open to others) - Instructor: Dr. Philip Clifford, University of Illinois, USA - Please read more on
Successfail lunchtime discussion group
Seminar "Origins of Algal Plastids" by Prof. Yoon
Seminar "Origins of Algal Plastids"
Speaker: Professor Hwan Su Yoon
Affiliation: Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Organellogenesis and its associated endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) are driving forces of eukaryote genome evolution. However, little is known about early events in plastid origin because the primary plastid endosymbiosis in Plantae (red, green, and glaucophyte algae and plants) occurred >1 billion years ago. In this seminar, I will introduce red algal diversity and evolutionary history as a major primary endosymbiosis group, then compare a recent case of another primary endosymbiosis in photosynthetic Paulinella to better understand early stage of algal origin.
Red algae (Rhodophyta) include more than 7,000 species thrive in...
Seminar "Lithium Neutron Producing Target for BNCT" by Sergey Taskaev, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Dr. Sergey Taskaev, Leading Researcher, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Language: English.
Seminar "Vacuum Insulation Tandem Accelerator" by Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Director, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Dr. Alexander Ivanov, Deputy Director, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Language: English.
"Orientation session for OIST New Postdocs and Staff Scientists"
"Orientation session for OIST New Postdocs and Staff Scientists"; 11:30-12:30 on Monday, Oct. 24; Lab 3 - Seminar Room C700; Postdoctoral Scholars and Staff Scientists hired between June-October 2016; No registration required. More info on
MCM2016: Moduli space, conformal field theory and matrix models
OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: Aug 21, 2016 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - website:
"The physics of superfluids" -- Dr. Angela White
Internal Seminar: Angela White, Postdoctoral Researcher, Quantum Systems Unit (Busch Unit)
"Live long and phosphor: new strategy for designing photoluminescent compounds" -- Dr. Georgy Filonenko
Internal Seminar: Georgy Filonenko, Postdoctoral Researcher, Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis Unit (Khusnutdinova Unit)
Software Week2016: Intro to GPU Programming
Intro to GPU Programming by Jan Moren (OIST HPC Team)
"The Geometry of Fluid Membranes: Variational Principles, Symmetries and Conservation Laws"
"Professor Jemal Guven, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, "Language: Engrish. No interpretation."
Successfail lunchtime discussion group
Software Week2016: LabVIEW
LabVIEW Seminar by Ryuji Kuwashima (National Instruments Japan Corporation)
Seminar: "Negative resistance and other wonders of viscous electronics in graphene" by Prof. Gregory Falkovich
Seminar: "Negative resistance and other wonders of viscous electronics in graphene" by Prof. Gregory Falkovich
Software Week2016: Allinea
Allinea Hands-on Session by Florent Lebeau (Allinea Software Ltd.)
Software Week2016: Allinea
Enhance research production using Allinea Performance Reports
Presenter: Florent Lebeau (Allinea Software Ltd.)