*NEW DATES* OIST Workshop "Quantum Math, Singularities and Applications"


Monday, February 8, 2021 (All day) to Friday, February 12, 2021 (All day)


Zoom Meeting (All Online)


"Quantum Math, Singularities and Applications" has been rescheduled from July 2020 to Feb 2021. The new dates are Feb 8 - 12, 2021. We ask for you understanding that the dates are subject to change due to the the current COVID-19 situation.

Conference description
This conference of quantum mathematics and singularity includes subjects in new developments of the singularity theories and the conformal field theory. The followings are key words: two or three dimensional normal singularities, arc space and jet scheme, moduli space and operad, noncommutative geometry, conformal bootstrap and super conformal field theory. The topological materials of condensed matter physics need rigorous mathematical classifications, which will be one of applications.


  • Shihoko Ishii (Tsinghua University/Univ. Tokyo)
  • Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (The University of Tokyo)
  • Shinobu Hikami ( OIST)

Invited speakers (list is subject to change)

  1. Shihoko Ishii (Tsinghua Univ. /Univ. Tokyo, Organizer)
  2. Lawrence Ein (University of Illinois at Chicago)
  3. Kei-ichi Watanabe (Nihon University)
  4. Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (The University of Tokyo, Organizer)
  5. Vladimir Dotsenko (Univ. Strasbourg)
  6. Benoit Collins (Kyoto University)
  7. Shunsuke Takagi (The University of Tokyo)
  8. Kohsuke Shibata (Nihon University)
  9. Takehiko Yasuda (Osaka University)
  10. Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q)
  11. Kyoji Saito (Kyoto Univ. RIMS)
  12. Shinobu Hikami (OIST, Organizer)
  13. Masahiko Yoshinaga (Hokkaido University)
  14. Terry Gannon(University of Alberta)
  15. Motoko Kato (Ehime University)
  16. Makiko Mase (Mannheim University)
  17. Mayuko Yamashita (Kyoto Univ. RIMS)

Visit the website of organizing unit for more details.

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Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit (Shinobu Hikami)
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