OIST Mini Symposium "Radiation sensors and emerging applications in medical imaging, space science and materials science"

New detectors have been generating new science. Especially, the detection of photons and charged particles is the basic technology that has been providing advanced measurement in the field of biology, space science, material science, nuclear application, and so on. Actually, the speakers proposed here are comprised of prominent researchers in the various fields such as medical imaging, astrophysics, high-energy physics and muon science. In Advanced Medical Instrumentation {AMI) unit of OIST, we have been working hard on the research and development of high-performance hard X-ray or gamma-ray detectors for advanced medical imaging.
The aims of mini-symposium is to provide an opportunity for the most prominent researchers in radiation detector to: (a) present their most recent achievement of radiation detectors, (b) informally discuss about emerging application in their research fields, (c) reinforce detector R&D network for future radiation detectors. In addition, this unique opportunity including both topics of state-of-the-art sensor technology and emerging application is quite beneficial for us because we are aiming at deploying our research outcomes to not only medical imaging but also other scientific fields such as materials science or non-destructive inspection.
Speaker (in no particular order)
Prof. Lars R. Furenlid, The University of Arizona
Prof. Craig Levin, Stanford University
Prof. Kai Vetter, University of Berkeley
Dr. Limousin Olivier, CEA
Dr. Takashi Okajjima, NASA
Prof. Takayuki Takahashi, ISAS/JAXA
Prof. Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tokyo University
Prof. Yasuhiro Miyake, KEK Muon Science Laboratory
Dr. Miho Yamada, KEK
Dr. Takaki Hatsui, Spring-8
Prof. Hirotaka Sugawara, OIST
Dr. Shin'ichiro Takeda, OIST
(Speaker list is subject to change. Thank you for your understanding)
Main organizer
Hirotaka Sugawara (Advanced Medical Instrumentation Unit)
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