GEMS 2016: Geometry and Material Sciences (Pacific Graphics 2016 Satellite Workshop)


Saturday, October 15, 2016 - 09:00 to Monday, October 17, 2016 - 17:30


OIST Conference Center - Meeting Room 1 (CC-MR1)



The aim of the new workshop Geometry and Materials Sciences (GEMS) is to trigger interdisciplinary research at the emerging interfaces of material sciences, applied mathematics, and geometric computing.

New shapes, new materials, new processes are at the horizon, yet, the scientific understanding and the communication structures are behind. GEMS provides a novel framework to trigger interdisciplinary discussions among 30 world experts at the forefront of modern applied geometry and materials sciences.

The workshop is open to the research community for participation. For additional information, please contact Naoko Tokumoto (


More than 30 experts from various areas of geometry and material sciences have been invited to provide an inspiring group of most creative people. Each invited speaker will give a 30 minute talk highlighting a hot development in his area and showcase the crosslinks and open problems it poses in other fields.

Among the speakers are:

 Ergun Akleman, Texas A&M University
 Ken Anjyo, OLM Digital R&D
 Chandrajit Bajaj, The University of Texas at Austin
 Gershon Elber, Israel Institute of Technology
 Luca Giomi, Leiden University
 Giulio Giusteri, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
 Thomas Grandine, The Boeing Company
 Eitan Grinspun, Columbia University
 Anurag Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
 Jemal Guven, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
 James Hanna, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
 Paul Hildebrandt, Artist
 Douglas Holmes, Boston University
 Shizuo Kaji, Yamaguchi University
 Leif Kobbelt, RWTH Aachen University
 Motoko Kotani, Tohoku University
 Chun-Chi Lin, National Taiwan Normal University
 Hisashi Naito, Nagoya University
 Helmut Pottmann, TU Wien
 Rinus Roelofs, Sculptor
 Wayne Rossman, Kobe University
 Johannes Schoenke, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
 Chris Wojtan, IST Austria


During the workshop two large scale geometry installations will be assembled on the campus of OIST to inspire and initiate a discussion with the broader public.

Innovators Paul Hildebrandt (co-founder Zometool) and Rinus Roelofs (sculptor) will built with local student teams two geometric sculptures using their novel construction kits. A model from 4D space and a self-supporting 3D assembly will lead to many discussions about various aspects of the relation of geometry and materials.

1) By Paul Hildebrandt:
       Date: Sunday, 16th of October
       Time: 13:00~17:30
       Venue: C210, Center building, OIST
       Event Details & Registration

2) By Rinus Roelofs
       Date: Monday, 17th of October
       Time: 14:30~17:00
       Venue: Conference center, OIST
       Event Details


Eliot Fried, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Konrad Polthier, Freie Universität Berlin
Wenping Wang, The University of Hong Kong

For further details, please visit the GEMS2016 Official Website

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