第4回 大学職員向け勉強会 / #4 Study Sessions for OIST Staff (JPN)


Monday, July 1, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:00


Lab3 C700


*This session will be conducted in Japanese. English session will be offered from September.




第4回  「大学組織」 (2024年7月7月1日(月)11時~12時 @C700)




C-Hub is pleased to host a series of sessions for members in the administrative and management divisions to provide basic overall knowledge of OIST’s research activities, and to connect this understanding to a broader perspective of your role in the organization.

Are you interested in learning about the synergies between the research and educational activities of universities, and understanding the ways in which the different parts of OIST carry out the institution’s mission and goals? How might this broader, longer-term perspective change your daily work?

Session 4: Organization of Universities (July 1st, 11:00-12:00 @C700)
Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub
No prior registration is required. Attendance will be recorded on-site.

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