Past Events

Registration Now Open---Writing Workshop Series---Module 4 of 6 To Be Held on Jan. 15

2024-12-27 to 2025-01-13
*Apply on C-Hub page for "Upcoming Events." Workshop session will take place in Seminar Room C700 (Lab 3).

Registration Now Open---Writing Workshop Series---Module 4: Balancing Data with Purpose and Voice, to take place on January 15. Please register if you plan to attend at least one of the modules in the series, which are open to all OIST members. 

#2 Study Sessions for OIST Staff (ENG)/ 第2回 大学職員向け勉強会 【英語版】

Lab5 DE13
Session 2: November 15th, Friday, 13:30-15:00  @L5DE13
- Research Resources and Research Support

- Organization of Universities


#1 Study Session for OIST Staff (ENG)/ 第1回 大学職員向け勉強会 【英語版】

Lab5 DE13
Session 1: November 13th, Wednesday, 14:30-16:00  @L5DE13
- Researchers, and Science & Technology
- Inside Story and Background of Research Activities
Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki (Provost), Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai (C-Hub)


Registration Now Open---Enhancing Web Presence Workshop Series---Module 4 of 6 on November 28

2024-11-01 to 2024-11-26
*Apply on C-Hub page for "Upcoming Events." Session will be held in Seminar Room L4F01.

Registration Now Open---Enhancing Your Professional & Scientific Web Presence Workshop Series---Module 4: Building and Maintaining an Audience---Will tak place on November 28. Please register if you plan to attend at least one of the remaining three modules in the series, which are open to all OIST members. 

Apply Now---C-Hub Teaching and Course Design Certificate Bootcamp 2025---Deadline December 6

2024-11-01 to 2024-12-06
*Apply on C-Hub page for "Upcoming Events." Bootcamp sessions will be held in Seminar Room C210.

Please apply if you would like to attend the Teaching and Course Design Bootcamp 2025.

Last Day to Register---Enhancing Web Presence Workshop Series---Module 2 of 6 on August 27

2024-08-25 to 2024-08-27
Register at the link below. Event will take place in Seminar Room L4F01.

Deadline for Registration---Enhancing Your Professional & Scientific Web Presence Workshop Series, Module 2: Developing an Ecology of Different Platforms and Processes. Please register if you plan to attend at least one of the modules in the series, which are open to all OIST members. 

Last Day to Register---Writing Workshop Series---Module 1 of 6 on August 15

Register at the link below. Event will take place in Seminar Room L4F01.

Deadline for Registration---Writing Workshop Series, Module 1: Writing as Process and Story. Please register if you plan to attend at least one of the modules in the series, which are open to all OIST members. 

おまけ回 大学職員向け勉強会 / Supplementary Study Session for OIST Staff (JPN)

Lab3 C700

*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December.

 おまけ回「疑問の解消と理解の掘り下げ」 (日本語)
Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office.    Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub

第4回 大学職員向け勉強会 / #4 Study Sessions for OIST Staff (JPN)

Lab3 C700
*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December.
C-Hub 第4回大学職員向け勉強会 「大学組織」 (日本語)
Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office.    Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub

第3回 大学職員向け勉強会 / #3 Study Sessions for OIST Staff (JPN)

Lab3 C700
*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December.
C-Hub 第3回大学職員向け勉強会 「研究支援とは」 (日本語)
Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office.    Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub
