Seminar by Geet Rakala (TIFR), "Melting of three-sublattice order in triangular and Kagome Ising anti-ferromagnets with further neighbour couplings"


Friday, March 10, 2017 - 10:00 to 11:00


C016, Lab1


  • Date: Friday, 10th Mar 2017
  • Time: 10:00-11:00
  • Venue: C016, Lab1
  • Speaker: Geet Rakala, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
  • Title: "Melting of three-sublattice order in triangular and Kagome Ising anti-ferromagnets with further neighbour couplings"
  • Abstract:   Under second and third nearest neighbour ferromagnetic couplings of the constituent Ising spins, triangular and Kagome lattice antiferromagnets develop long-range order that distinguishes the three sublattices of the underlying triangular Bravais lattice. In this talk I will chalk out two cluster algorithms which we developed for such frustrated systems and discuss the various melting scenarios of the long-range order in both the lattices. I will also discuss the performance and statistics of the algorithms, and show their connection to Brownian motion in a logarithmic potential.



Hosted by Theory of Quantum Matter (Shannon) Unit


All-OIST Category: 

Intra-Group Category

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