Beginner Latin Partner Dance: Reservation is required.
It's free for the first time.
I noticed that there is not enough time to teach 3 classes in one lesson, so I will change the content of the lesson a little.
★We will have classics (Salsa, Merengue, and Bachata), class but Salsa will be taught each time, and Bachata and Merengue will be taught alternately.
There will be two classes at each lesson.
Please note that time is limited.
★In addition, the maximum number of students per lesson is 18. When the maximum number of students is reached, the application will not be accepted.
★Note: Please register by 4:40 p.m. on the day of the lesson if you wish to take the lesson.
If there is no one at the lesson site by 18:30, the lesson will be cancelled.
Please understand.
Venue: Plumeria Lounge
Note: This is not a performance-oriented dance class. The focus is on practising fun and enjoyable partner dancing.
Important Notes:
- Men will practice leading the women effectively, while women will practice responding to the lead.
- In my beginner class, beginner women are prohibited from taking the role of the man.
Key Points:
- Basics are essential in dance. Let’s practice slowly and support each other.
- Important:
- Reservations are required for each lesson.
- There is no insurance for injuries during the lesson. Please participate at your own risk. A waiver will be required.
- Indoor shoes (dance shoes or indoor slippers) are required for the lesson. Please bring your own towel and drink (non-alcoholic beverages only).
- The venue is in a residential area. Please leave quietly after the class.
- All participants must follow the instructor's instructions. Those who act out of turn will be asked to leave class immediately.
★Note: Please register by 4:40 p.m. on the day of the lesson if you wish to take the lesson.
The lesson will be cancelled if no one is at the lesson site by 18:30.Also, due to the instructor's schedule, the class may be canceled at the last minute.
Please understand. Let’s all work together and practice Latin Dance!!
Y. Arakaki. 指導歴:20年以上
※ パフォーマンス用のダンスでは無く、パートナーと楽しく踊れる練習をします。
★重要:・ 各レッスン毎に予約が必要です。
・ レッスンでの怪我等の保険はありません。各々の責任で参加下さい。
・ 室内は、土足厳禁です、レッスンの際はダンスシューズ(屋内用)かうち履き、靴下で参加下さい。飲み物やタオルも持参ください(お酒類以外)
・ 周りは住宅地です。クラス終了後は、静かにお帰り下さい。
・ 参加者は、インストラクターの指示に必ず従ってください。