Handbuilt Clay Ceramics Class for Children
Class Information
Time- 2-hour class from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Cost- ¥2,000 per person includes clay, tools, glazes, 2 firings and instruction time
Minimum 4 students per class up to 12 students at once
Level- All levels welcome, beginner and up
Notes- The clay is gray and it can leave permanent marks on white or bright clothes. Please wear something appropriate, either dark or old that you don't mind getting permanently stained. Feel free to bring an apron if wanted.
Age- 6 to 12. Age- 13+ for Adult classes
Jan 25
Feb 22
Mar 22
Apr 19
May 24
Jun 21
Each class will consist of a seasonal or Okinawa themed hand built clay project including Shisa coil plate, parrot fish wall hanging, and sea turtle plate for the fall term. The projects will be dried, and fired twice with the instructor and returned in time for the following lesson the next month.