Seminar "Quantum sensing nano-NMR using a single NV center in diamond" by Prof. Junichi Isoya, University of Tsukuba
Seminar title: Quantum sensing nano-NMR using a single NV center in diamond
Speaker: Prof. Junichi Isoya, University of Tsukuba
Venue: C016, Lab1
Date and Time: April 26 14:00-15:00
Electron spins in NV (nitrogen-vacancy) centers are optically initialized/readout, optically accessed individually, coherently-controlled by microwave pulses, and have a long coherence time at room temperature. With these excellent properties, single NV centers are outstanding platform for solid state QIP and quantum sensing at room temperature. NMR is widely used with its capability of high chemical resolution of structure identification. Single, shallow NV centers detect NMR signals from nanoscale volume of a sample on the diamond surface. However, it was challenging to attain a frequency resolution sufficient for chemical resolution. In this talk, achievement of a high frequency resolution in nano-NMR is described. Instead of pick-up coil, a single NV center of high magnetic field sensitivity is utilized as a probe to detect NMR signals driven by RF pulses at high magnetic field. Nitrogen nuclear spin having T1 of 260s is used as memory. In a liquid sample, a resolution of 1 ppm and the observation of chemical shift are attained for a detection volume by more than ten-orders smaller than that of conventional NMR. In a solid sample of dilute nuclear spins, a linewidth of 13 Hz has been attained by averaging-out the backaction of the sensor.
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