Time change: 15:00-16:00@C016, Seminar "Fast charging state detection and coherent transport of an artificial molecule" by Mr. Shota Norimoto, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University


Friday, February 16, 2018 - 15:00 to 16:00


C016, Lab1


Speaker:: Mr. Shota Norimoto

Affiliation: Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Title: Fast charging state detection and coherent transport of an artificial molecule


Nano fabrication technique allows us to develop tiny conductors. Such conductors, “mesoscopic systems”, are so small that quantum mechanics is required to understand transport. Mesoscopic conductors enable us to address interference of electron, tunnel effect, single electron manipulation, etc.

Present current standard is defined by voltage standard and resistance standard which are derived by Josephson effect and quantum Hall effect, respectively. Single electron device (operated with a few tens MHz to a few GHz) has been studied to develop primary current standard for long time [1]. Single electron device as current standard, however, has larger uncertainty than present current standard due to pumping error.

I will discuss how to correct pumping error of artificial molecule with fast charging state detection. Also, I will discuss the coherent transport, so-called Fano effect, observed in our artificial molecule [2].

[1] For example,
L. P. Kouwenhoven et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1626 (1991).
M. Keller et al., Science 285, 1706 (1999).
J. Pekola et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 120 (2007).
M. Kataoka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 126801 (2011).
G. Yamahata et al., Nat. Commun. 5, 5038 (2014).
Reviews: M. Keller, Metrologia 45, 102 (2008).
N. Kaneko, S. Nakamura and Y. Okazaki, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27, 032001 (2016).
[2] Shota Norimoto, Shuji Nakamura, Yuma Okazaki, Tomonori Arakawa, Kenichi Asano, Koji Onomitsu, Kensuke Kobayashi, and Nobu-hisa Kaneko (submitted).


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