Seminar “Quantum Zeno Dynamics in a 3D circuit-QED experiment” by Dr. Denis Vion


Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 10:00 to 11:00


Meeting Room C016, Lab1


Speaker: Dr. Denis Vion,Research Director, CEA-Saclay, France

Title: “Quantum Zeno Dynamics in a 3D circuit-QED experiment”


We present our observation of the quantum Zeno dynamics (QZD) in a 3D circuit-QED system, where an artificial atom, consisting of a superconducting circuit called a transmon, is coupled to the electric field of a microwave cavity resonator. The QZD is then observed by measuring the Wigner function of the fields at regular time intervals, by standard quantum tomography and reconstruction of the density matrix. We observe three examples of QZD, and analyze the observed decoherence with the help of quantum simulations of the system.

Host: Konstantinov Unit



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