[RAM 2021] Teatime Session: "Worldwide, world-class science"

Mark your calendar! On Monday, July 12th at 16:00, OIST's Science and Technology Group Associates Eugene Khaskin and Yuimaru Kubo will share insights of their research & career with us during the Teatime with STG Series! This editions' topic is "Worldwide, world-class science", in which our speakers will share their combined research experiences in Canada, United States, Israel, Japan, France, and now in OIST! Join us in room L4F22c* or Zoom (https://oist.zoom.us/j/81188828249?pwd=NmlSU0VsZTNYTXgrSnc0bmZUQnhDUT09) / Passcode: 192423
Speaker | Research Field | Leading Discussion Topic |
Eugene Khaskin, Ph.D. | Organometallics | Working experience in Canada – USA – Israel, Jerusalem |
Yuimaru Kubo, Ph.D. | Quantum Information Technologies | Working experience in Japan and France, the Hybrid Quantum Device project |
And please remember:
全員マスク着用の徹底 / Wear a mask at all time
徹底的に手の消毒などを実施 / Disinfect your hands often and thoroughly
* Attendance in-person is limited to 50% of the room's capacity
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