2024 ORC Council Nominations

The OIST Researcher Community (ORC) is represented by the elected members of the ORC Council (voluntary work). By bringing and discussing issues of concern to the administration, executives, and faculty, the ORC council works to improve the well-being of researchers at OIST. The council also aims to enrich the intellectual and social lives of OIST researchers by sponsoring and organizing academic and cultural events.
Everyone is encouraged to contribute to the development and shaping of the community, please consider nominating yourself or a colleague for the 2024 ORC Council!
The council positions are Chairperson, Secretary, and Researcher Representative (below). More information about the role of each council position can be found in the ORC webpage and PRP. Please email the ORC Council (orc@oist.jp) if you have any questions about this form or the nomination or election process. As always, you are welcome to join the ORC Council weekly meetings (every Wednesday at 1PM @L1C015) and bring any questions or topics that you would like to discuss with the council.
Nominations were extended to December 1st here.
Membership and Officers
The membership of the ORC includes all Postdoctoral Scholars, Staff Scientists, Research Specialists, Research Unit Technicians, and Research Fellows who have OIST as their primary affiliation. The ORC elects three Researcher Representatives, a Chairperson, and a Secretary. Elections will be held at least every two years by secret ballot, as often as the Chairperson deems necessary.
The ORC will hold meetings as necessary and at least quarterly. Each unit is encouraged to have at least one member attend the meetings to encourage interaction, communication, and collaboration at OIST. Decisions of the ORC will be made by majority vote with each attending member having a single vote. At the discretion of the Chairperson, Executives or Faculty Members may be invited to attend for specific items on the agenda and may be invited to stay for the rest of the meeting.
Chairperson and Secretary
The Chairperson leads the ORC and moderates the discussion in the ORC meetings. The Chairperson and a Secretary schedule the meetings for the ORC. The Secretary prepares the agenda and records notes of the proceedings. In the absence of the Chairperson or Secretary, the Researcher Representatives assume these roles.
Researcher Representatives
The Researcher Representatives bring feedback to, or initiate discussion with, the Faculty Assembly and members of the Executive as appropriate. They may submit topics for consideration to the Chair of the Faculty Assembly, based on discussions of the ORC.
Advisory Groups and Assistants
The Chairperson may organize ad hoc or standing Advisory Groups to assist the Researcher Representatives for specific tasks or issues of importance to the ORC. The Chairperson may appoint Assistants as necessary to manage the administration of the ORC.
More information: 2024 ORC Elections
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