Past Events
Seminar "Single Microwave-photon detector based on superconducting quantum circuits" by Dr. Kunihiro Inomata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)
2017-12-18Dr. Kunihiro Inomata, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Language: English
Seminar”Laser spectroscopy of Dy atoms in superfluid helium: Interaction of atomic nano-bubbles with phonons and rotons" by Dr. Petr Moroshkin, RIKEN
2017-12-04Dr. Petr Moroshkin, Research Scientist, RIKEN, Center for Emergent Matter Science, Wako, Japan
Language: English
Seminar "Silicon Quantum computers" by Prof.Kohei Itoh, Keio University
2017-12-01Prof. Kohei Itoh, Professor, Keio University, Department of Applied Physics and Phsico-Informatics
Language: English
The silicon-vacancy centre spin in diamond for quantum information processing, Benjamin Pingault
2017-09-19Seminar by Benjamin Pingault, Cambridge University, UK
Seminar “Quantum Zeno Dynamics in a 3D circuit-QED experiment” by Dr. Denis Vion
2017-09-12Dr. Denis Vion, Research Director, CEA-Saclay, France, Language: English
Seminar "Microwave engineering, magnetic sensing technique, and materials science for nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond" by Dr. Eisuke Abe
2017-02-28Dr. Eisuke Abe, Project Lecturer, Keio University, Language: English
Seminar "Toward Visualization of Quantum Dynamics" by Dr. Yutaka Shikano, Institute for Molecular Science
2017-02-06Dr. Yutaka Shikano, Research Associate Professor, Institute for Molecular Science, Language: English
Seminar: Progress in Bi-2223 high-Tc superconductor (HTS) development
2016-11-24Dr. Hitoshi Kitaguchi, Deputy Director, Research Center for Functional Materials/ National Institute for Materials Science.
OIST-JST Presto Joint Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics
2016-10-31As OIST is encouraging researchers to obtain external funding, this is a unique occasion for JST, the second biggest funding agency in Japan, and OIST, to get to know each other. This meeting is open to ALL OIST RESEARCHERS and MEMBERS of the OIST community.
Erika Kawakami "Physical realization of qubits using electrons confined in gate-defined quantum dots on a Si/SiGe two-dimensional electron gas"
2016-08-05Ms. Erika Kawakami, Delft University of Technology, Language: English