Past Events
Seminar "Nanostructure and alignment control function of single synapses" by Prof. Thomas Blanpied
2018-03-09OIST Graduation Ceremony 2017
2018-02-24Attendance is by invitation only. For details, please see the OIST Graduation Ceremony 2017 website.
[seminar] Split energy cascade in turbulent thin fluid layers by Dr. Stefano Musacchio, Universite' de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
2018-02-22Speaker: Dr. Stefano Musacchio, Universite' de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Titile: Split energy cascade in turbulent thin fluid layers
2018 1st Admissions Workshop
2018-02-13 to 2018-02-15Selection workshop for students seeking admission to the OIST PhD program in 2018
[PhD Thesis Presentation] -Daisuke Takahashi- Minimal Gauged U(1) Extension of the Standard Model with Classical Scale Invariance and Phenomenology
2018-01-29Speaker: Daisuke Takahashi
[Seminar] Curiosity-based learning in infants and computational models by Dr. Gert Westermann
2018-01-25Speaker: Dr. Westermann
[Seminar TODAY] Atomtronics and cavity QED experiments in Auckland.
2018-01-22I will discuss two experiments at the University of Auckland. In the first experiment we consider a two dimensional Bose gas in an "atomtronic" circuit. We will look at the effects of Anderson localization and of quantum turbulence.
In the second experiment we consider an optical nanofiber, which is part of a fiberoptic ring resonator, interacting with atoms in a MOT. We see strong coupling between atoms and photons, and show saturation of the system for 13 photons in the resonator.
Dr. Hooglerland's expertised field
My research is been centered around the interaction and correspondence between light and matter, and the application of its principles to other areas of research. At low temperatures, matter can be made to behave much like light, i.e., best described by waves. In its interaction with such matter, light can behave like it is composed of particles. Laser cooling and trapping forms a key technique in understanding this interplay. I apply these cooling and trapping techniques to experimental research areas of fundamental atomic physics, quantum chaos, quantum information, and atom lasers. From this research emerges a deeper understanding of the quantum world, which determines in turn what happens in the world around us. Spin-offs from this research I am involved with are improved spectroscopic techniques, laser techniques, interferometric high-precision measurements and atomic beam applications.
More up-to-date information can be found on my group website
(Cited from the website of University of Auckland)
[SEMINAR] Post-genomic strategies to understand immune system in plants
2018-01-05Speaker: Dr. Hirofumi Nakagami
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
[SEMINAR] Unraveling developmental and immune networks using integrated omic profiling
2018-01-05Speaker: Dr. Justin Walley
Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Iowa State
University, Ames, USA.
[PhD Thesis Presentation] - Nino Espinas - rCBP-dependent regulation in rice innate immunity
2018-01-05Title: rCBP-dependent regulation in rice innate immunity
Speaker: Nino Espinas
Affiliation: PhD Student - Plant Epigenetics Unit (Saze Unit)