Past Events
[Seminar] Alternative RNAs in the brain by Pedro Miura
Title: Alternative RNAs in the brain
Speaker: Professor. Pedro Miura
Institution: University of Nevada
[Seminar] Genetic and functional dissection of neural circuits formation in the zebrafish visual system by Del Bene Filippo
Title: Genetic and functional dissection of neural circuits formation in the zebrafish visual system
Speaker: Professor. Del Bene Filippo
Institution: INSERM/Institut Curie
[Seminar] Image and Shape Analysis of Biological Specimens by Daniel Baum
Title: Image and Shape Analysis of Biological Specimens
Speaker: Professor. Daniel Baum
Institution: Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
[Seminar] Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Quantum Materials by Richard Averitt
Title: Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Quantum Materials
Speaker: Professor. Richard Averitt
Institution: UC San Diego
[Seminar] LRP2 mediates retinoid homeostasis to prevent myopia by Brian A. Link
Title: LRP2 mediates retinoid homeostasis to prevent myopia
Speaker: Professor. Brian A. Link
Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy
Medical College of Wisconsin
[Seminar] Synergism among genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic approaches to the study of venom composition and evolution by Professor Darin R. Rokyta
Title: Synergism among genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic approaches to the study of venom composition and evolution
Speaker: Professor. Darin R. Rokyta
Institution: Florida State University
[Seminar] Emergence of topological gauge theories from coupled arrays of wires - coupled-wire construction demystified by Professor Keisuke Totsuka
Title: Emergence of topological gauge theories from coupled arrays of wires
-- coupled-- wire construction demystified
Speaker: Professor Keisuke Totsuka
Institution: Kyoto University
[Seminar] Trapping Visons in Kitaev’s spin liquid by Professor. Masafumi Udagawa
Title: Trapping Visons in Kitaev’s spin liquid
Speaker: Professor Masafumi Udagawa
Institution: Gakushuin University
[PhD Thesis Presentation] -Ray Xin Lee- Nature and source of animal spontaneous behaviors : Insights from psycho behavioral development and neuronal population dynamics in mice
2018-10-03Thesis Public Presentation
Presenter: Ray Xin Lee
Title: Nature and source of animal spontaneous behaviors : Insights from psycho behavioral development and neuronal population dynamics in mice
Date&Time: October 3rd, 9:00am
Venue: C700, Lab3
[Seminar] In vivo imaging of calcium and membrane potential signals in mouse hippocampal neurons
Title: In vivo imaging of calcium and membrane potential signals in mouse hippocampal neurons
Speaker: Professor Tsai-Wen Chen
Institution: National Yang-Ming University