Past Events

English for Academic Email Correspondence - Structuring Content


Ricardo Semler, CEO at Semco SA says: "The longer the message, the greater the chance of misinterpretation."

Putting yourself in your recipient’s shoes is key to getting your email read.


Business English communication Skills- Comparison


Business English communication skills may be essential in your work, or you may wish to improve your business English vocabulary, knowledge, and skills. This short series of 10 one-hour classes will help you work more effectively when using English. Each class will focus of a different aspect of business English communications. Classes will be at 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Business English communication Skills - Direct and Indirect Language


Business English communication skills may be essential in your work, or you may wish to improve your business English vocabulary, knowledge, and skills. This short series of 10 one-hour classes will help you work more effectively when using English. Each class will focus of a different aspect of business English communications. Classes will be at 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Business English communication Skills - Complaining and apologizing


Business English communication skills may be essential in your work, or you may wish to improve your business English vocabulary, knowledge, and skills. This short series of 10 one-hour classes will help you work more effectively when using English. Each class will focus of a different aspect of business English communications. Classes will be at 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Business English communication Skills - Meeting


Business English communication skills may be essential in your work, or you may wish to improve your business English vocabulary, knowledge, and skills. This short series of 10 one-hour classes will help you work more effectively when using English. Each class will focus of a different aspect of business English communications. Classes will be at 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

English for Academic Email Correspondence - Salutations


Is it Dear Smith, Dear John, Dear John Smith, Dear Doctor John Smith, Dear Professor Smith, Honourable Professor Smith OR Dear Sir?

First impressions are important in writing too. Join us as we discuss how to address people you know and those you do not. We will look at titles and learn how to make it clear who the email is intended for.

International Schools virtual webinar


Virtual webinar with representatives from two area international schools: OCSI and Hope Academy

When: Wednesday, March 16, 1800-1930

Where: Zoom (click for link to register)

Target Audience: OIST parents/guardians/curious community members

Business English communication Skills - Useful Email language


Version up your workplace English!

Ten zoom classes for basic/pre-intermediate business English.

March 9th (More) Useful Email language follow up Emails.

English for Writing Research Papers - Sentence Structure 1 of 3 (CANCELLED)


The best writers have a few basic guidelines for making their sentences easy to read.

Join us to find out the rules for writing simple, easy to read sentences that will provide the clarity reviewers are looking for.

English for Academic Email Correspondence - Subject lines


What separates your email's subject line from other spam type emails?

In this seminar we will look at what makes a good subject line, how we can maximise the way it is seen in email software and how we can make it more meaningful for the reader.
