[Seminar] Temperate carbonate reefs, 'blue carbon' and the 'plastisphere'

Seminar: Temperate carbonate reefs, 'blue carbon' and the 'plastisphere'.
Speaker: Jason Hall-Spencer*
Professor of Marine Biology at the Universities of Plymouth (UK) and Tsukuba (Japan)
Hosted by: Prof. Timothy Ravasi, OIST Marine Climate Change Unit
This talk will introduce two major forms of cold-water biogenic habitats. Deep-sea coral reefs are extensive in the NE Atlantic region due to high food availability and high carbonate saturation levels. Maerl beds are calcified seaweed habitats and are the oldest biogenic habitat type found in shallow waters of the region. These habitats are being lost due to the use of damaging fishing gear types and aquaculture, even inside 'protected' areas. I will discuss some recent thinking about why restoration of 'blue carbon' habitats is not a major solution to climate mitigation, but that there are major added benefits of restoring them and avoiding further degradation. I will finish describing a mesocosm experiment, showing the effects of ocean acidification on the microbes that live on discarded plastic drinking bottles in the sea.
Jason received his PhD on the biology of coralline algae from the University of London in 1995. In Plymouth he mainly teaches, but around 40% of his academic time is devoted to working with others on applied research to provide people with the scientific information needed to best manage the marine environment for food, for water, for energy production and for waste removal. This has to bear in mind the impacts of stressors such as invasive species, ocean acidification and warming. Jason is currently also working on invasive lionfish control and the impacts of a lack of biosecurity in the Suez Canal, Egypt.
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Meeting ID: 940 9263 0085 Passcode: 370958
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