Fitness Gym Registration Form

OIST Fitness Gym Registration Form

  • Make sure you have been issued one of the following ID cards

For OIST staff, students, and postdocs: You must have an official OIST ID card with your picture on it in order to gain access. A temporary ID, which is normally given to you while you wait for your permanent ID to be issued, cannot be used to gain access. Once you receive your permanent ID card, take the online Gym orientation, and submit this registration form to get gym access on your OIST ID card.

For family members of OIST employees/students: If you are a family member of an OIST employee or an OIST student, first contact OIST Resource Center to apply for a Family Member Access Card. After receiving the Family Card, take the online Gym orientation and submit this registration form. The Fitness Gym access will be given on your Family Card.

For visiting researchers/visiting professors and special employees: your temporary ID card can be used. Take the online Gym orientation and submit this registration form, then make an appointment with to pay for a month's use in cash to activate gym access on your temporary card.

For research interns: Your temporary ID card can be used. Please click the option that you do not have an official OIST ID and follow the steps.

If you are a family member of an OIST employee or a student:
Log in with your family member's OIST account info to take the orientation
If you are a visiting researcher, or a visiting professor, who doesn't have an OIST account:
Please book an appointment with to visit the Recreation Services office to take the online orientation in our office.
  • Fill out the below registration form and upload the below documents:

  1. the "orientation completion certificate"

  2. Signed Liability Waiver Form

1 スタート 2 完了
If you are applying for someone else, give the name of the person who will be using the gym
JY 400 per day and maximum charge is JY4,000 per month. *Multiple use in the same day counts as one. 1回400円、月の請求額上限を4000円とします。*1日に数回ご利用頂いても、1回とカウントします。
Application Form | 申込書
Family Member Access | ご家族のジムご利用について
Family member gym access: Access to the gym will be given after the family member completes the orientation.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx zip.