/Schedule Changed/"Open Quantum Walks: from Quantum Computing to Quantum Biology" Ilya Sinayskiy

The schedule has been changed as below.
Open Quantum Walks:
from Quantum Computing to Quantum Biology
Dr. Ilya Synayskiy
NITheP and University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
- Date:
Tuesday, 09 February→Wednesday, 10 February - Time:
10:30-11:30→ 16:00-17:00 - Venue: C015, Level C Lab1
Recently, a formalism for discrete time open quantum walks was introduced. This formalism is exclusively based on the non-unitary dynamics induced by the environment. This approach rests on the implementation of appropriate completely positive maps. In this talk, I will show that Open Quantum Walks can perform universal quantum computation and can be used for quantum state engineering. I will also show how open quantum walks can be used to describe the transport of excitations in large macromolecular systems (manly inspired by the light-harvesting complexes).
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the seminar.
Quantum Systems Unit
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