"Nano-friction in cavity quantum electrodynamics" Thomás Fogarty


2015年4月17日 (金) 10:30 11:30


D014, Level D, Lab1


Nano-friction in cavity quantum electrodynamics

Dr. Thomás Fogarty
Saarland University, Germany

・Date: Friday, 17 April
・Time: 10:30-11:30
・Venue: D014, LevelD, Lab1

I describe the process of self-organisation of ions in an optical cavity due to the interplay between the Coulomb forces of the ions and the optical forces from the cavity. This can be described in the language of the well known Frenkel-Kontorova model whereby tuning the depth of the cavity lattice one can realise structural transitions. As the depth of this lattice is increased the ions undergo a transition, from a sliding phase to a pinned phase with increasing static friction, once the strength of the lattice exceeds a critical point. As a consequence of the ion-cavity coupling there is an associated back-action of the ions on the cavity field which establishes a long range interaction between the ions. I will discuss how the cavity back-action affects the structural transitions of the ion chain, and how to observe these structural phases through the spectrum of the cavity output field.

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