"Hydrodynamics of 2D quantum vortices" Ashton Bradley



C016, Level C, Lab 1


Quantum Systems Unit (Busch U) would like to invite to a seminar by Dr. Ashton Bradley, University of Otago.

Date: Tuesday 4 July
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Venue: Meeting Room C016 (Level C, Lab 1)


Dr. Ashton Bradley
Senior Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand

Title: Hydrodynamics of 2D quantum vortices

In this talk I will outline a hydrodynamic reformulation of the point vortex model.
The theory describes point vortices as a distinct fluid, with equations of motion in hydrodynamic form that are fundamentally different from the equation of motion for the superfluid. I will describe a number of anomalous predictions of the theory due to the quantum nature of the vortices.


Looking forward to seeing many of you at the seminar!


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