Seminar by Dr. Jian-Zhou Zhu - "Chiroids'' statistical absolute equilibrium and chirality of (magneto) fluid turbulence


2013年7月30日 (火) 13:00 14:30


C016, Lab 1



Physics and Biology Unit would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Dr. Jian-Zhou Zhu.



Date: Tuesday, July 30 2013

Time: 1:00-2:30p.m.

Venue: C016, Lab 1



Speaker: Jian-Zhou Zhu, Ph.D.


Title: "Chiroids'' statistical absolute equilibrium and chirality of (magneto) fluid turbulence



An incompressible hydrodynamic-type system can be reduced to the dynamics

of chiroids (a la Kelvin) with helical wave/mode representation. Left- and right-handed

chiral sectors of the absolute statistical equilibrium spectra are split, and either sector

may present without the necessity of the existence of the other, i.e. unichirally. One

sector can dominate around its positive pole(s) with corresponding net helicity. New

insights about turbulence of various systems concerning chirality (selection and

amplification) and spectral transfers follow.


In this talk, I will focus on the cases of pure hydrodynamics and single-fluid

magnetohydrodynamics, discussing relevant issues such as turbulence cascade and

dynamo with new perspectives, especially those phenomena observed for a long time but

not well explained by the classical helical Fourier absolute equilibria [R. H. Kraichnan, J.

Fluid Mech. 59, 745 (1973); U. Frisch, A. Pouquet, J. Leorat and A. Mazure, J. Fluid

Mech. 68, 769 (1975)]. If time permits, I may talk about more involved plasma physics,

such as whistler/helicon waves, ion cyclotron waves etc., which may find their roles in

space/astrophysics and fusion science.



Host: Jonathan Miller, Physics and Biology Unit


We look forward to seeing many of you.



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