“The Times They Are a-Changin” - Scientists’ Responsibilities in Changing the Future of Society


2014年3月25日 (火) 17:00 18:30




“The Times They Are a-Changin”*
Scientists’ Responsibilities in Changing the Future of Society

In the next decades, society will be heavily dominated by science and technology. New technologies will transform life, business, the global economy and social behavior in all continents. What influence will scientists have on the successful integration of this vast change for humanity?

OIST Graduate University is perfectly placed to initiate and pursue this crucial discussion. OIST has an international community that can express the – potentially very different – views of all regions of the world. OIST has a wide age distribution, from students to senior academics, which is a rich source of opinions and attitudes. Our work is at the frontier of research and education, covering a very diverse range of interest and disciplines.

We have an opportunity to initiate new thinking on the future interdependency of science and society. We can subsequently present our ideas at other forums around the world and strongly influence the positive acceptance of science as the culture of the 21st century.

Society in all regions is already being confronted with technologies that have a dramatic impact, such as mobile internet, big data, surveillance, personalized medicine, instant media, advanced robotics, next generation genetics, renewable energies and energy storage. These are only a few examples of technologies that will transform everyone’s lives. How do we help humanity absorb such progress without tearing itself apart? How should scientists contribute to this issue that is central to the safe and just development of society in all regions of the world?

Come to the round-table “The Times They are a-Changin - Scientists’ Responsibilities in Changing the Future of Society” at 17:00 – 18:30, Tuesday 25th March. Susan Hackwood, Executive Director of California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), and Julie Meier Wright, Strategic Advisor at Collaborative Economics and an advisor to CCST, will lead the discussion. Jonathan Dorfan will moderate. We need your input and your vision – so please attend. Do not miss this opportunity for OIST to start a movement to influence and enhance the relationship between scientists and society.

* B.Dylan


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