Full publications

  1. Tadashi Yamamoto and Fumio Imamoto, Differential stability of trp messenger RNA synthesized originating at the trp promoter and pL promoter of lambda-trp phage. J. Mol. Biol. 92: 289-309, 1975
  2.  Tadashi Yamamoto and Fumio Imamoto, Function of the tof gene product in modifying chemical stability of trp messenger RNA synthesized from the pL promoter of ltrp phage.  Mol. Gen. Genet. 155: 131-138, 1977
  3.  Haruji Nakamura, Tadashi Yamamoto and Fumio Imamoto, pL-promoted transcription of the promoter-proximal N-trp region is insensitive to chloramphenicol in the absence of N function.  Mol. Gen. Genet. 159: 21-26, 1978
  4. Hatsumi Iguma, Tadashi Yamamoto, Fumio Imamoto and Yoshinari Ohnishi,  Degradation in a mutant of Escherichia coli of "stable" trp messenger RNA from the pL promoter of lambda-trp phage.  FEMS Microbiol. Letters 4: 121-123, 1978
  5. Mark E. Sobel, Tadashi Yamamoto, Sherrill L. Adams, Roberto Di Lauro, V. Enrico Avvedimento, Benoit de Crombrugghe and Ira Pastan, Construction of a recombinant bacterial plasmid containing a chick pro-a2 collagen gene sequence.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75: 5846-5850, 1978
  6. Tadashi Yamamoto, Mark E. Sobel, Scherrill L. Adams, V. Enrico Avvedimento, Roberto Di Lauro, Ira Pastan, Benoit de Crombrugghe, Allan Showalter, Donna Pesciotta, Peter Fietzek and Bjorn Olsen,  Construction of a recombinant bacterial plasmid containing pro-a1(I) collagen DNA sequences.  J. Biol. Chem. 225: 2612-2615, 1980
  7. Tadashi Yamamoto, Gilbert Jay and Ira Pastan, Unusual features in the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone derived from the common region of avian sarcoma virus messenger RNA.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77: 176-180, 1980
  8. Tadashi Yamamoto, Jaya Sivaswami Tyagi, John B. Fagan, Gilbert Jay, Benoit de Crombrugghe and Ira Pastan, Molecular mechanism for the capture and excision of the transforming gene of avian sarcoma virus as suggested by analysis of recombinant clones.  J. Virol. 35: 436-443, 1980
  9. Tadashi Yamamoto, Benoit de Crombrugghe and Ira Pastan, Identification of a functional promoter in the long terminal repeat of Rous sarcoma virus.  Cell 22: 787-797, 1980
  10. Showalter AM, Pesciotta DM, Eikenberry EF, Yamamoto T, Pastan I, DeCrombrugghe B, Fietzek PP and Olsen BR, Nucleotide sequence of a collagen cDNA-fragment coding for the carboxyl end of proa1(I)-chains.  FEBS Letters 111: 61-65, 1980
  11. Mark E. Sobel, Tadashi Yamamoto, Benoit de Crombrugghe and Ira Pastan, Regulation of pro-collagen messenger ribonucleic acid levels in Rous sarcoma virus transformed chick embryo fibroblasts.  Biochemistry 20: 2678-2684, 1981
  12. Glenn T. Merlino, Gabriel Vogeli, Tadashi Yamamoto, Benoit de Crombrugghe and Ira Pastan, Accurate in vitro transcriptional of the chick a2(Type I) collagen gene.  J. Biol. Chem. 256: 11251-11258, 1981
  13. Tadashi Yamamoto, Sadaaki Kawai, Takumi Koyama, Hiroshi Hihara, Takehiko Shimizu, and Kumao Toyoshima, Newly generated avian erythroblastosis virus produces non-infectious particles lacking env gene products.  Virology 129: 31-39, 1983
  14. Tadashi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Hihara, Tsutomu Nishida, Sadaaki Kawai, and Kumao Toyoshima,  A new avian erythroblastosis virus, AEV-H, carries erbB gene responsible for the induction of both erythroblastosis and sarcomas.  Cell 34: 225-232, 1983
  15. Tadashi Yamamoto, Tsutomu Nishida, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Sadaaki Kawai, Tatsuo Ooi, and Kumao Toyoshima, The erbB gene of avian erythroblastosis virus is a member of the src gene family. Cell 35: 71-78, 1983
  16. Tsutomu Nishida, Shinichi Sakamoto, Tadashi Yamamoto, Michael Hayman, Sadaaki Kawai and Kumao Toyoshima, Comparison of genome structures between three different strains of avian erythroblastosis viruses.  Gann 75: 325-333, 1984
  17. Glenn T. Merlino, Yong-H. Xu, Shunsuke Ishii, Adrian J.L. Clark, Kentaro Semba, Kumao Toyoshima, Tadashi Yamamoto and Ira Pastan, Amplification and enhanced expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene in A431 human carcinoma cells.  Science 224: 417-419, 1984
  18. Kimiko H. Yamagishi, Shuntaro Ikawa, Sadaaki Kawai, Hiroshi Hihara, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima,   Characterization of two strains of avian sarcoma viruses isolated from avian lymphatic leukosis virus-induced sarcoma.  Virology 137: 266-275, 1984
  19. Tetsu Akiyama, Yasuhiro Yamada, Hiroshi Ogawara, Nancy Richert, Ira Pastan, Tadashi Yamamoto and Masato Kasuga,  Site specific antibodies to the erbB oncogene product immunoprecepitate epidermal growth factor receptor.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 123: 799-802, 1984
  20. Kentaro Semba, Yuji Yamanashi, Makoto Nishizawa, Jun Sukegawa, Michihiro Yoshida, Motomichi Sasaki, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Location of the c-yes gene on the human chromosome and its expression in various tissues.  Science 227: 1083-1040, 1985
  21. John H. Hunts, Nobuyoshi Shimizu, TadashiYamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Glenn T. Merlino, Yong-H Xu and Ira Pastan, Translocation chromosome 7 of A431 cells contains amplification and rearrangement of EGF receptor gene responsible for production of variant mRNA.  Somat. Cell. & Mol. Genetics 11: 477-484, 1985
  22. Kentaro Semba, Nobuyuki Kamata, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto, A v-erbB- related proto-oncogene, c-erbB-2, is distinct from the c-erbB-1/EGF receptor gene and is amplified in a human salivary gland adenocarcinoma.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.  82: 6497-6501, 1985
  23. Makoto Nishizawa, Kentaro Semba, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Human c-fgr gene does not contain sequences that codes for actin-like protein.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 76: 155-159 (1985)
  24. Makoto Nishizawa, Bruce J. Mayer, Tatsuo Takeya, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Hidesaburo Hanafusa and Sadaaki Kawai.  Two independent mutations are required for temperature-sensitive cell transformation by a RSV ts mutant.  J. Virol. 56: 743-749, 1985
  25. Mikiharu Fukui, Tadashi Yamamoto, Sadaaki Kawai, Koji Maruo and Kumao Toyoshima, Detection of three new transforming genes in human tumors maintained in nude mice.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 5954-5958, 1985
  26. Michihiro Yoshida, Motomichi Sasaki, Keiji Mise, Kentaro Semba, Makoto Nishizawa, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Regional mapping of the human proto-oncogene c-yes-1, to chromosome 18 at band q21.3.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 76: 559-562, 1985
  27. Tadashi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Kamata, Hiroko Kawano, Shoichi Shimizu, Toshio Kuroki, Kumao Toyoshima, Koichi Rikimaru, Nobuo Nomura, Ryotaro Ishizaki, Ira Pastan, Shinobu Gamou, and Nobuyoshi Shimizu, High incidence of amplification of the EGF receptor gene in human squamous carcinoma cell lines.  Cancer Res. 46: 414-416, 1986
  28. Tadashi Yamamoto, Shuntaro Ikawa, Tetsu Akiyama, Kentaro Semba, Nobuo Nomura, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Toshiyuki Saito, and Kumao Toyoshima, Similarity of protein encoded by the human c-erbB-2 gene to epidermal growth factor receptor.  Nature 319: 230-234, 1986
  29. Shin-ichi Fukushige, Ken-ichi Matsubara, Michihiro Yoshida, Motomichi Sasaki, Toshimitsu Suzuki, Kentaro Semba, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto, Localization of a v-erbB-related gene, c-erbB-2, on the human chromosome and its amplification in MKN-7 gastric cancer cell line.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 6: 955-958, 1986
  30. Makoto Nishizawa, Kentaro Semba, Michihiro Yoshida, Tadashi Yamamoto, Motomichi Sasaki and Kumao Toyoshima, Structure, expression, and chromosomal location of the human c-fgr gene.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 6: 511-517, 1986
  31. Jun Yokota, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Masaaki Terada, Takashi Sugimura, Hector Battefora and Martin J. Cline, Frequent amplification of the c-erbB-2 oncogene in human adenocarcinomas.  The Lancet i: 765-767, 1986
  32. Tetsu Akiyama, Chie Sudo, Hiroshi Ogawara, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto, The product of the human c-erbB-2 gene ; A 185,000 dalton glycoprotein associated with tyrosine kinase activity.  Science 232: 1644-1646, 1986
  33. Kentaro Semba, Makoto Nishizawa, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Michihiro C. Yoshida, Jun Sukegawa, Yuji Yamanashi, Motomichi Sasaki, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Novel tyrosine kinase predicted from cDNA clones of the yes related proto-oncogene, syn.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 5459-5463, 1986
  34. Shuntaro Ikawa, Kimiko Hagino-Yamagishi, Sadaaki Kawai, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima,  Activation of the cellular src gene by transducing retroviruses.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 6: 2420-2428, 1986
  35. Shuntaro Ikawa, Tadahsi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Modification of carboxyl-terminal region is the cause of activation of the src gene in avian sarcoma virus S2.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 77: 611-614, 1986
  36. Nobuo Nomura, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Hiroshi Ohama, Koho Akimaru, Shigeru Sasaki, Yoshizo Nakagami, Hideshi Kanauchi, Tasuku Shoji, Yasunori Hiraoka, Minami Matsui, and Ryotaro Ishizaki, DNA amplification of the c-myc and c-erbB-1 gene in a human stomach cancer.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 77: 1188-1192, 1986
  37. Michihiro C. Yoshida, Hitoshi Satoh, Motomichi Sasaki, Kentaro Semba, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Regional localization of a novel yes-related protooncogene, syn, on human chromosome 6 at band q21.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 77: 1059-1061, 1986
  38. Kumao Toyoshima, Kentaro Semba, Tetsu Akiyama, Shuntaro Ikawa and Tadashi Yamamoto, The c-erbB-2 gene encodes a receptor-like protein with tyrosine kinase activity.  Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 51: 977-982, 1986
  39. Jun Sukegawa, Kentaro Semba, Yuji Yamanashi, Makoto Nishizawa, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Characterization of cDNA clones for the human c-yes gene.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 7: 41-47, 1987
  40. Yuji Yamanashi, Shin-ichi Fukushige, Kentaro Semba, Jun Sukegawa, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Ken-ichi Matsubara, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, The yes-related cellular gene, lyn, encodes possible tyrosine kinase similar to pp56lck.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 7: 237-243, 1987
  41. Sadaaki Kawai, Makoto Nishizawa, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Cell transformation by a virus containing a molecularly constructed gag-erbB fused gene.  J. Virol. 61: 1665-1669, 1987
  42. Takashi Kadowaki, Masato Kasuga, Kazuyuki Tobe, FumimaroTakaku, Eisuke Nishida, Hiko-ichi Sakai, Shigeo Koyasu, Ichiro Yahara, Kumao Toyoshima, Tadashi Yamamoto and Tetsu Akiyama, A Mr=190,000 glycoprotein, a major substrate of the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase in KB cells, is the product of the human c-erbB-2 gene.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 144: 699-704, 1987
  43. Yasuhiko Kaneko, Chieko Homma, Nobuo Maseki, Masaharu Sakurai, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Human c-erbB-2 is located at band 17q21 and more proximal to the centromere than the breakpoint in acute promyeolcytic leukemia.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 78: 16-19, 1987
  44. Dujin Zhou, Hector Battifora, Jun Yokota, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Martin J. Cline, Association of multiple copies of the c-erbB-2 oncogene with spread of breast cancer.  Cancer Res. 47: 6123-6125, 1987
  45. Mikiharu Fukui, Tadashi Yamamoto, Sadaaki Kawai, Fumihiro Mitsunobu and Kumao Toyoshima, Molecular cloning and characterization of an activated human c-raf-1 gene.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 7: 1776-1781, 1987
  46. Shunsuke Ishii, Fumio Imamoto, Yuji Yamanahsi, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto, Characterization of the promoter region of the human c-erbB-2 proto-oncogene.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 4347-4378, 1987
  47. Shigeo Mori, Tetsu Akiyama, Yasuyuki Morishita, Sho-ichi Shimizu, Keisuke Sakai, Katsuko Sudoh, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Light and electron-microscopical demonstration of c-erbB-2 gene product-like immunoreactivity on human malignancies.  Virchow Archiv 54: 8-15, 1987
  48. Kazushi Inoue, Shuntaro Ikawa, Kentaro Semba, Jun Sukegawa, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Isolation and sequencing of cDNA clones homologous to the v-fgr oncogene from a human B lymphocyte cell line, IM-9.  Oncogene 1: 301-304, 1987
  49. Tetsu Akiyama, Toshiyuki Saito, Hitoshi Ogawara, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Tumor promoter and epidermal growth factor stimulate phosphorylation of the c-erbB-2 gene product in human adenocarcinoma cells.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 8: 1019-1026, 1988
  50. Taketoshi Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Yamauchi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, Nobuhiro Harada, Hideaki Tanaka, Sei-ichi Takahashi, Hiroshi Yamamoto, and Shigeyoshi Fujimoto, Isolation of a cDNA clone encoding bovine poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase by immunological screening of cDNA expression library and its application as a probe.  European J. Biochem. 171: 571-575, 1988
  51. Jun Yokota, Tadashi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Kumao Toyoshima, Nobuo Nomura, Hiromi Sakamoto, Teruhiko Yoshida, Masaaki Terada, and Takashi Sugimura, Genetic alterations of the c-erbB-2 oncogene occur frequently in tubular adenocarcinomas of the stomach and are often accompanied by amplification of the v-erbA homologue.  Oncogene 2: 283-287, 1988
  52. Kentaro Semba, Makoto Nishizawa, Hitoshi Sato, Shin-ichi Fukushige, Michihiro C. Yoshida, Motomichi Sasaki, Ken-ichi Matsubara, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Nucleotide sequence and chromosomal mapping of the human c-yes-2 gene.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. (Gann) 79: 710-717, 1988
  53. Shuntaro Ikawa, Mikiharu Fukui, Yoshito Ueyama, Norikazu Tamaoki, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, B-raf, a new member of raf family, is activated by DNA rearrangement.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 8: 2651-2654, 1988
  54. Seng H. Cheng, Robert Harvey, Pearl C. Epshino, Kentaro Semba, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, and Alan E. Smith, Peptide antibodies to the human c-fyn gene product demonstrate p59c-fyn is capable of complex formation with the middle T antigen of polyoma virus.  EMBO J. 7: 3845-3855, 1988
  55. Nobuyuki Miyajima, Yasunori Kadowaki, Shin-ichi Fukushige, Sho-ichi Shimizu, Kentaro Semba, Yuji Yamanashi, Ken-ichi Matsubara, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Identification of two novel members of erbA superfamily by molecular cloning: The gene products of the two are highly related to each other.  Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 11057-11074, 1988
  56. Takashi Masuko, Kunio Sugawara, Mitsuko Kozono, Tetsu Akiyama, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, and Yoshiyuki Hashimoto, A murine monoclonal antibody that recognizes an extracellular domain of a human c-erbB-2 oncogene product.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 80: 10-14, 1989
  57. Shigeo Mori, Tetsu Akiyama, Yukinori Yamada, Yasuyuki Morishita, Isamu Sugawara, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, c-erbB-2 gene product, a membrane protein expressed on human fetal cells in common.  Laboratory Investigation 61: 93-97, 1989
  58. Fumihiro Mitsunobu, Mikiharu Fukui, Takuzo Oda, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, A mechanism of c-raf-1 activation: Fusion of the lipocortin II amino-terminal sequence with the c-raf-1 kinase domain.  Oncogene 4: 437-442, 1989
  59. Nobuyuki Miyajima, Ryuya Horiuchi, Yukiko Shibuya, Shin-ichi Fukushige, Ken-ichi Matsubara, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Two erbA homologs encoding proteins with different T3- binding capacities are transcribed from the opposite strands of the same genetics locus.  Cell 57: 31-39, 1989
  60. Hitoshi Tsuda, Setsuo Hirohashi, Yukio Shimosato, Teruyuki Hirota, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Miyajima, Kumao Toyoshima, Tadashi Yamamoto, Jun Yokota, Teruhiko Yoshida, Hiromi Sakamoto, Masaaki Terada, and Takashi Sugimura, Correlation between long-term survival in breast cancer patients and amplification of two putative oncogene-coamplification units; hst-1/int-2 and c-erbB-2/ear-1.  Cancer Res. 49: 3104-3108, 1989
  61. Yuji Yamanashi, Shigeo Mori, Mitsuaki Yoshida, Tadamitsu Kishimoto, Kazushi Inoue, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Selective expression of a protein-tyrosine kinase p56lyn, in hematopoietic cells and association with production of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86: 6538-6542, 1989
  62. Ishitoya J, Toriyama M, Oguchi N, Kitamura N, Oshima M, Asano K, and Yamamoto T, Gene amplification and overexpression of EGF receptor in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck.  Br. J. Cancer 59: 559-562, 1989
  63. Takuya Katagiri, Kazumi Urakawa, Kentaro Semba, Yuji Yamanashi, Takeo Takahashi, Kumao Toyoshima, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kyoichi Kano, Overexpression of src family gene for tyrosine-kinase p59fyn in CD4-CD8-T cells of mice with a lymphoproliferative disorder.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86: 10064-10068, 1989
  64. Yukinori Yamada, Masataka Yoshimoto, Yoichi Murayama, Masakazu Ebuchi, Shigeo Mori, Tadashi Yamamoto, Haruo Sugano, and Kumao Toyohsima, Association of elevated expression of the c-erbB-2 protein with spread of breast cancer.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 80: 1192-1198, 1989
  65. Kozo Kaibuchi, Yasuo Fukumoto, Naohisa Oku, Yuichi Hori, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima and Yoshimi Takai, Activation of the serum response element and 12-0-teradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate response element by the activated c-raf-1 protein in a manner independent of protein kinase C.  J. Biol. Chem. 264: 20855-20858, 1989
  66. M. Gutman, Y. Ravia, D. Assaf, T. Yamamoto, R. Rozim and Y. Shiloh, Amplification of c-myc and c-erbB-2 protooncogenes in human solid tumors: Frequency and clinical significance.  Intl. J. Cancer 44: 802-805, 1989
  67. Yoko Suda, Shin-ichi Aizawa, Yasuhide Furuta, Takeshi Yagi, Yoji Ikawa, Kiyoshi Saitoh, Yukinori Yamamada, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto, Induction of a variety of tumors by c-erbB-2 and clonal nature of lymphomas even with the mutated gene (Val659-Glu659).  EMBO J. 9: 181-190, 1990
  68. Frank Van Leeuwen, Marc J. Van de Vijver, Job Lomans, Guido Jester, Tetsu Akiyama, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Roel Nusse, Mutation of the human neu protein facilitates down-modulation by monoclonal antibodies.  Oncogene 5: 497-504, 1990
  69. Jun Sukegawa, Toshitaka Akatsuka, Isamu Sugawara, Shigeo Mori, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Monoclonal antibodies to the amino-terminal unique sequence of the c-yes-1 gene product as specific probes of expression.  Oncogene 5: 611-614, 1990
  70. Hitoshi Tsuda, Setsuo Hirohashi, Yukio Shimosato, Yuko Tanaka, Teruyuki Hiriota, Shoichiro Tsugane, Kumao Toyoshima, Tadashi Yamamoto, Masaaki Terada, Takashi Sugimura, and Masato Shiraishi, Immunohistochemical study on overexpression of c-erbB-2 protein in human breast cancer: Its correlation with gene amplification and long-term survival of patients.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 81: 327-332, 1990
  71. Kazushi Inoue, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Specific expression of human c-fgr in monocytes and large granular lymphocytes, effectors of natural immunity.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 1789-1792, 1990
  72. Shigeo Mori, Yasuyoshi Mori, Taketo Mukaiyama, Yoshiko Sonobe, Goi Sakamoto, Tetsu Akiyama, Makoto Ogawa, Masato Shiraishi, and Tadashi Yamamoto, In vitro and in vivo release of soluble c-erbB-2 protein from human carcinoma cells.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 81: 489-494, 1990
  73. Toshitaka Uehara, Yasuhiko Kaneko, Naotoshi Kanda, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Higashi, Chikao Nomoto, Toshiyuki Izumo, Syojiro Takayama, and Masaharu Sakurai, c-erbB-2 and c-erbA-1 gene amplification and c-erbB-2 protein expression in Japanese human breast cancers: Their relationship to the histology and diesease parameters.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 81: 620-624, 1990
  74. Keisuke Yusa, Yoshikazu  Sugimoto, Takao Yamaori, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima and Takashi Tsuruo, Activated c-erbB-2 increases metastatic potential in a low metastatic clone from murine colon adenocarcinoma 26.  J. NCI. 82: 1633-1636, 1990
  75. Nancy E. Hynes, Daniela Traverna, Ina Maria Harwerth, Fortunato Ciardiello, David S. Salomon, Tadashi Yamamoto and Bernd Groner, Oncogene transfer into cultured mouse mammary epithelial cells: Tumorigenesis and interference with lactogenic hormone action.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 4027-4034, 1990
  76. Takaya Satoh, Masami Endo, Masato Nakatsuku, Tetsu Akiyama, Tadashi Yamamoto and Yoshito Kaziro, Accumulation of p21ras GTP in response to the stimuli of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and oncogene products with tyrosine kinase activity.  Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 7926-7929, 1990
  77. Takeshi Yagi, Shin-ichi Aizawa, Yoji Ikawa, Keiichiro Yoshida, Yasuyo Shigetani, Naoki Takeda, Issei Mabuchi, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Homologous recombination at c-fyn locus of mouse embryonic stem cells with diphtheria toxin A fragment gene in negative selection.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87: 9918-9922, 1990
  78. Masatugu Moriyama, Tetsu Akiyama, Tadashi Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Kawamoto, Tetsuro Kato, Kazumori Sato, Tsutomu Watanuki, Takashi Hikage, Noriko Katsuta, and Shigeo Mori, Expression of the c-erbB-2 gene product in urinary bladder cancer.  J. Urology 145: 423-427, 1991
  79. Yuji Yamanashi, Terutaka Kakiuchi, Junichiro Mizuguchi, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kumao Toyoshima, Associations of B cell antigen receptor and protein-tyrosine kinase p56lyn.  Science 251: 192-194, 1991
  80. Tsuneo Saga, Keigo Endo, Tetsu Akiyama, Harumi Sakahara, Yuji Watanabe, Toshiharu Nakai, Makoto Hosono, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, and Junji Konishi,  Imaging of c-erbB-2 gene product: in vivo  application of anti-c-erbB-2 protein antibody.  Cancer Res. 51: 990-994, 1991
  81. Koko Katagiri, Takuya Katagiri, Yoshikazu, Kayama, Minoru Morikawa, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yoshida, Expression of src family genes during monocytic differentiation of HL 60 cells.  J. Immunol. 146: 701-709, 1991
  82. Komei Sugawara, Isamu Sugawara, Jun Sukegawa, Toshitake Akatsuka, Tadashi Yamamoto, Mamoru Morita, Shigeo Mori, and Kumao Toyoshima, Distribution of c-yes-1 gene product in various cells and tissues.  Br. J. Cancer 63: 508-513, 1991
  83. Kazuyoshi Azuma, Masahiro Ariki, Takahiro Miyauchi, Hirofumi Usui, Masao Takada, Kentaro Semba, Yumiko Matuzawa, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Kumao Toyoshima, Purification and characterization of a rat liver membrane tyrosine kinase, the possible protooncogene c-yes product, p60c-yes.  J. Biol. Chem. 266: 4831-4839, 1991
  84. Tetsu Akiyama, Satoru Matsuda, Yujirou Namba, Toshiyuki Saito, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, The transforming potential of the c-erbB-2 protein is regulated by its autophosphorylation at the carboxy-terminal domain.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 11: 833-842, 1991
  85. Akiko Fujimoto, Sumio Kai, Tetsu Akiyama, Kumao Toyoshima, Kozo Kaibuchi, Yoshimi Takai, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Stimulation of the TPA-response element by the activated c-erbB-2 protein is partly mediated by protein kinase C.  Biochem. Biophys, Res. Commun. 178: 724-732, 1991
  86. Yumiko Matsuzawa, Kentaro Semba, Junko Kawamura-Tsuzuku, Tatsuhiko Sudo, Shunsuke Ishii, Kumao Toyoshima and Tadashi Yamamoto.  Characterization of the promoter region of the yes-protooncogene.  Oncogene 6: 1561-1568, 1991
  87. Sachiko Tsukita, Tetsu Akiyama, Yuji Yamanashi, Tadashi Yamamoto and Shoichiro Tsukita.  The c-yes and lyn tyrosine kinases are specifically enriched in cell-cell adherence junctions.  J. Cell Biol. 113: 867-879, 1991
  88. Yuji Yamanashi, Michio Miyasaka, Dusko Ilic, Masakazu Takeuchi, Junichiro Mizuguchi and Tadashi Yamamoto. Differential responses of p56lyn and p53 lyn, products of alternatively spliced lyn mRNA, upon stimulation of B cell antigen receptor.  Cell Regulation, 2: 979-987, 1991
  89. Masato Okada, Shigeyuki Nada, Yuji Yamanashi, Tadashi Yamamoto and Hachiro Nakagawa. CSK: A protein-tyrosine kinase involved in regulation of src-family kinases.  J. Biol. Chem., 266: 24249-24252, 1991
  90. Koichi Rikimaru, Keiko Tadokoro, Tadashi Yamamoto, Shoji Enomoto and Nobuo Tsuchida,  Gene amplification of epidermal growth factor receptor in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck cancer.  Br. J. Cancer 14: 8-13, 1992
  91. Junichiro Mizuguchi, Yuji Yamanashi, Kazue Ehara, Toshiki Tamura, Hideo Nariuchi, Yoshimasa Uehara, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Tyrosine protein kinase is involved in anti-IgM-mediated signalling in Bal17 B lymphoma cells.  J. Immunol. 148: 689-694, 1992
  92. Kaoru Morishita, Masahiro Iwamoto, Kenji Murakami, Minoru Kubota, Susumu Maeda, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto. Expression and characterization of biologically active v-erbB protein using a baculovirus system.  J. J. Cancer Res. 83: 52-60, 1992
  93. Shigeo Koyasu, David J. McConkey, Linda K. Clayton, Sheena Abraham, Booma Yandava, Takuya Katagiri, Philippe Miongeon, Tadashi Yamamoto and Ellis L. Reinhertz. Phosphorylation of multiple CD3z tyrosine residues lends to formation of pp21 in vitro: Structural changes upon T cell receptor stimulation.  J. Biol. Chem. 267: 3375-3381, 1992
  94. Yuji Yamanashi, Yasuhisa Fukui, Budsaba Wongsasant, Yumiko Kinoshita, Yuzo Ichimori, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Activation of Src-like protein-tyrosine kinase Lyn and Lyn associated PI-3 kinase upon B cell antigen receptor-mediated signalling.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 1118-1122, 1992
  95. Rujiao Shan, Satoru Matsuda, Motohide Ichino, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Detection of the ligand activity for the c-erbB-2 protein in calf serum.  J. J. Cancer Res. 83: 15-19, 1992
  96. Budsaba Wongsasant, Satoru Matsuda, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Active c-erbB-2 induces short-term growth of FDC-P2 cells after IL-3 depletion. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 181: 981-988, 1991
  97. Yasunori Kadowaki, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Ear3/Coup-TF binds most tightly to a response element with tandem repeat separated by one nucleotide.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 183: 492-498, 1992
  98. Koko Katagiri, Takuya Katagiri, Kazuko Kajiyama, Yoshimasa Uehara, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yoshida, Modulation of monocytic differentiation of HL60 cells by inhibitors of protein-tyrosine kinases.  Cell Immunol. 140: 282-294, 1992
  99. Yuzuru Shiio, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Nobuo Yamaguchi, Negative regulation of Rb expression by the p53 gene product.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 5206-5210, 1992
  100. Hisashi Umemori, Akio Wanaka, Hidemasa Kato, Masakazu Takeuchi, Masaya Tohyama, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Specific expression of antigen receptor-associated tyrosine kinases, Fyn and Lyn, in the central nervous system.  Mol. Brain Res. 16: 303-310, 1992
  101. Fumiaki Uchiumi, Kentaro Semba, Yuji Yamanashi, Jun-ichi Fujisawa, Mitsuaki Yoshida, Kazushi Inoue, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Characterization of the promoter region of the src-family gene lyn and its trans-activation by HTLV-I encoded p40tax.  Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 3784-3795, 1992
  102. Takahiro Miyauchi, Masahiro Ariki, Hirohumi Usui, Kentaro Semba, Yumiko Matsuzawa, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kumao Toyoshima, and M. Takeda, Purification and characterization of the possible protooncogene fyn product, p59fyn, from rat brain particulate fraction.  J. Biochem. 112: 729-732, 1992
  103. Marius Sudol, Heidi Greulich, Lori Newman, Atom Sarkar, Jun Sukegawa, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Novel yes-related kinase, Yrk, is expressed at elevated levels in neural and hematopoietic tissues.  Oncogene 8: 823-831, 1993
  104. Makoto Hosono, Tsuneo Saga, Harumi Sakahara, Hisataka Kobayashi, Makoto Shirato, Keigo Endo, Tadashi Yamamoto, Tetsu Akiyama, Kumao Toyoshima, and Junji Konishi, Construction of Immunoradiometric assay for circulating c-erbB-2 protooncogene product in advanced breast cancer patients.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 84: 147-152, 1993
  105. Masahiko Kinosaki, Takashi Masuko, Kazuhiro Sogawa, Takashi Iyanagi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Hashimoto, and Yoshiaki Fujii-Kuriyama, Intracellular localization of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase expressed from the transfected cDNA in cultured cells.  Cell Struct. Funct. 18: 41-51, 1993
  106. Takaomi Ishida, Kiyoshi Yamauchi, Katsutoshi Ishikawa, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Molecular cloning and characterization of the promoter region of the human c-erbAa gene.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 191: 831-839, 1993
  107. Yuji Yamanashi, Masato Okada, Toshihiko Senba, Takashi Yamori, Hisashi Umemori, Susumu Tsunasawa, Kumao Toyoshima, Daisuke Kitamura, Takeshi Watanabe, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Identification of HS1 protein as a major substrate of protein-tyrosine kinase(s) upon B cell antigen receptor-mediated signaling.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90: 3631-3635, 1993
  108. Koko Katagiri, Takuya Katagiri, K. Kajiyama, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Takeshi Yoshida, Tyrosine phosphorylation of tubulins during monocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells.  J. Immunol. 150: 585-593, 1993
  109. Yuzuru Shiio, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Nobuo Yamaguchi, Identification of a DNA element that can enhance p53-mediated transactivation.  Oncogene 8: 2059-2065, 1993
  110. Satoru Matsuda, Yasunori Kadowaki, Motohide Ichino, Tetsu Akiyama, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, 17b-Estradiol mimics ligand activity of the c-erbB-2 protooncogene product.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90: 10803-10807, 1993
  111. Hiroshi Ohno, Tomohiko Aoe, Chisei, Ra, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Takashi Saito, TCR isoforms containing the Fc receptor g chain exhibits structural and functional differences from isoform containing CD3.  Int'l Immunol. 5: 1403-1411, 1993
  112. Soon Hee Choi, Yuji Yamanashi, Mami Shiota, Masakatsu Takanashi, Isao Hojo, Tomoko Ito, Yoshiki Watanaba, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shigeo Mori, Expression of Lyn protein on human malignant lymphomas.  Lab. Investi. 69: 736-742, 1993
  113. Masakazu Takeuchi, Satomi Kuramochi, Noemi Fusaki, Shigeyuki Nada, Junko Kawamura-Tsuzuku, Satoru Matsuda, Kentaro Semba, Kumao Toyoshima, Masato Okada, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Functional and physical interaction of protein-tyrosine kinases Fyn and Csk in the T cell signaling system.  J. Biol. Chem. 268: 27413-27419, 1993
  114. Jiro Fujimoto and Tadashi Yamamoto, brt, a mouse gene encoding a novel receptor-type protein-tyrosine kinase, is preferentially expressed in the brain.  Oncogene 9: 693-698, 1994
  115. Hisashi Umemori, Shuzo Sato, Takeshi Yagi, Shinichi Aizawa, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Initial events of myelination involve Fyn tyrosine kinase signaling.  Nature 367: 572-576, 1994
  116. Mami Shiota, Jiro Fujimoto, Toshihiko Semba, Hitoshi Satoh, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shigeo Mori, Hyperphosphorylation of a novel 80-kDa protein-tyrosine kinase similar to Ltk in a human Ki-1 lymphoma cell line, AMS3. Oncogene 9: 1567-1574, 1994
  117. Gaku Mizuguchi, Chie Kanei-Ishii, Tetsuya Sakazaki, Masami Horikoshi, Robert Roeder, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shunsuke Ishii, Independent control of transcription initiations from two sites by an initiator-like element and TATA box in the human c-erbB-2 promoter.  FEBS Letters 348: 80-88, 1994
  118. Noemi Fusaki, Kentaro Semba, Takuya Katagiri, Gen Suzuki, Satoru Matsuda, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Characterization of p59fyn-mediated signal transduction on T cell activation.  Int'l Immunol. 6: 1245-1255, 1994
  119. Koji Nagata, Daisuke Kohda, Hideki Hatanaka, Saori Ichikawa, Satoru Matusda, Tadashi Yamamoto, Akinori Suzuki, and Fuyuhiko Inagaki, Solution structure of the epidermal growth factor-like domain of heregulin-a, a ligand for p180erbB-4.  EMBO J. 13: 3517-3513, 1994
  120. Koko Katagiri, Seisuke Hattori, Shun Nakamura, Tadashi Yamamoto, Takeshi Yoshida, and Takuya Katagiri, Activation of ras and formation of GAP complex during TPA-induced monocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells.  Blood 84: 1780-1789, 1994
  121. Tomohiro Kurosaki, Minoru Takata, Yuji Yamanashi, Tetsuya Inazu, Takanobu Taniguchi, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Hirohei Yamamura, Syk activation by the Src-family tyrosine kinase in the B cell receptor signaling.  J. Exp. Med. 17: 1725-1729, 1994
  122. Mami Shiota, Jiro Fujimoto, Masato Takenaga, Hitoshi Satoh, Ryoh Ichinohazama, Masafumi Abe, Masaru Nakano, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shigeo Mori, Diagnosis of t(2;5)(p23;q35) associated Ki-1 lymphomas with immuno-histochemistry.  Blood 84: 3648-3652, 1994
  123. Kazuyuki Fujita, Hirokazu Ikarasahi, Koichi Takakuwa, Shoji Kodama, Tsyuyoshi Akagi, Tadashi Yamamoto and Kenichi Tanaka, Enhancement of T cell receptor signaling of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes by retrovirally mediated fyn gene transduction.  Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 85: 1073-1079, 1994
  124. Masami Otsuka, Mikako Fujita, Yukio Sugiura, Shunsuke Ishii, Tsutomu Aoki, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Jun-ichiro Inoue, Novel zink chelators which inhibit the binding of HIV-EP1 (HIV-enhancer binding protein) to NF-kB recognition sequence.  J. Med. Chem. 37: 4267-4269, 1994
  125. Tomomi Takahashi, Hideki Nakagoshi, Akinori Sarai, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shunsuke Ishii, Human A-myb gene encodes a transcriptional activator containing the negative regulatory domains.  FEBS Letters 358: 89-96, 1995
  126. Yasunori Kadowaki, Kumao Toyoshima, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Dual transcriptional control by Ear3/COUP: Negative regulation through DR1 and positive regulation through a sequence downstream of the transcriptional start site of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92: 4432-4436, 1995
  127. Naoyuki Watanabe, Satoru Matsuda, Satomi Kuramochi, Junko Tsuzuku, Tadashi Yamamoto and Keigo Endo, Expression of C-terminal src kinase in human colorectal cancer cell lines. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. 25: 5-9, 1995
  128. Mami Shiota, Shigeo Nakamura, Ryo Ichinohasama, Masafumi Abe, Tadaatsu Akagi, Morishige Takeshita, Naoyoshi Mori, Junichiro Fujimoto, Jun Miyauchi, Atsuo Mikata, Kouji Namba, Tsuyoshi Takami, Hirohiko Yamabe, Yasuo Takano, Toshiyuki Izumo, Tetsuo Nagatani, Noboru Mohri, Kaori Nasu, Hitoshi Sato, Harutaka Katano, Jiro Fujimoto, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shigeo Mori, Anaplastic large cell lymphomas expressing the novel chimeric protein p80NPM/ALK, a distinct clonocopatologic entity.  Blood 86: 1954-1960, 1995
  129. Dusko Ilic, Yasuhide Furuta, Toshio Suda, Tadao Atsumi, Jiro Fujimoto, Yoji Ikawa, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shinichi Aizawa, Focal adhesion kinase is not essential for in vitro and in vivo differentiation of ES cells.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 209: 300-309, 1995
  130. Dusko Ilic, Yasuhide Furuta, Satoshi Kanazawa, Naoki Takeda, Kenji Sobue, Norio Nakatsuji, Shintaro Nomura, Jiro Fujimoto, Yoji Ikawa, Masato Okada, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shinichi Aizawa,  Reduced cell motility and enhanced focal adhesion contact formation in cells from FAK-deficient mice. Nature 377: 539-544, 1995
  131. Naohiro Hohashi, Takuma Hayashi, Noemi Fusaki, Masakazu Takeuchi, Makoto Higurashi, Takeshi Okamoto, Kentaro Semba and Tadashi Yamamoto, The protein-tyrosine kinase Fyn activates transcription from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) promoter via activation of NFkB-like DNA-binding proteins.  Int'l Immunol. 7: 1851-1859, 1995
  132. Yasuhide Furuta, Dusko Ilic, Satoshi Kanazawa, Naoki Takeda, Kenji Sobue, Norio Nakatsuji, Shintaro Nomura, Jiro Fujimoto, Yuji Ikawa, Masato Okada, Tadashi Yamamoto and Shinichi Aizawa, Mesodermal defect in late phase of gastrulation by a targeted mutation of focal adhesion kinase, FAK.  Oncogene 11: 1989-1995, 1995
  133. Satoshi Kanazawa, Dusko Ilic, Tetsuo Nomura, Tadashi Yamamoto and Shinichi Aizawa, Integrin-stimulation decreases tyrosine phosphorylation and activity of focal adhesion kinase in thymocytes.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 215: 438-445, 1995.
  134. Akira Mogi, Mika Hatai, Hise Soga, Siichi Takenoshita, Yukio Nagamachi, Jiro Fujimoto, Tadashi Yamamoto, Jun Yokota and Yoshihito Yaoi, Possible role of protein kinase C in the regulation of intracellular stability of focal adhesion kinase in mouse 3T3 cells.  FEBS Letters 373: 135-140, 1995
  135. Takashi Yasukawa, Chie Kanel-Ishii, Toshio Maekawa, Jiro Fujimoto, Tadashi Yamamoto and Shunsuke Ishii, Increase of solubility of foreign proteins in Escherichia coli by coproduction of the bacterial thioredoxin.  J. Biol. Chem. 270: 1-4, 1995
  136. Masami Otsuka, Mikako Fujita, Tsutomu Aoki, Shunsuke Ishii, Yukiko Sugiura, Tadashi Yamamoto and Jun-ichiro Inoue, Novel zinc chelators with dual activity in the inhibition of the kB site-binding proteins HIV-EP1 and NF-kB.  J. Med. Chem. 38: 3264-3270. 1995
  137. Hirofumi Nishizumi, Ichiro Taniuchi, Yuji Yamanashi, Daisuke Kitamura, Dusko Ilic, Shigeo Mori, Takeshi Watanabe and Tadashi Yamamoto, Impaired proliferation of peripheral B cells and indication of autoimmune disease in lyn-deficient mice.  Immunity 3: 549-560, 1995
  138. Takaomi Ishida, Norihiko Kobayashi, Tadashi Tojo, Satoko Ishida, Tadashi Yamamoto and Jun-ichiro Inoue, CD40 signaling-mediated induction of Bcl-xL, Cdk4 and Cdk6: Implication of their co-operation in selective B cell growth.  J. Immunol 155: 5527-5535, 1995.
  139. Satake H., Suzuki K., Aoki T., Otsuka M., Sugiura Y., Yamamoto T. and Inoue J, Cupric ion blocks NFkB activation through inhibiting the signal-induced phosphorylation of IkBa.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 216: 568-573, 1995
  140. Kimie Suzuki, Tadashi Yamamoto and Jun-ichiro Inoue, Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding the Xenopus homologue of mammalian RelB.  Nucleic Acids Res. 23: 4664-4669, 1995
  141. Gaku Mizuguchi, Chie Kanei-Ishii, Tomomi Takahashi, Takashi Yasukawa, Takahiro Nagase, Masami Horikoshi, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shunsuke Ishii. c-Myb repression of c-erbB-2 transcription by direct binding to the c-erbB-2 promoter.  J. Biol. Chem. 270: 9384-9389, 1995
  142. Satomi Kuramochi, Satoru Matsuda, Yoichi Matsuda, Toshiyuki Saitoh, Miho Ohsugi, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Molecular cloning and characterization of Byp, a murine receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase similar to human DEP-1.  FEBS Letters 378: 7-14, 1996
  143. Bao-qun Li, Marianne Subleski, Noemi Fusaki, Tadashi Yamamoto, Terry Copeland, Gerald Prinkler, Hsiang-fu Kung, and Thoru Kamata, The catalytic activity of mSos guanine nucleotide exchanger is activated by Fyn TPK and T-cell antigen receptor in T-Cells.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 1001-1005, 1996
  144. Noriko Tokai, Akiko Fujimoto-Nishiyama, Yoko Toyoshima, Shigenobu Yonemura, Shoichiro Tsukita, Jun-ichiro Inoue, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Kid, a novel kinesin-like DNA binding protein, is colocalized with the chromosomes during mitosis.  EMBO J. 15, 457-467, 1996
  145. Masanori Onda, Satoru Matsuda, Shozo Higaki, Takuo Iijima, Jun-ichi Fujushima, Akira Yokokura, Tatsuyoshi Kojima, Hajime Horiuchi, Takahide Kurokawa, and Tadashi Yamamoto, ErbB-2 expression is correlated with poor prognosis in osteosarcomas.  Cancer 77: 71-78, 1996
  146. Noemi Fusaki, Satoru Matsuda, Hirofumi Nishizumi, Hisashi Umemori, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Physical and functional interactions of protein tyrosine kinases, p59fyn and ZAP-70, in T cell signaling.  J. Immunol. 156: 1369-1377, 1996
  147. Mariko Kondo, Kentaro Semba, Koichiro Shiokawa, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Molecular cloning of Xenopus activin type I receptor and the analysis of its expression during embryogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 218: 549-555, 1996
  148. Satoru Matsuda, Junko Kawamura-Tsuzuku, Miho Ohsugi, Michihiro Yoshida, Mitsuru Emi, Yusuke Nakamura, Masanori Onda, Yutaka Yoshida, Akiko Nishiyama, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Tob, a novel protein that interacts with p185erbB2, is associated with anti-proliferative activity.  Oncogene 12: 705-713, 1996
  149. Masahiro Yasunaga, Takeshi Yagi, Norio Hanzawa, Masahiro Yasuda, Yuji Yamanashi, Tadashi Yamamoto, Shin-Ichi Aizawa, Yasumasa Miyauchi, and Shin-ichi Nishikawa, Involvement of Fyn tyrosine kinase in progression of cytokinesis of B lymphocyte progenitor.  J. Cell Biol. 132: 91-99, 1996
  150. Tohru Tezuka, Hisashi Umemori, Noemi Fusaki, Takeshi Yagi, Minoru Takata, Tomohiro Kurosaki, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Physical and functional association of the Cbl proto-oncogene product with a Src-family protein tyrosine kinase, p53/56lyn, in the B cell antigen receptor-mediated signaling.  J. Exp. Med. 183: 675-680, 1996
  151. Yuzuru Shiio, Jun-ichi Sawada, Hiroshi Handa, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Jun-ichiro Inoue, Activation of the retinoblastoma gene expression by Bcl-3: Implication for muscle cell differentiation  Oncogene 12: 1837-1845, 1996
  152. Jiro Fujimoto, Mami Shiota, Toshihiro Iwahara, Hitoshi Sato, Shigeo Mori, and Tadashi Yamamoto, Characterization of the transforming activity of p80, a hyperphosphorylated protein in a Ki-1 lymphoma cell line with t(2;5)  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 4181-4186, 1996
  153. Dusko Ilic, Satoshi Kanazawa, Yasuhide Furuta, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Shinichi Aizawa.  Impairment of mobility in endodermal cells by FAK deficiency.  Exp. Cell Res. 222: 298-303, 1996
  154. Satoshi Kanazawa, Dusko Ilic, Motohiro Hashiyama, Tetsuo Noumura, Tadashi Yamamoto, Toshio Suda, and Shinichi Aizawa. p59 fyn-p125 FAK cooperation in development of CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes.  Blood 187: 865-870, 1996
  155. Koko Katagiri, Kazushige Yokoyama, Tadashi Yamamoto, Satoshi Omura, Shinkichi Irie, and Takuya Katagiri, Lyn and Fgr protein-tyrosine kinases prevent apoptosis during retinoic acid-induced granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells.  J. Biol. Chem. 271: 11557-11562, 1996
  156. Shingo Maruyama, Tomohiro Kurosaki, Kiyonao Sada, Yuji Yamanashi, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Hirohei Yamamura.  Physical and functional association of cortactin with Syk in human leukemic cell line K562.  J. Biol. Chem. 271: 6631-6635, 1996
  157. Takaomi Ishida, Tadashi Tojo, Tsutomu Aoki, Norihiko Kobayashi, Tsukasa Ohishi, Toshiki Watanabe, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Jun-ichiro Inoue, TRAF5, a novel tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor family protein, mediates CD40 signaling.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93: 9437-9442, 1996
  158. Takaomi Ishida, Sei-ichi Mizushima, Norihiko Kobayashi, Tadashi Tojo, Shigemi Aizawa, Toshiki Watanabe, George Mosialos, Elliott Kieff, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Jun-ichiro Inoue.  Identification of TRAF6, a novel TRAF protein that mediates signaling from an amino-terminal domain of the CD40 cytoplasmic region.  J. Biol. Chem. 271:28745-28748, 1996
  159. Fumiaki Uchiumi, Hideharu Maruta, Jun-ichiro Inoue, Tadashi Yamamoto and Sei-ichi Tanuma.  Inhibitory effect of tannic acid on human immunodeficiency virus promoter activity induced by 12-o-tetra decanoylphorbol-13-acetate in Jurkat T-cells.  Biochem. Biohpys. Res. Commun. 220: 411-417, 1996
  160. Tsutomu Aoki, Yuji Sano, Tadashi Yamamoto, and Jun-ichiro Inoue.  The ankyrin repeats but not the PEST-like sequences are required for signal dependent degradation of IkBa.  Oncogene 12:1159-1164, 1996
  161. Otsuka M, Fujita M, Sugiura Y, Yamamoto T, Inoue J, Maekawa T, and Ishii S. Synthetic inhibitors of regulatory proteins involved in the signaling pathway of the replication of human immunodeficiency virus 1. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 5:205-215, 1997
  162. Saito T, Matsuda Y, Ito H, Fusaki N, Hori T, and Yamamoto T. Localization of ZAP-70, the gene for a T cell-specific protein tyrosine kinase, to mouse and rat chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization and molecular genetic linkage analyses. Mammalian Genome 8:45-66, 1997
  163. Iwahara T, Fujimoto J, Wen D, Cupples R, Bucay N, Arakawa T, Mori S, Ratzkin B, and Yamamoto T. Molecular characterization of ALK, a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed specifically in the nervous system. Oncogene 14: 439-449, 1997
  164. Ilic D, H. Damsky C, and Yamamoto T. Focal adhesion kinase at the crossroads of signal transduction. J.Cell Sci. 110: 401-407, 1997
  165. Matsuda Y, Saito T, Fujimoto J, and Yamamoto T. Chromosomal mapping of the mouse and rat brt genes. Genomics 40: 181-184, 1997
  166. Nishizumi H, and Yamamoto T. Impaired Ca2+ mobilization but not degranulation in Lyn deficient bone marrow-derived mast cells. J. Immunol. 158:2350-2355, 1997
  167. Yamanashi Y, Fukuda T, Nishizumi H, Inazu T, Higashi K, Kitamura D, Ishida T, Yamamura H, Watanabe T, and Yamamoto T. Role of tyrosine phosphorylation of HS1 in B cell antigen receptor-mediated apoptosis. J. Exp. Med. 185:1387-1392, 1997
  168. Yoshida Y, Matsuda S, and Yamamoto T. Cloning and characterization of the mouse tob gene. Gene 191:109-113, 1997
  169. Umemori H, Inoue T, Kume S, Sekiyama N, Nagao M, Itoh H, Nkanishi S, Mikoshiba K, and Yamamoto T. Activation of the G protein Gq/11 through tyrosine phosphorylation of the a subunit. Science 276:1878-1881, 1997
  170. Fujimoto-Nishiyama A, Ishii S, Matsuda S, Inoue J, and Yamamoto T. A novel zinc finger protein Finb is a trascriptional activator and localized in nuclear bodies. Gene 195: 267-275, 1997
  171. Ilic D, Kanazawa S, Nishizumi H, Aizawa S, Kuroki T, Mori S, and Yamamoto T. Skin abnormality in aged fyn-1- fak+/- mice. Carcinogenesis 18:1473-1476, 1997
  172. Hisatsune C, Umemori H, Inoue T, Michikawa T, Kohda K, Mikoshiba K and Yamamoto T. Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of NMDA receptors by calmodulin. J. Biol. Chem. 272:20805-20810, 1997
  173. Yasue T, Nishizumi H, Miyake K, Aizawa S, Yamamoto T, Uehara S, Kikuchi Y, and Takatsu K. IgG1 production induced by CD38 ligation and IL-5 require activation of Fyn and Lyn kinases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 10307-10312, 1997
  174. Baba M, Kikuchi Y, Mori S, Kimoto H, Inui S, Sakaguchi N, Inoue J, Yamamoto T, Takemori T, Howard M, and Takatsu K. Mouse germinal center B cells with the xid mutation retain responsiveness to anti-mouse CD40 antibodies but diminish IL-5 responsiveness. Int. Immunol. 9: 1463-1473, 1997
  175. Kasahara K, Watanabe Y, Yamamoto T, and Sanai Y. Association of Src family tyrosine kinase Lyn with ganglioside GD3 in rat brain. J. Biol. Chem. 21: 29947-29953, 1997
  176. Ohsugi M, Kuramochi S, Matsuda S, and Yamamoto T. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine phosphatase that is specifically expressed in spermatocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 33092-33099, 1997
  177. Kashiwada M, Shirakata Y, Inoue J, Nakano H, Okazaki K, Okumura K, Yamamoto T, Nagaoka H, and Takemori T. Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) stimulates extracellular signal-negulated kinase (ERK) activity in CD40 signaling along a Ras-independent pathway. J. Exp. Med. 187: 237-244, 1998.
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  179. Suzuki K, Tsuchida J, Yamamoto T, and Inoue J. Identification and expression of the Xenopus homolog of mammalian p100-NFkB2. Gene 206: 1-9, 1998
  180. KohnoT, Kawanishi M, Matsuda S, Ichikawa H, Takada M, Ohki M, Yamamoto T, and Yokota J. Homozygous Deletion and Frequent Allelic loss of the 21q11.1-q21.1 region including the ANA gene in human lung carcinoma. Gene, Chromosomes & Cancer 21:236-243, 1998.
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  185. Kametani Y, Goto H, Kobori A, Sato T, Ando K, Hozumi K, Nishimura T, Saito T, Yamamoto T, and Habu S. Ex vivo evidence for asymmetric tyrosine phosphorylation of ZAP-70 on double-positive thymocytes in the positive selection process. Int’l Immunol. 10:1203-1210, 1998
  186. Miyatake A, Nakaseko C, Umemori H, Yamamoto T, and Saito T. Src family tyrosine kinases associate with and phosphorylate CTLA-4 (CD152), Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 249, 444-448, 1998
  187. Suzuki T, Shoji S, Yamamoto K, Nada S, Okada M, Yamamoto T, and Honda Z. Essential roles of Lyn in fibronectin-meiated filamentous-actin assembly and cell motility in mast cells. J. Immunol. 161: 3964-3701, 1998.
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  189. Li T, O. Narhi L, Wen J, S. Philo J, Sitney K, Inoue J, Yamamoto T, and Arakawa T. Interactions between NFkB and its inhibitor ikB: biophysical characterization of a NFkB/ikB-a complex. Protein Chem. 17: 757-763, 1998.
  190. Hayashi T, Umemori H, Mishina M, and Yamamoto T. The AMPA receptor interacts with and signals through the protein tyrosine kinase Lyn. Nature 397: 72-76, 1999
  191. Tezuka T, Umemori H, Akiyama T, Nakanishi S, and Yamamoto T. PSD-95 promotes Fyn-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit NR2A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 435-440, 1999
  192. Umemori H, Kadowaki Y, Hirosawa K, Yoshida Y, Hironaka K, Okano H, and Yamamoto T. Stimulation of Myelin Basic Protein Gene Transcription by Fyn Tyrosine Kinase for Myelination. J. Neuroscience 19: 1393-1397, 1999.
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  243. Nakazawa T, Watabe AM, Tezuka T, Yoshida Y, Yokoyama K, Umemori H, Inoue A, Okabe S, Manabe T, and Yamamoto T. p250GAP, a novel brain-enriched GTPase-activating protein for Rho family GTPases, is involved in the NMDA receptor signaling. Mol. Biol. Cell 14 : 2921-2934, 2003
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  245. Goto J, Tezuka T, Nakazawa T, Tsukamoto N, Nakamura T, Ajima R, Yokoyama K, Ohta T, Ohki M, and Yamamoto T. Altered gene expression in the adult brain of fyn-deficient mice. Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 24: 149-159, 2004
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  247. Kawa S, Fujimoto J, Texzuka T, Nakazawa T, and Yamamoto T. Involvement of BREK, a novel dual-specificity kinase enriched in brain, in NGF signaling. Genes to Cells 9: 219-232, 2004
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  249. Usui M, Yoshida Y, Tsuji K, Oikawa K, Miyazono K, Ishikawa I, Yamamoto T, Nifuji A, and Noda M. Tob deficiency superenhances osteoblastic activity after ovariectomy to block estrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. 101: 6653-6658, 2004
  250. Nakamura T, Yao R, Ogawa T, Suzuki T, Ito C, Tsunekawa N, Inoue K, Ajima R, Miyasaka T, Yoshida Y, Ogura A, Toshimori K, Noce T, Yamamoto T, and Noda T. Oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia in mice lacking Cnot7, a regulator of retinoid X receptor beta. Nature Genetics 36: 528-533, 2004
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  256. Yasuda T, Shirakata M, Iwama A, Ishii A, Ebihara Y, Osawa M, Honda K, Shinohara H, Sudo K, Tsuji K, Nakauchi H, Iwakura Y, Hirai H, Oda H, Yamamoto T and Yamanashi Y. Role of Dok-1 and Dok-2 in myeloid homeostasis and suppression of leukemia. J. Exp. Med. 200: 1681-1687, 2004
  257. Yasuda T, and Yamamoto T. Analysis of B-cell signaling using DT40 B-cell line. Methods Mol Biol. 271: 261-270, 2004
  258. Okochi, K., Suzuki, T., Inoue, J., Matsuda, S., and Yamamoto, T. Interaction of anti-proliferative protein Tob with poly(A)-binding protein and inducible poly(A)-binding protein: implication of Tob in translational control. Genes to Cells. 10: 151-163, 2005
  259. Shinohara H, Inoue A, Toyama-Sorimachi N, Yasuda T, Suzuki H, Horai R, Iwakura Y, Yamamoto T, Karasuyama H, Miyake K and Yamanashi Y. Dok-1 and Dok-2 are negative regulators of LPS-induced signaling. J. Exp. Med. 201: 333-339, 2005
  260. Kitajima T. S., Hauf S., Ohsugi M., Yamamoto T., Watanabe Y. Human Bub1 defines the persistent cohesion site along the mitotic chromosome by affecting Shugoshin localization. Current Biology 15: 353-359, 2005
  261. Ito Y, Suzuki T, Yoshida H, Tomoda C, Uruno T, Takamura Y, Miya A, Kobayashi K, Matsuzuka F, Kuma K, Yamamoto T, Miyauchi A. Phosphorylation and inactivation of Tob contributes to the progressionof papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. Cancer Lett. 220: 237-242, 2005
  262. Nishida K, Yamasaki S, Ito Yukitaka, Kabu K, Hattori K, Tezuka T, Nishizumi H, Kitamura D, Goitsuka R, S.Geha R, Yamamoto T, Yagi T, and Hirano T. FcεRI-mediated mast cell degranulation requires calcium-independent microtubule-dependent translocation of granules to the plasma membrane. J.C.B. 170: 115-126, 2005
  263. Abe T., Matsumura S., Katano T., Mabuchi T, Takagi K, Xu. L, Yamamoto A., Hattori K., Yagi T., Watanabe M., Nakazawa T., Yamamoto T., Mishina M., Nakai Y., and Ito S., Fyn kinase-mediated phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit at Tyr1472 is essential for maintenance of neuropathic pain. Eur. J. Neurosci. 22: 1445-1454, 2005
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  265. Tokai-Nishizumi N, Ohsugi M, Suzuki E, and Yamamoto T. The chromokinesin Kid is required for maintenance of proper metaphase spindle size. Mol. Biol. Cell 16: 5455-5463, 2005
  266. Vo N, Klein ME, Varlamova O, Keller DM, Yamamoto T, Goodman RH, and Impey S. A cAMP-response element binding protein-induced microRNA regulates neuronal morphogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 16426-16431, 2005
  267. Haraguchi K, Hayashi T, Jimbo T, Yamamoto T and Akiyama T. Role of the kinesin-2 family protein, KIF3, during mitosis. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 4094-4099, 2006
  268. Abe Y, Ohsugi M, Haraguchi K, Fujimoto J, and Yamamoto T. LATS2-Ajuba complex regulates γ-tubulin recruitment to centrosomes and spindle organization during mitosis. FEBS LETTER 580: 782-788, 2006
  269. Nakazawa T, Komai S, Watabe AM, Kiyama Y, Fukaya M, Arima-Yoshida F, Horai R, Sudo K, Ebine K, Delawary M, Goto J, Umemori H, Tezuka T, Iwakura Y, Watanabe M, Yamamoto T and Manabe T. NR2B tyrosine phosphorylation modulates fear learning as well as amygdaloid synaptic plasticity. EMBO J. 25: 2867-2877, 2006
  270. Liu H, Nakazawa T, Tezuka T and Yamamoto T. Physical and functional interaction of FYN tyrosine kinase with a brain-enriched Rho GTPase-activating protein TCGAP. J. Biol. Chem. 281: 23611-23619, 2006
  271. Hiramatsu Y, Kitagawa K, Suzuki T, Uchida C, Hattori T, Kikuchi H, Oda T, Hatakeyama S, Nakayama K I. , Yamamoto T, Konno H and Kitagawa M. Degradation of Tob1 mediated by SCFSkp2-dependent ubiquitination. Cancer Research 66: 8477-8483, 2006
  272. Washio-Okikawa K, Nakamura T, Usui M, Yoneda M, Ezura Y, Ishikawa I, Nakashima K, Yamamoto T and Noda M. Expression Analysis of LacZ gene placed in the locus of Cnot7 exhibits its activity in osteoblasts in vivo and in mineralized nodules in vitro. J. Cell Biochem. 99: 538-544, 2006
  273. Oshimori N, Ohsugi M and Yamamoto T. The Plk1 target Kizuna stabilizes mitotic centrosomes to ensure spindle bipolarity. Nature Cell Biol. 8: 1095-1101, 2006
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  278. Saito A, Nagasaki M, Oyama M, Kozuka-Hata H, Semba K, Sugano S, Yamamoto T, and Miyano S. AYUMS: an algorithm for completely automatic quantitation based on LC-MS/MS proteome data and its application to the analysis of signal transduction. BMC Bioinformatics 8: 15, 2007
  279. Yasuda T, Bundo K, Hino A, Honda K, Inoue A, Masaki S, Osawa M, Tamura T, Nariuchi H, Oda H, Yamamoto T and Yamanashi Y. Dok-1 and Dok-2 are negative regulators of T cell receptor signaling. Int Immunol. 19: 487-496, 2007
  280. Chikamori, M., Fujimoto, J., Tokai-Nishizumi, N., and Yamamoto, T. Identification of multiple SNT-binding sites on NPM-ALK oncoprotein and their involvement in cell transformation. Oncogene 26:2950-2954, 2007
  281. Delawary M, Nakazawa T, Tezuka T, Sawa M, Iino Y, Takenawa T, and Yamamoto T. Molecular characterization of a novel RhoGAP, RRC-1 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 357:377-82, 2007
  282. Oyama M, Kozuka-Hata H, Suzuki Y, Semba K, Yamamoto T and Sugano S. Diversity of translation start sites may define increased complexity of the human short ORFeome. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 6: 1000-1006, 2007
  283. Morita M, Suzuki T, Nakamura T, Yokoyama K, Miyasaka T, & Yamamoto T. Depletion of mammalian CCR4b deadenylasetriggers increment of the p27Kip1 mRNA level and impaires cell growth. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27: 4980-4990, 2007
  284. Washio-Oikawa K, Nakamura T, Usui M, Yoneda M, Ezura Y, Ishikawa I, Kazuhisa N, Noda T, Yamamoto T, and Noda M. Cnot7 null mice exhibit high bone mass phenotype and modulation of BMP action. J Borne Mineral Res, 22: 1217-23, 2007
  285. Bai C, Ohsugi M, Abe Y, Yamamoto T. ZRP-1 controls Rho GTPase-mediated actin reorganization by localizing at cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesions. J. Cell Sci. 120: 2828-2837, 2007
  286. Inoue A, Yasuda T, Yamamoto T, Yamanashi Y. Dok-1 is a positive regulator of IL-4 signaling and IgE response. J Biochem. 142: 257-263, 2007
  287. Yamaguchi R, Wada E, Kamichi S, Yamada D, Maeno H, Delawary M, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, and Wada K. Neurotensin type 2 receptor in astrocytes is involved in fear memory in mice. J. Neurochem. 102: 1669-1676. 2007
  288. Kina S, Tezuka T, Kusakawa S, Kishimoto Y, Kakizawa S, Hashimoto K, Ohsugi M, Kiyama Y, Horai R, Sudo K, Kakuta S, Iwakura Y, Iino M, Kano M, Manabe T, Yamamoto T. Involvement of protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPMEG in motor learning and cerebellar long-term depression. Eur J Neurosci. 26(8):2269-78. 2007
  289. Hoshina N, Tezuka T, Yokoyama K, Kozuka-Hata H, Oyama M and Yamamoto T. Focal adhesion kinase regulates laminin-induced oligodendroglial process outgrowth. Genes to Cells. 12: 1245-1254, 2007
  290. Haraguchi K, Ohsugi M, AbeY, Semba K, Akiyama T, and Yamamoto T. Ajuba negatively regulates the Wnt signaling pathway by promoting GSK-3b-mediated phosphorylation of b-catenin. Oncogene 27: 274-284. 2008
  291. Tahara K, Takagi M, Ohsugi M, Sone T, Nishiumi F, Maeshima K, Horiuchi Y, Tokai-Nishizumi N, Imamoto F, Yamamoto T, Kose S, and Imamoto N. Importin-beta and the small guanosine triphosphatase Ran mediate chromosome loading of the human chromokinesin Kid. J Cell Biol 180: 493-506. 2008
  292. Ohsugi M, Adachi K, Horai R, Kakuta S, Sudo K, Kotaki H, Tokai-Nishizumi N, Sagara H, Iwakura Y, and Yamamoto T. Kid-mediated chromosome compaction ensures proper nuclear envelop formation. Cell 132: 771-782, 2008
  293. Miyasaka T, Morita M, Ito K, Suzuki T, Fukuda H, Takeda S, Inoue J, Semba K and Yamamoto T. Interaction of anti-proliferative protein Tob with the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex. Cancer Science 99: 755-761, 2008
  294. Ajima R, Akiyama T, Usui M, Yoneda M, Yoshida Y, Nakamura T, Minowa O, Noda M, Tanaka S, Noda T, and Yamamoto T. Osteoporotic bone formation in mice lacking tob2; involvement of Tob2 in RANK ligand expression and osteoclasts differentiation. FEBS Lett 582:1313-1318, 2008
  295. Nakazawa T, Kuriu T, Tezuka T, Umemori H, Okabe S, and Yamamoto T. Regulation of dendritic spine morphology by an NMDA receptor-associated Rho GTPase-activating protein, p250GAP. J. Neurochem 105: 1384-1393, 2008
  296. Goto J, Tezuka T, Nakazawa T, Sagara H, and Yamamoto T. Loss of Fyn tyrosine kinase on the C57BL/6 genetic background causes hydrocephalus with defects in oligodendrocyte development. Mol Cell Neurosci 38: 203-212, 2008
  297. Isosaka T, Hattori K, Kida S, Kohno T, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Yagi T and Yuasa S. Activation of Fyn tyrosine kinase in the mouse dorsal hippocampus is essential for contextual fear conditioning. Eur J Neurosci 28(5):973-81, 2008
  298. Yang X, Morita M, Wang H, Suzuki T, Yang W, Luo Y, Zhao C, Bartlam M, Yamamoto T and Rao Z. Crystal structures of human BTG2 and mouse TIS21 involved in suppression of CAF1 deadenylase activity. Nucl Acids Res ;36(21):6872-81, 2008
  299. Suzuki T, Tsuzuku J, Kawakami K, Miyasaka T and Yamamoto T. Proteasome-mediated degradation of Tob is pivotal for triggering UV-induced apoptosis. Oncogene 28:401-11.2009
  300. Oyama M, Kozuka-Hata H, Tasaki S, Semba K, Hattori S, Sugano S, Inoue J and Yamamoto T. Temporal perturbation of tyrosine-phosphoproteome dynamics reveals the system-wide regulatory networks. Mol Cell Prot, 8:226-231, 2009
  301. Yoneda M, Suzuki T, Nakamura T, Ajima R, Yoshida Y, Kakuta S, Sudo K, Iwakura Y, Shibutani M, Mitsumori K, Yokota J and Yamamoto T. Deficiency of antiproliferative family protein Ana correlates with development of lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Sci 100: 225-232, 2009
  302. Kakugawa S, Shimojima M, Goto H, Horimoto T, Oshimori N, Neumann G, Yamamoto T, and Kawaoka Y. Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Activated Kinase RSK2 Plays a Role in Innate Immune Responses to Influenza Virus Infection. J Virol 83: 2510?2517, 2009
  303. Miyai K, Yoneda M, Hasegawa U, Toida S, Izu Y, Hiroaki H, Hayata T, Ezura Y, Mizutani S, Miyazono K, Akiyoshi K, Yamamoto T, Noda M, ANA deficiency enhances BMP-induced ectopic bone formation via transcriptional events. J Biol Chem 284: 10593-10600, 2009
  304. Horiuchi M, Takeuchi K, Noda N, Muroya N, Suzuki T, Nakamura T, Kawamura-Tsuzuku J, Takahasi T, Yamamoto T and Inagaki F. Structural basis for the antiproliferative activity of the Tob-hCaf1 complex. J Biol Chem 284:13244-13255, 2009
  305. Kawa S, Matsushita H, Ohbayashi H, Semba K, and Yamamoto T. A novel mouse monoclonal antibody targeting ErbB2 suppresses breast cancer growth. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 384: 329-333, 2009
  306. Oshimori N, Li X, Ohsugi M, Yamamoto T. Cep72 regulates localization of key centrosomal proteins and proper bipolar spindle formation. EMBO J 28: 2066-2076, 2009
  307. Matsumura T, Kawamura-Tsuzuku J, Yamamoto T, Semba K and Inoue J. TRAF-interacting protein with a forkhead-associated domain B (TIFAB) is a negative regulator of the TRAF6-induced cellular functions. J Biochem, 146: 375-381, 2009
  308. Futatsumori-Sugai M, Abe R, Watanabe M, Kudou M, Yamamoto T, Ejima D, Arakawa T, Tsumoto K. Utilization of Arg-elution method for FLAG-tag based chromatography. Protein Expr Purif. 67: 148-155, 2009
  309. Taniguchi S, Nakazawa T, Tanimura A, Kiyama Y, Tezuka T, Watabe AM, Katayama N, Yokoyama K, Inoue T, Izumi-Nakaseko H, Kakuta S, Sudo K, Iwakura Y, Umemori H, Inoue T, Murphy PN, Hashimoto K, Kano M, Manabe T, Yamamoto T. Involvement of NMDAR2A tyrosine phosphorylation in depression-related behavior. EMBO J. 28: 3817-3829, 2009
  310. Watanabe M, Suzuki T, Kim M, Abe Y, Yoshida Y, Sugano S and Yamamoto T. Coronin7 forms a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase complex to promote the degradation of the anti-proliferative protein Tob. FEBS Lett. 585: 65-70, 2010
  311. Bartlam M, Yamamoto T. The structural basis for deadenylation by the CCR4-NOT complex. Protein & Cell 1: 443-452, 2010
  312. Koshiba S, Li H, Motoda Y, Tomizawa T, Kasai T, Tochio N, Yabuki T, Harada T, Watanabe S, Tanaka A, Shirouzu M, Kigawa T, Yamamoto T, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the recognition of nucleophosmin-anaplastic lymphoma kinase oncoprotein by the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Suc1-associated neurotrophic factor-induced tyrosine-phosphorylated target-2. J Struct Funct Genomics. 11:125-141, 2010
  313. Wang H, Morita M, Yang X, Suzuki T, Yang W, Wang J, Ito K, Wang Q, Zhao C, Bartlam M*, Yamamoto T* & Rao Z. Crystal structure of the human CNOT6L nuclease domain reveals strict poly(A) substrate specificity. EMBO J 29: 2566-2576, 2010
  314. Matsumura S, Kunori S, Mabuchi T, Katano T, Nakazawa T, Abe T, Watanabe M, Yamamoto T, Okuda-Ashitaka E and Ito S. Impairment of CaMKII activation and attenuation of neuropathic pain in mice lacking NR2B phosphorylated at Tyr1472. Eur J Neurosci 32: 7989-810, 2010
  315. Chagnon MJ, Wu CL, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Noda M, Blanchetot C, Tremblay ML. Receptor tyrosine phosphatase sigma (RPTPsigma) regulates, p250GAP, a novel substrate that attenuates Rac signaling. Cell Signal. 22: 1626-1633, 2010
  316. Tasaki S, Nagasaki M, Kozuka-Hata H, Semba K, Gotoh N, Hattori S, Inoue J, Yamamoto T, Miyano S, Sugano S, and Oyama M. Phosphoproteomics-based modeling defines the regulatory mechanism underlyingaberrant EGFR signaling. PLoS ONE 5: e13926, 2010
  317. Delawary M, Tezuka T, Kiyama Y, Yokoyama K, Inoue T, Hattor S, Hashimoto R, Umemori H, Manabe T, Yamamoto T, Nakazawa T. NMDAR2B tyrosine phosphorylation regulates anxiety-like behavior and CRF expression in the amygdala. Molecular Brain 3: 37, 2010
  318. Hino N, Oyama M, Sato A, Mukai T, Iraha F, Hayashi A, Kozuka-Hata H, Yamamoto T, Yokoyama S, Sakamoto K. Genetic incorporation of a photo-crosslinkable amino acid reveals novel protein complexes with GRB2 in mammalian cells. J Mol Biol 406: 343-353, 2011
  319. Katano T, Nakazawa T, Nakatsuka T, Watanabe M, Yamamoto T, & Ito S. Involvement of spinal phosphorylation cascade of Tyr1472-NR2B, Thr286-CaMKII, and Ser831-GluR1 in neuropathic pain. Neuropharmacol. 60:609-16, 2011
  320. Ito K, Inoue T, Yokoyama K, Morita M, Suzuki T, and Yamamoto T. CNOT2-depletion disrupts and inhibits the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex and induces apoptotic cell death. Genes to Cells 4: 368-79, 2011
  321. Suzuki T, Kim M, Kozuka-Hata H, Watanabe M, Oyama M, Tsumoto K, Yamamoto T. Monoubiquitination of Tob/BTG family proteins competes with degradation-targeting polyubiquitination. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 409:70-4. 2011
  322. Chen C, Ito K, Takahashi A, Wang G, Suzuki T, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Yokoyama K. Distinct expression patterns of the subunits of the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex during neural development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.411:360-4. 2011
  323. Morita M, Oike Y, Nagashima T, Kadomatsu T, Tabata M, Suzuki T, Nakamura T, Yoshida N, Okada M, and Yamamoto T. Obesity resistance and increased hepatic expression of catabolism-related mRNAs in Cnot3+/- mice. EMBO J, 30, 4678-4691, 2011
  324. Yokoyama K, Tezuka T, Kotani M, Nakazawa T, Hoshina N, Shimoda Y, Kakuta Y, Sudo K, Watanabe K, Iwakur Y and Yamamoto T. NYAP: a phosphoprotein family that links PI3K to WAVE1 signaling in neurons. EMBO J, 30, 4739-4754, 2011
  325. Ito K, Takahashi A, Morita M, Suzuki T, and Yamamoto T, The role of the CNOT1 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex in mRNA deadenylation and cell viability. Protein & Cell, 2, 755-763, 2011
  326. Fabian MR, Cieplak MK, Frank F, Morita1 M, Green J, Srikumar T, Nagar B, Yamamoto T, Raught B, Duchaine TF and Sonenberg N. miRNA-mediated deadenylation is orchestrated by GW182 through two conserved motifs that interact with CCR4-NOT. Nat Struct and Mol Biol, 18,1211-7,2011
  327. Masuda N, Shimodaira T, Shiu SJ, Tokai-Nishizumi N, Yamamoto T, Ohsugi M. Microtubule stabilization triggers the plus-end accumulation accumulation of Kif18/kinesin-8. Cell Struct Funct, 2, 261-267, 2011
  328. Saito M., Kumazawa K, Doi A, Takebe S, Amari T, Oyama M, Semba K, Yamamoto T. ErbB2/HER2, its contribution to basic cancer biology and development of molecular targeted therapy. In "Breast Cancer Cells, Book 1" (ed. Gunduz M), INTECH, 2011
  329. Yoshikawa S, Kukimoto-Niino M, Parker L, Handa N, Terada T, Fujimoto T, Terazawa Y, Wakiyama M, Sato M, Sano S, Kobayashi T, Tanaka T, Chen L, Liu ZJ, Wang BC, Shirouzu M, Kawa S, Semba K, Yamamoto T, Yokoyama S. Structural basis for the altered drug sensitivities of non-small cell lung cancer-associated mutants of human epidermal growth factor receptor. Oncogene ,32(1):27-38,2012
  330. Yang K, Trepanier C, Sidhu B, Xie YF, Li H, Lei G, Salter MW, Orser BA, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Jackson MF, Macdonald JF. Metaplasticity gated through differential regulation of GluN2A versus GluN2B receptors by Src family kinases. EMBO J. 31,805-16,2012
  331. Takahashi A, Kikuguchi C, Morita M, Shimodaira T, Tokai-Nishizumi N, Yokoyama K, Ohsugi M, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T.Involvement of CNOT3 in mitotic progression through inhibition of MAD1 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 419,268-73,2012
  332. Ohi K, Hashimoto R, Nakazawa T, Okada T, Yasuda Y, Yamamori H, Fukumoto M, Umeda-Yano S, Iwase M, Kazui H, Yamamoto T, Kano M, and Takeda M. The p250GAP gene is associated with risk for schizophrenia and schizotypal personality trait. PLoS ONE 7: e35696 ,2012
  333. Delawary M, Tezuka T, Kiyama Y, Yokoyama K, Wada E, Wada K, Manabe T, Yamamoto T, and Nakazawa T. NMDAR2B tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in thermal nociception. Neurosci. Lett. 516: 270-273,2012
  334. Unezaki S, Sasaki A, Mabuchi T, Matsumura S, Katano T, Nishio N, Andoh T, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Nakatsuka T, Kuraishi Y, and Ito S, Involvement of Tyr1472 phosphorylation of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in postherpetic neuralgia in model mice. Mol Pain. 21;8(1):59,2012
  335. Ozaki Y, Matsui H, Asou H, Nagamachi A, Aki D, Honda H, Yasunaga S, Takihara Y, Yamamoto T, Izumi S, Ohsugi M, and Inaba T, Poly-ADP ribosylation of Miki by tankyrase-1 promotes centrosome maturation. Mol Cell. 2012 Sep 14;47(5):694-706.
  336. Takeshita K, Tezuka T, Isozaki Y, Yamashita E, Suzuki M, Kim M, Yamanashi Y, Yamamoto T, Nakagawa A., Structural flexibility regulates phosphopeptide-binding activity of the tyrosine kinase binding domain of Cbl-c. J Biochem. 152:487-495. 2012
  337. Suzuki T, Tsuzuku J, Hayashi A, Shiomi Y, Iwanari H, Mochizuki Y, Hamakubo T, Kodama T, Nishitani H, Masai H, Yamamoto T. Inhibition of DNA damage-induced apoptosis through Cdc7-mediated stabilization of Tob. J Biol Chem. 287: 40256-40265, 2012
  338. Takahashi A, Morita M, Yokoyama K, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T. Tob2 inhibits PPARg2 expression by sequestering Smads and C/EBPa during adipocyte differentiation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 32: 5067-5077, 2012
  339. Sekino-Suzuki N, Yuyama K,Miki T, Kaneda M, Suzuki H, Yamamoto N, Yamamoto T, Oneyama C, Kasahara K. Involvement of gangliosides in the process of Cbp/PAG phosphorylation by Lyn in developing cerebellar growth cones. J Neurochem. 124(4):514-22, 2013
  340. Yanagida S, Taniue K, Sugimasa H, Nasu E, Takeda Y, Kobayashi M, Ochiai K, Yamamoto T, Okamoto A, Akiyama T. ASBEL, an ANA/BTG3 antisense transcript required for tumorigenicity of ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Sci Rep.3:1305, 2013
  341. Kohda K, Kakwgawa W, Matsuda S, Yamamoto T, Hirano H, Yuzaki M. The δ2 glutamate receptor gates long-term depression by coordinating interactions between two AMPA receptor phosphorylation sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  110(10):E948-57, 2013
  342. Hoshina N, Tanimura A, Yamasaki M, Inoue T, Fukabori R, Kuroda T, Yokoyama K, Tezuka T, Sagara H, Hirano S, Kiyonari H, Takada M, Kobayashi K, Watanabe M, Kano M, Nakazawa T,and Yamamoto T. Protocadherin 17 Regulates Presynaptic Assembly in Topographic Cortico-Basal Ganglia Circuits. Neuron 78:839-54, 2013
  343. Watanabe C, Morita M, Hayata T, Nakamoto T, Kikuguchi C, Li X, Kobayashi Y, Takahashi N, Notomi T, Moriyama K, Yamamoto T, Ezura Y, Noda M. The stability of mRNA influences osteoporotic bone mass via Cnot3. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: 2692-2697, 2014
  344. Inoue T, Hoshina N, nakazawa T, Kiyama Y, Abe T, Yamamoto T, Manabe T, and Yamamoto T. LMTK3 deficiency causes pronounced locomotor hyperactivity and impairs endocytic trafficking. J Neurosci 34(17): 5927-5937,2014
  345. David O, Barrera I, Adaikkan C, Kaphzan H, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T and Rosenblum K, Dopamine-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2B (Tyr1472) is essential for ERK1/2 activation and processing of novel taste information. Frontiers in Mol Neuroci, 18;7:66,2014
  346. Shirai YT, Suzuki T, Morita M, Takahashi A, Yamamoto T, Multifunctional roles of the mammalian CCR4-NOT complex in physiological phenomena. Frontiers in Genetics,21;5:286, 2014
  347. Knox R, Brennan-Milnella Angela, Lu F, Yang D, Nakazawa T, Yamamoto T, Swanson R, Ferriero D, and Jiang X, NR2B phosphorylation at Tyrosine 1472 contributes to brain injury in a rodent model of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia. Stroke, 45(10):3040-7, 2014
  348. Ito-Kureha T, Koshikawa N, Yamamoto M, Semba K, Yamaguchi N, Yamamoto T, Seiki M, and Inoue J. Tropomodulin 1 expression driven by NF-κB enhances breast cancer growth. Cancer Research, 1;75(1):62-72,2015
  349. Inoue T, Morita M, Hijikata A, Fukuda-Yuzawa Y, Adachi S, Isono K, Ikawa T, Kawamoto H, Koseki H, Tohru N, Fukao T, Ohara O, Yamamoto T, Kurosaki T. CNOT3 contributes to early B cell development by controlling Igh rearrangement and p53 mRNA stability. J Exp Med 212:1465-79, 2015
  350. Suzuki T, Kikuguchi C, Sharma S, Sasaki T, Tokumasu M, Adachi S, Natsume T, Kanegae Y, and Yamamoto T. CNOT3 suppression promotes necroptosis by stabilizing mRNAs for cell death-inducing proteins. Sci Rep 5:14779,2015
  351. Bai Y, Tashiro S, Nagatoishi S, Suzuki T, Yan D, Tsumoto K, Bartlam M, Yamamoto T, Structural basis for inhibition of the Tob-CNOT7 interaction by a fragment screening approach. Protein Cell 6(12): 924–928,2015
  352. Takahashi A , Adachi S ,Morita M , Tokumasu M , Natsume T , Suzuki T, and Yamamoto T , Post-Transcriptional Stabilization of Ucp1 mRNA Protects Mice from Diet-Induced Obesity. Cell Rep 13(12):2756-2767,2015
  353. Nakazawa T, Hashimoto R, Sakoori K, Sugaya Y, Tanimura A, Hashimotodani Y, Ohi K, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Umeda-Yano S, Kiyama Y, Konno K, Inoue T, Yokoyama K, Inoue T, Numata S, Ohnuma T, Iwata N, Ozaki N,  Hashimoto H, Watanabe M, Manabe T, Yamamoto T, Takeda M and Kano M. Emerging Roles of ARHGAP33 in Intracellular Trafficking of TrkB and Pathophysiology of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Nat Commun 7:10594, 2016
  354. Zhang Q, Yan D, Guo E, Ding B, Yang W, Liu R, Yamamoto T and Bartlam M. Structural basis for inhibition of the deadenylase activity of human CNOT6L. FEBS letters 590(8):1270-1279,2016
  355. Ohashi T, Yamamoto T, Yamanashi Y and Ohsugi M. Human TUBG2 gene is expressed as two splice variant mRNAs and involved in cell growth. FEBS letters 590(8):1053-1063,2016
  356. Zukeran A, Takahashi A, Takaoka S, Mohamed H, Suzuki T, Ikematsu S and Yamamoto T. The CCR4-NOT deadenylase activity contributes to generation of induced pluripotent stem cells. BBRC 474(2):233-239,2016
  357. Tsai H, Cheng J, Chang H, Yamamoto T and Shen A. Uniform electric field generation in circular multi-well culture plates using polymeric inserts. Sci Rep 6:26222,2016
  358. Ban T, Sato G R ,Nishiyama A, Akiyama A, Takasuna M, Umehara M, Suzuki S, Ichino M, Matsunaga S, Kimur A, Kimura Y, Yanai H, Miyashita S, Kuromitsu J, Tsukahara K,Yoshimatsu K, Endo I, Yamamoto T, Hirano H, Ryo A, Taniguchi T and Tamura T. Lyn Kinase Suppresses the Transcriptional Activity of IRF5 in the TLR-MyD88 Pathway to Restrain the Development of Autoimmunity. Immunity 45(2):319-332,2016
  359. Katano T, Fukuda M, Furue H, Yamazaki M, Abe M, Watanabe M, Nishida K, Yao I, Yamada A, Hata Y, Okumura N, Yamamoto T, Sakimura K, Takao T and Ito S. Involvement of brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) in chronic pain after peripheral nerve injury. eNeuro 10:1523, 2016
  360. Li X, Morita M, Kikuguchi C, Takahashi A, Suzuki T and Yamamoto T. Adipocyte-specific disruption of mouse Cnot3 causes lipodystrophy. FEBS Letters 591(2):358-368,2017
  361. Li T, Amari T, Semba K, Yamamoto T and Takeoka S. Construction and evaluation of pH-sensitive immunoliposomes for enhanced delivery of anticancer drug to ErbB2 over-expressing breast cancer cells. Nanomedicine 13(3):1219-1227,2017
  362. Yamaguchi T, Suzuki T, Sato T, Takahashi A, Watanabe H, Kadowaki A, Miyuki N, Inagaki H, Arakawa S, Nakaoka S, Koizumi Y, Seki S, Adachi S, Fukao A, Fujiwara T, Natsume T, Kimura A, Komatsu M, Shimizu S, Ito H, Suzuki Y, Penninger JM, Yamamoto T, Imai Y and Kuba K. The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex controls Atg7-dependent cell death and heart function. Science signaling, 11:eaan3638, 2018
  363. Chang H, Hoshina N, Zhang C, Ma Y, Cao H, Wang Y, Wu D, Bergen E, Landén M, Hultman C, Preisig M, Kutalik Z, Castelao E, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Forstner A, Strohmaier J, Hecker J, Schulze T, Müller-Myhsok B, Reif A, Mitchell P, Martin N, Cichon S, Nöthen M, The Swedish Bipolar Study Group, MooDS Bipolar Consortium, Walter H, Erk S, Heinz A, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Tost H, Xiao X, Yamamoto T, Rietschel M and Li M. The Protocadherin 17 Gene Affects Cognition, Personality, Amygdala Structure and Function, Synapse Development and Risk of Major Mood Disorders. Mol Psychiatry 23:400-412, 2018
  364. Suzuki T, Kikuguchi C, Nishijima S, Nagashima T, Takahashi A, Okada M, Yamamoto T. Postnatal liver functional maturation requires Cnot complex-mediated decay of mRNAs encoding cell cycle and immature liver genes. Development, 146:dev168146, 2019
  365. Shirai YT, Mizutani A, Nishijima S, Horie M, Kikuguchi C, Elisseeva O, Yamamoto T. CNOT3 targets negative cell cycle regulators in non-small cell lung cancer development. Oncogene, 38:2580-2594, 2019
  366. Morita M, Siddiqui N, Katsumura S, Rouya C, Larsson O, Nagashima T, Hekmatnejad B, Takahashi A, Kiyonari H, Zang M, St-Arnaud R, Oike Y, Giguère V, Topisirovic I, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Yamamoto T, Sonenberg N. Hepatic post-transcriptional network comprising of CCR4-NOT deadenylase and FGF21 maintains systemic metabolic homeostasis. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 116:7973-7981, 2019
  367. Ashworth W, Stoney S, Yamamoto T. States of Decay: The Systems Biology of mRNA Stability. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 15:48-57, 2019
  368. Montrose K, Kobayashi S, Manabe T, Yamamoto T. Lmtk3-KO mice display a range of behavioural abnormalities and have an impairment in GluA1 trafficking. Neuroscience, 414:154-167, 2019
  369. Akinori Takahashi, Shohei Takaoka, Shungo Kobori, Tomokazu Yamaguchi, Sara Ferwati, Keiji Kuba, Tadashi Yamamoto*, Toru Suzuki*. The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex maintains adipocyte identity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20: 5274, 2019
  370. Baba M, Yokoyama K, Seiriki K, Naka Y, Matsumura K, Kondo M, Yamamoto K,  Hayashida M,  Kasai A, Ago Y, , Nagayasu K, Hayata-Takana A, Takahashi A, Yamaguchi S, Mori D,  Ozaki N, Yamamoto T, Takuma K, Hashimoto R, Hashimoto  H, Nakazawa T. Psychiatric-disorder-related behavioral phenotypes and cortical hyperactivity in a mouse model of 3q29 deletion syndrome. Neuropsycopharacology, 44:2125-2135, 2019
  371. Suzuki T, Kikuguchi C, Nishijima S, Yamamoto T. Insufficient liver maturation affects murine early postnatal hair cycle. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 521:172-177, 2020
  372. Kuniaki Nerome, Taku Ito-Kureha, Tiziana Paganini, Takao Fukuda, Yasuhiro Igarashi, Hiroto Ashitomi, Shinya Ikematsu, Tadashi Yamamoto. Potent and broad anticancer activities of leaf extracts from Melia azedarach L. of the subtropical Okinawa islands. Am J Cancer Res, 10(2):581-594,2020
  373. Mostafa D, Takahashi A, Yanagiya A, Yamaguchi T, Abe T, Kureha T, Kuba K, Kanegae Y, Furuta Y, Yamamoto T*, Suzuki T*. Essential functions of the CNOT7/8 catalytic subunits of the CCR4-NOT complex in mRNA regulation and cell viability. RNA Biology, 17(3):403-416, 2020
  374. Takahashi A, Suzuki T, Soeda S, Takaoka S, Kobori S, Yamaguchi T, Mohamed H, Yanagiya A, Abe T, Shigeta M, Furuta Y, Kuba K, and Yamamoto T. The CCR4-NOT complex maintains liver homeostasis through mRNA deadenylation. Life Science Alliance, 3(5):e201900494, 2020
  375. Sugawara S, Kanamaru Y, Sekine S, Maekawa L, Takahashi A, Yamamoto T, Watanabe K, Fujisawa T, Hattori K, Ichijo H. The mitochondrial protein PGAM5 suppresses energy consumption in brown adipocytes by repressing expression of uncoupling protein 1. J Biol Chem, 295(17) 5588-5601, 2020
  376. Otsuka H, Fukao A, Tomohiro T, Adachi S, Suzuki T, Takahashi A, Funakami Y, Natsume T, Yamamoto T, Duncan K, Fujiwara T. ARE-binding Protein ZFP36L1 Interacts With CNOT1 to Directly Repress Translation via a Deadenylation-Independent Mechanism. Biochimie, 174:49-56, 2020
  377. Guillaume Vares, Vidhula Ahire, Shigeaki Sunada, Eun Ho Kim, Sei Sai, François Chevalier, Paul-Henri Romeo, Tadashi Yamamoto, Tetsuo Nakajima, Yannick Saintigny. A multimodal treatment of carbon ions irradiation, miRNA-34 and mTOR inhibitor specifically control high-grade chondrosarcoma cancer stem cells. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 150:253-261, 2020
  378. Mostafa D, Yanagiya A, Georgiadou E, Wu Y, Stylianides T, Rutter GA, Suzuki T*, Yamamoto T*. Loss of β-cell identity and diabetic phenotype in mice caused by disruption of CNOT3-dependent mRNA deadenylation. Communications Biology, 3(1):476, 2020
  379. Ito-Kureha T, Miyao T, Nishijima S, Suzuki T, Kozumi S-I, Villar-Brioness A, Takahashi A, Akinama N, Morita M, Nagura I, Ishikawa H, Ichijo H, Akinama T*, Yamamoto T*. The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex safeguards thymic positive selection by down-regulating aberrant pro-apoptotic gene expression. Nature Commun., 11(1):6169, 2020
  380. Toru Suzuki, Shungo Adachi, Chisato Kikuguchi, Shinsuke Shibata, Saori Nishijima, Yurie Kawamoto, Yusuke Iizuka, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideyuki Okano, Tohru Natsume, Tadashi Yamamoto. Regulation of fetal genes by transitions among RNA-binding proteins during liver development. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(23), 9319, 2020
  381. Akiyama T, Suzuki T, Yamamoto T.  RNA decay machinery safeguards immune cell development and immunological responses. Trends Immunol., 42:447-460, 2021
  382. Minegishi K, Rothé B, Komatsu K, Ono H, Ikawa Y, Nishimura H, Katoh T, Kajikawa E, Sai X, Miyashita E, Takaoka K, Bando K, Kiyonari H, Yamamoto T, Saito H, Constam D, and Hamada H. Fluid flow-induced left-right asymmetric decay of Dand5 mRNA in the mouse embryo requires a Bicc1-Ccr4 RNA degradation complex. Nature Communications, 12:4071, 2021
  383. Ban T, Kikuchi M, Sato G, Manabe A, Tagata N,  Harita K, Nishiyama A, Nishimura K, Yoshim Ri, Kirino Y, Yanai H, Matsumoto Y, Suzuki S, Hihara H, Ito M, Tsukahara K, Yoshimatsu K, Yamamoto T, Taniguchi T, Nakajima H, Ito S, and Tamura T. Genetic and chemical inhibition of IRF5 suppresses pre-existing mouse lupus-like disease. Nature Communications, 12:4379, 2021
  384. Takaoka S, Yanagiya A, Mohamed H, Higa R, Abe T, Inoue K, Takahashi A, Stoney P and Yamamoto T. Neuronal XRN1 is required for maintenance of whole-body metabolic homeostasis. iScience, in press.
  385. Akiyama T, Yamamoto T. Regulation of Early Lymphocyte Development via mRNA Decay Catalyzed by the CCR4-NOT Complex. Front Immunol, 12:715675, 2021
  386. *Suzuki T, Hoshina M, Nishijima S, Hoshina, N, Kikuguchi C, Tomohiro T, Fukao A, Fujiwara T, and *Yamamoto T. Regulation of CCR4-NOT complex deadenylase activity and cellular responses by MK2-dependent phosphorylation of CNOT2. RNA Biology, 19 (1):234-246, 2022
  387. Matsuura K, Kobayashi S, Konno K, Yamasaki M, Horiuchi T, Senda T, Hayashi T, Satoh K, Arima-Yoshida F, Iwasaki K, Negishi L, Yasui-Shimizu N, Kohu K, Kawahara K, Kirino Y, Nakamura T, Watanabe M, Yamamoto T, Manabe T, and Akiyama T.  SIPA1L1/SPAR1 interacts with the neurabin family of proteins and is involved in GPCR signaling.  Journal of Neuroscience, 42 (12) 2448-2473, 2022
  388. Stoney P, Yanagiya A, Nishijima S, Yamamoto T. CNOT7 outcompetes its paralog CNOT8 for integration into the CCR4-NOT complex.  Journal of Molecular Biology (J Mol Biol), 167523, 2022
  389. Youssef M, Hamada H T, Lai E S, Kiyama Y, Eltabbal M, Kiyonari H, Nakano K, Kuhn B and Yamamoto T, TOB is an effector of the hippocampus-mediated acute stress response, Translational Psychiatry 12, No 302, 2022
  390. Matsuura K, Aly Mohamed H M, Youssef M, Yoshida Y, and Yamamoto T, Synaptotagmin 2 is ectopically overexpressed in excitatory presynapses of a widely used CaMKⅡα-Cre mouse line, iScience 25 Issue 8, 2022
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