Past Events

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 4: Nano- and Micro-fabrication Enabled Lab-on-a-chip Platforms for Biotechnology Applications and Beyond

2021年7月14日 (水) 17:30 18:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 4: Nano- and micro-fabrication enabled lab-on-a-chip platforms for biotechnology applications and beyond

OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK Series 1 by Dr.Takanori Kanai and Dr. Matthias Wolf

2021年4月28日 (水) 17:00 18:00
Webinar-Registration is required.

OIST and Keio University, Japan's very first private institution of higher learning located in the center of Tokyo, are starting a series of short seminars (OIST-KEIO SHOWCASE TALK) to introduce each other's researchers to promote future collaboration.

When designing dream vaccines, consider the memory B cell behavior

2021年4月2日 (金) 11:00 12:00

OIST-Osaka University collaboration-Infection

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3: Intraoperative Rapid Imaging of Tiny Tumors by Novel Fluorogenic Probes for Exopeptidases and Glycosidases

2021年3月24日 (水) 17:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3 Intraoperative Rapid Imaging of Tiny Tumors by Novel Fluorogenic Probes for Exopeptidases and Glycosidases

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3: "How close are we to atomic resolution cryo-electron microscopy of membrane proteins?"

2021年3月17日 (水) 17:30

OIST-UT Joint talk series for future science-Season 3 Dr. Danev

OIST-Tohoku University First Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences - Ocean Collapse and Regeneration - 海~崩壊と再生~

2021年2月17日 (水) 13:00 17:30
Zoom and Onsite (Conference Center)

The first joint workshop beteween TOHOKU University and OIST.

Parallel olfactory processing in the mammalian brain

2020年12月16日 (水) 17:30

Dr. Izumi Fukunaga, Assistant Professor, OIST

How the Brain Works for Effective Vocal Learning with Social Interactions in Juvenile Zebra Finches

2020年12月2日 (水) 17:30

Dr. Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama, Associate Professor, OIST

[Webinar]-OIST- 東京大学ミニトークシリーズ- 組織透明化技術のがん研究への応用

2020年9月2日 (水) 13:30
Webinar and C210,Center Bld., OIST

助教 高橋 恵生

The 2nd Osaka University-OIST symposium

2020年1月20日 (月) (All day)2020年1月21日 (火) (All day)
Room# B250, Center, OIST

The 2nd Osaka University-OIST symposium
