"Folded conformations of graphene"


2015年11月25日 (水) 14:00 15:00


C016 - L1 Bldg


Dear All,

Mathematical Soft Matter Unit (Fried Unit) would like to invite you to a Seminar by Dr. Barry Cox from University of Adelaide (Australia)

Date: Wednesday, November 25th, 2015
Time: 14:00-15:00
Venue: C016, LevelC, Lab 1

Dr. Barry Cox
Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Adelaide, Australia

Folded conformations of graphene

In this talk we employ the calculus of variations to investigate
the folding behaviour of a graphene sheet. The elastic and van
der Waals energies are included in the model and a second order
variational problem is derived. The variational problem gives
rise to a fourth order Euler-Lagrange equation that may be
tackled analytically that in turn leads to a parametric solution
that depends on the ratio of the bending rigidity of graphene to
the strength of the van der Waals interaction between parallel
graphene sheets. Using typical values for these physical param-
eters we _nd that the shortest length of graphene sheet to adopt
the folded conformation to be on the order of 10 nm.
This is joint work with Asst Prof Duangkamon Baowan from
Mahidol University, Bangkok; ProfWolfgang Bacsa from CEMES,
Toulouse; and, Prof Jim Hill from University of South Aus-
tralia, Adelaide. The _gure above originally appeared in Lopez-
Bezanilla et al, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 2097{2102 (2012) and
is decorated with analytic solution curves (unbroken lines).


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