2018 Okinawa Future Semiconductor Technical Committee

Committee Chair: Prof. Fujii, N.I.T., Okinawa College
Sponsor: H30 Innovation Building Project in Okinawa Prefecture, and H30 KOSEN
Okinawa General Bureau, Cabinet Office, Prof. Fried OIST
Workshop Abstract
As Okinawa Prefecture consists of small islands with rich biodiversity, promoting industrialization entails problems in destroying nature reserves with the construction of large factories such as steel and chemistry processing plants. In addition, while semiconductors are indispensable to modern society, construct and maintain the huge factories used to produce them, generally via a process called Mega-Fab, would be infeasible in the Okinawan setting. Minimal Fab, which was developed by Dr. Hara, has much potential to replace traditional industrial models. This technology does not require for clean rooms and yields half-inch production sizes suitable for research on IC, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and new material technologies. Minimal Fab can be applied as-is to promote industry in Okinawa Prefecture. It would also afford opportunities for researchers at OIST, Okinawa College, and Ryukyu University to undertake projects that will modernize the educational research system. In this workshop, our researchers exchange information and construct future, research, education, and business models for the benefit of Okinawa and Japan.
- Minimal Fab Promoting Organization(Link in Japanese)
- Yokogawa Electric Corporation(Link in Japanese)
Minimal Fab Changes the World
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