Past Events


Student Research Presentations 4-5pm C700

2016年2月19日 (金) 16:00
C700 Lab 3
OIST Students to present on their thesis research topic every second Friday from 4-5pm in C700 Lab 3

Workshop 2: How to prepare an effective CV for "Faculty" positions

2016年2月19日 (金) 14:00
Lab 3 Seminar Room C700
Workshop series on "How to prepare an effective CV and/or Résumé for jobs in academia and industry!"

Seminar by Prof. Kyoko Nozaki -"Development of New Catalysts toward Utilization of Renewable Resources"

2016年2月19日 (金) 10:30 11:30
C700 (Lab 3, Level C)
Speaker: Professor Kyoko Nozaki, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo

Late Start Teatime

2016年2月18日 (木) 16:30 17:30
Teatime will start at 16:30 this week, as we will be joined by the 50 students that are visiting for the Admissions Workshop.

"Lattices, disorder and quasi-particles in Faraday waves: understanding fluid particle motion in surface waves" by Prof. Michael Shats

2016年2月18日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C015 (Lab1, Level C)
Professor Michael Shats Head, Centre for Plasmas and Fluids Research School of Physics and Engineering The Australian National University

The 14th Board of Governors Meeting

2016年2月18日 (木) 0:00
OIST Campus
Please address inquiries to the President's Office.

/Location Changed/Lecture Series: “Theory of Open Quantum Systems” Ilya Sinayskiy-3

2016年2月17日 (水) 10:30 11:30
B712, Level B, Lab 3
Lecture 3: Projection operator approach to the description of open quantum systems. Time local and time non-local quantum master equations. Examples of exactly solvable Open Quantum Systems.

"Lagrangian statistics and particle dispersion in two-dimensional turbulence" by Prof. Michael Shats

2016年2月16日 (火) 14:00 15:00
D015 (Lab1, Level D)
Professor Michael Shats Head, Centre for Plasmas and Fluids Research School of Physics and Engineering The Australian National University

Admissions Workshop for 2016

2016年2月16日 (火) (All day)2016年2月18日 (木) (All day)
Onna Main Campus
February Admissions Workshop for 2016 entry students

/Location Changed/Lecture Series: “Theory of Open Quantum Systems” Ilya Sinayskiy-2

2016年2月15日 (月) 15:00 16:00
B712, Level B, Lab 3
Lecture 2: Coherent states for bosonic and spin systems. Glauber-Sudarshan P representation for dissipative dynamics of bosonic and spin systems. Fokker-Planck equation and its solution.

Amphipol Symposium 2016

2016年2月15日 (月) 9:002016年2月17日 (水) 17:00
OIST Seaside House & Main Campus (Teaching Lab)
OIST Mini Symposium - Open to all OIST members - For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.

Internal Seminar: Computational Neuroscience Unit

2016年2月12日 (金) 17:30 18:00
Join us for this month's first Internal Seminars Series on February 12, from 17:30 to 18:00 in C700 (Lab3). This seminar features the Computational Neuroscience Unit (Erik De Schutter).

Workshop 1: How to prepare an effective CV for "Postdoctoral" positions!

2016年2月12日 (金) 14:00
Lab 3 Seminar Room C700
Workshop series on "How to prepare an effective CV and/or Résumé for jobs in academia and industry!"

Marine Staff Training

2016年2月12日 (金) 13:30 17:00
OIST Conference Center, Meeting Room #1
This is an externally organized event. For more information contact the organizers.

/Location Changed/Lecture Series: “Theory of Open Quantum Systems” Ilya Sinayskiy-1

2016年2月12日 (金) 10:30 11:30
B712, Level B, Lab 3
Lecture 1: Quantum Master Equation in the Lindblad (GKSL)Form, derivation and simple examples. Kraus representation of the Open Quantum System dynamics.

G1 Youth Kick-Off Meeting

2016年2月11日 (木) 8:00 17:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C210
This is an externally organized event by G1 Youth Secretariat

National Foundation Day 2016

2016年2月11日 (木) 0:00
National holiday. OIST administrative offices closed.

/Schedule Changed/"Open Quantum Walks: from Quantum Computing to Quantum Biology" Ilya Sinayskiy

2016年2月10日 (水) 16:00 17:00
C015, Level C, Lab 1
Dr. Ilya Sinayskiy, Researcher, National Institute for Theoretical Physics and Centre for Quantum Technology, University of KwaZulu-Natal

"Self-consistent non-equilibrium Green's function approach applied to the study of weakly interacting Bose-Hubbard model" Nicola LoGullo

2016年2月10日 (水) 10:30 11:30
D015, Level D, Lab1
Nicola Lo Gullo (Post-doc, University of Padua, Italy)

Fundraising in Japan

2016年2月9日 (火) 10:00
C210 Center Building
Speakers: Mr. Yoshihiro Kamozaki (Deputy Secretary General, Japan Fundraising Association) Mr. Fumitaka Watanabe (Fundraising Staff, iPS Cell Research Fund, Kyoto University)

"Cooperative effects in quantum transport: Cooperative Shielding"

2016年2月8日 (月) 14:00 15:00
Professor Luca Celardo, Assistant Professor in Condensed Matter Theory at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Brescia, Itay)

NHK Heart Forum

2016年2月7日 (日) 12:00 18:00
Auditorium, Conference Center Meeting Room I & II
Externally organized event by NHK Heart Forum Project members.

Student Research Presentations 4-5pm C700

2016年2月5日 (金) 16:00
C700 Lab 3
OIST Graduate Students to present on their thesis research topics every second Friday from 4-5pm in C700

Teatime: Biscuit or Cookie?

2016年2月4日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Center Building, Level B, Restaurant Area
Do not miss weekly Teatime: tea, coffee, snacks, and good company guaranteed!

The 10th Board of Councilors Meeting

2016年2月4日 (木) 0:00
OIST Campus
Please address inquiries to the President's Office.

"Sedimentation and Resuspension from River Plumes" by Prof. Bruce R. Sutherland

2016年2月3日 (水) 14:00 15:00
C016 (Lab1, Level C)
Prof. Bruce R. Sutherland Director, Institute for Geophysical Research Depts. Physics / Earth & Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta

Common Resource User Satisfaction Survey DEADLINE

2016年2月3日 (水) 12:00

Anonymous survey to inform concrete policy changes to enhance the range of common equipment and services available to researchers.


"Bose-Einstein Condensation of Light" Prof. Martin Weitz

2016年2月3日 (水) 9:30 10:30
C209, Center Building
Professor Martin Weitz, Institut fur Angewandte Physik, Universitat Bonn

"Flexible tuning of olfactory microcircuits" Dr. Izumi Fukunaga

2016年2月2日 (火) 11:00 12:00
C209, Center Building
Dr. Izumi Fukunaga, Career Development Fellow at the Francis Crick Institute, UK

"Thermodynamics of error correction" Dr. Simone Pigolotti

2016年2月2日 (火) 9:30 10:30
C209, Center Building
Dr. Simone Pigolotti, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya at Ramon y Cajal researcher

Internal Seminar: Dean's Research Unit and Mathematical Soft Matter Unit

2016年1月29日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for this year's very first Internal Seminars Series (!) on January 29, from 17:00 to 18:00 in C700 (Lab3). This seminar features the Dean's Research Unit and Mathematical Soft Matter Unit (Eliot Fried).

A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment Discussion group

2016年1月29日 (金) 16:00
Room 4 Conference centre
Comparing yourself to others does not lead to happiness

Teatime with Albrecht Wagner

2016年1月28日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Center B Restaurant
Come to Teatime to talk to friend of OIST and departing Acting President Dr. Albert Wagner.

Seminar: "Order induced by disorder in pyrochlore XY antiferromagnets" by Alexei Andreanov

2016年1月28日 (木) 14:30 15:30
C016, Lab1
Seminar by Dr. Alexey Andreanov (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Korea), 28th Jan (Thu) @ 2:30-3:30pm in C016, Lab1.

Peach Fest!

2016年1月27日 (水) 15:00 18:00
Center B250
Come celebrate Ken Peach's contribution to OIST

"Quantum Phase Transitions in Itinerant Spin and Charge Density Waves" Dr. Yejun Feng

2016年1月27日 (水) 9:30 10:30
C209, Center Building
Dr. Yejun Feng (1) X-ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (2) The James Franck Institute and Department of Physics, The University of Chicago, IL 60637

International Symposium on Functional Materials

2016年1月25日 (月) 9:002016年1月29日 (金) 17:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250
OIST Workshop - Application Deadline: October 5, 2015 - OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions - URL:

Okinawa Public Schools Women's Leaders Association General Meeting

2016年1月23日 (土) 10:00 18:00
Externally organized event by Okinawa Public Schools Women's Leaders Association.

Okinawa Underwater Photographic Society Meeting

2016年1月22日 (金) 19:00 21:00
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250
This event is open to all. Event in English (no interpretation). For details contact organizers.

A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment Discussion group

2016年1月22日 (金) 16:00
Room 4 Conference centre
Weekly discussion group facilitated by Ganjuu Wellbeing service to support and apply learning from the Coursera course 'A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment' Friday 4-5pm

"Future High Power Proton Accelerators" Dr. Ciprian Plostinar

2016年1月22日 (金) 11:00 12:00
C209, Center Building
Dr. Ciprian Plostinar, an accelerator physicist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK

Rainy Teatime

2016年1月21日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Center Building, Level B, Restaurant Area
Tea, coffee, snacks, and good company -- the perfect ingredients for a short break

Seminar by Prof Xiao 'Ultrahigh-Q optical microcavity optics and photonics'

2016年1月21日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C210, Level C, Centre building
Dr Yun-Feng Xiao, Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory for Artificial MicroStructre and Mesoscopic Physics, School of Physics, Peking University

"Singularities of a variety and the Nash problem" Prof. Shihoko Ishii

2016年1月20日 (水) 11:00 12:00
C209, Center Building
Prof. Shihoko Ishii, Graduate School of Mathematical Science, University of Tokyo

"Using hyperbolic geometry to obtain information on knots, links and 3-dimensional manifolds" Dr. Anastasiia Tsvietkova

2016年1月19日 (火) 11:00 12:00
C209, Center Building
Krener Assistant Professor, Mathematics, University of California, Davis

Inventions and Startups from Basic Research - Innovation Seminar Series

2016年1月18日 (月) 13:00 15:00
Dr. Scott Brown, Scientist-Entrepreneur, will speak about his experiences in commercializing university discoveries and partnering with Asian companies. This event is restricted to OIST employees and students.

Opening Ceremony: Photo Exhibition "Nature Therapy"

2016年1月14日 (木) 16:30 16:45
Corridor of the Level C, Center Building
Opening ceremony to the exhibition.

Nature Therapy Teatime

2016年1月14日 (木) 16:00 17:00
Center Building, Level C, in front of "Kaito+"
Weekly teatime with a photo twist: have a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy gorgeous artwork

HEART All User Meeting (English)

2016年1月14日 (木) 13:30 16:00
lab3, C700
HEART All User Meeting ① January 13th (Wed) 9:30-12:00 @Lab3, C700 ② January 14th (Thur) 13:30-16:00 @Lab3, C700

Nature Therapy: Photo Exhibition by Shawn Miller

2016年1月14日 (木) (All day)2016年2月29日 (月) (All day)
Corridor of the Level C, Center Building
Amazing photo exhibition of underwater creatures and hermit crabs with trash homes.
