"Future High Power Proton Accelerators" Dr. Ciprian Plostinar


2016年1月22日 (金) 11:00 12:00


C209, Center Building



The demand for high power proton beams is at an all time high. The global community has identified many applications ranging from spallation sources, material irradiation facilities and secondary beams factories to accelerator driven systems for energy production, transmutation of waste or production of tritium. This talk will give an overview of existing and proposed facilities and highlight the challenges of high power operation with particular emphasis on the ongoing developments at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.


Ciprian Plostinar is an accelerator physicist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, working on high intensity proton linear accelerators. He is a member of ASTeC’s Intense Beams Group and collaborates with industrial partners and researchers from Europe, Asia and North America on designing World’s most powerful accelerators, with significant applications ranging from nuclear physics and spallation neutron sources to energy development and radioactive waste management.

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Akiko Cantereu (akiko.cantereau@oist.jp), Faculty Affairs Office
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