Past Events


Seminar "Evolution of cancer stem cells and therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia."

2015年3月30日 (月) 11:00 12:00
C016, Lab1
Seminar "Evolution of cancer stem cells and therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia." Issay Kitabayashi, March 30.

Seminar: "Project of a 3 GeV High Brilliant SYnchrotron Light Source, 'SLiT-J'" by Dr. Hiroyuki Hama

2015年3月30日 (月) 11:00 12:00
D015, Lab 1
Dr. Hiroyuki Hama, SLiT-J Office, Electron Photon Research Center, Tohoku University

Seminar: Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors, by Prof. Fernando Ponta

2015年3月26日 (木) 10:00 11:00
Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar by Prof. Fernando Ponta, "Advanced Reduced-Order Methods for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Wind Turbine Rotors" from 10:00-11:00, March 26 2015.

Seminar "Regulation of the TRAF6-NF-kB-NFATc1 signal pathway in osteoclastogenesis."

2015年3月25日 (水) 12:45 13:45
C016, Lab1
Seminar "Regulation of the TRAF6-NF-kB-NFATc1 signal pathway in osteoclastogenesis." Jun-ichiro Inoue, March 25.

サイエンスプロジェクト for 琉球ガールズ ~本島編~

2015年3月25日 (水) 9:00 17:30
OISTと琉大の女性研究者・学生が講師となって、最先端の科学を楽しく学べる講義や実験を実施します。 また、リケジョの先輩達が様々な理系分野の中からどのように専攻を決めたのか、研究の楽しさ、研究室の様子や学生生活、大学卒業後の進路などについてお話しします。

Spring Equinox 2015

2015年3月21日 (土) 0:00
National Holiday.

Internal Seminar: Tripp Unit and Ishikawa Unit

2015年3月20日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for March's second Internal Seminar Series on Mar. 20, from 17:00 to 18:00 in C209. This month's second seminars feature the Human Developmental Neurobiology Unit (Eileen Gail Tripp) and the Immune Signal Unit (Hiroki Ishikawa).

International Happiness Day 20th March / 3月20日 国際幸福デー

2015年3月20日 (金) 0:00
United Nations International Happiness Day

Seminar: Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas, by Prof. Sen-Lin Tang

2015年3月19日 (木) 14:00 15:00
Meeting Room C016, Level C , Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. Sen-Lin Tang from Academia Sinica talks on Searching for health-associated bacteria in corals: a story about Endozoicomonas

Seminar: Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes, by Prof. Nathaniel D. Daw

2015年3月19日 (木) 10:00 11:00
Seminar Room C210, Level C, Center bldg
Seminar: Prof Nathaniel Daw from New York University talks on "Mechanisms of model-based reinforcement learning: Prospection and episodes"


2015年3月19日 (木) 9:002015年3月20日 (金) 17:00
OISTメインキャンパス、セミナー室 B250
国際科学広報に関するワークショップ - Open to all OIST members - その他所属のご参加希望の方は、主催者までご連絡ください。URL: (日本語) (英語)

"Conceptual Foundations for High Impact Research" Dr. Charles Yokoyama

2015年3月18日 (水) 16:00 17:00
B250, Center Bldg
Dr. Charles Yokoyama, Director of Research, RIKEN Brain Institute and former senior scientific editor at Neuron

"WPI Program: Its missions, current activities and future perspectives",Toshio Kuroki, MD

2015年3月18日 (水) 14:30 15:30
Dr. Toshio Kuroki is the Program Director of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative program (WPI) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The seminar is open to all OIST members; Language: English

OIST Mini Symposium: Moduli Space, Conformal Field Theory and Matrix Models

2015年3月16日 (月) (All day)2015年3月18日 (水) (All day)
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C209
OIST Mini Symposium - All OIST members are welcome to attend.

フィガロの結婚 レクチャーコンサート

2015年3月14日 (土) 15:00 17:00
入場無料 15:00-17:00

"Phase transformations in colloidal alloys" Professor Benjamin Yellen

2015年3月12日 (木) 11:00 12:00
Lab 1 C016
Dr. Benjamin Yellen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University. English only; no interpretation will be provided.

Seminar "Advanced RF Acceleration" Prof. Tantawi, Sami (Stanford University/ SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

2015年3月11日 (水) 16:00 17:00
C016, Floor C, Lab1

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 11th, 16:00-17:00 Venue: C016, Floor C, Lab1

Speaker: Prof. Sami Tantawi (Stanford University/ SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

Title: Advanced RF Acceleration

Abstract: For decades conventional RF accelerators have been built and operated with ever increasing capability thru a few tens of gigahertz in frequency. More recent research takes advantage of the continuing development of high peak power short pulse lasers to drive accelerator structures at optical frequencies. This jump from RF to optical frequencies skips four orders of magnitude in wavelength. With recent experiments that demonstrate high gradients in metallic structures at millimeter wavelengths one is compelled to consider the viability of new approaches for acceleration in the millimeterwave to...


Seminar by Prof. Masayuki ODA "Thermodynamic and kinetic analyses for understanding conformational flexibility and function of protein”

2015年3月9日 (月) 16:00
C016, Lab1
Prof. Masayuki ODA, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University. Language: English

"The challenges of tribology: contact mechanics, friction, and wear" by Prof. Sonia A.G Oliveira

2015年3月9日 (月) 15:00 16:00
D015, Lab1
Prof. Sonia A. G. Oliveira School of Mechanical Engineering Federal University of Uberlândia - Brazil

''ITO@Cu2S Nanowire Arrays as Counter Electrode of Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells'' Yan Jiang

2015年3月9日 (月) 10:00 11:00
Meeting Room D015, Lab1
Seminar by Yan Jiang, PhD student, Key laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology, ICCAS, China

Topotronics2015: The 1st International Workshop on the Topological Electronics

2015年3月9日 (月) 9:002015年3月11日 (水) 12:00

OIST Science Challenge 博士課程体験キャンプ 2015

2015年3月8日 (日) (All day)2015年3月14日 (土) (All day)
OIST Campus
参加には事前応募が必要となります。 ワークショップ、応募方法についてはをご覧下さい。


2015年3月6日 (金) 19:00 21:00
OISTコンサートシリーズ 入場無料 19:00-21:00

Internal Seminar: Samatey Unit and Mikheyev Unit

2015年3月6日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for March's first Internal Seminar Series on Mar. 6, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250. This month's seminars feature the Trans-Membrane Trafficking Unit (Fadel Alexis Samatey) and the Ecology and Evolution Unit (Alexander Sergeyevich Mikheyev).

"Smart Targeted Therapy by Self-Assembled Supramolecular Nanosystems" Kazunori Kataoka

2015年3月6日 (金) 10:00 11:30
Seminar Room B250, Center Building
Prof. Kazunori Kataoka, Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo

'Introduction to the CLIC linear collider study and associated development of high-gradient accelerating structures' Dr. Walter Wuensch (CERN)

2015年3月5日 (木) 14:00 15:00
C016, Floor C, Lab1

Date/Time: Thursday, March 5th, 14:00-15:00 Venue: C016, Floor C, Lab1

Speaker: Dr. Walter Wuensch (CERN)

Title: Introduction to the CLIC linear collider study and associated development of high-gradient accelerating structures

Abstract: The CLIC collaboration is studying the design of a TeV-range electron-positron linear collider and developing key technology for it. I will give an overview for the motivation for CLIC, introduce the accelerator concept and then go on describe the development of high-gradient accelerating structures - which have a very strong influence on both performance and cost of the whole machine. The accelerating structures are in turn limited by vacuum breakdown and I will finish by describing research into the fundamental physics and...


"Anomalies, Chern-Simons Terms and Black Hole Entropy" Dr. Tatsuo Azeyanagi (LPTENS, Paris)

2015年3月5日 (木) 10:00 11:00
Lab.1, C016

Speaker : Dr. Tatsuo Azeyanagi (LPTENS, Paris) Title : Anomalies, Chern-Simons Terms and Black Hole Entropy Abstract : Quantum anomalies enable us to access to some important information about quantum field theories in a robust way. Recently, the hydrodynamic limit of the systems with the anomalies has been actively investigated, together with its dual holographic description by gravitational theories with Chern-Simons terms. In this presentation, I will start with a review on the effect of the anomalies in the hydrodynamic limit of conformal field theories. Then I would like to explain how the beautiful property of Chern-Simons terms helps us to compute in detail various quantities relevant to the anomalies through the dual gravitational description. I will also discuss the...


"Artificial gauge fields and spin-orbit coupling in dilute-gas BECs" Peter Engels

2015年3月5日 (木) 10:00 11:00
D015, Level D, Lab1
Prof. Peter Engels, Washington State University, USA


2015年3月5日 (木) 8:002015年3月6日 (金) 20:00
C209, Restaurant Floor

Technical Seminar: SPICE-NIRS Microbeam

2015年3月4日 (水) 14:00 15:00
C209, Center Building
Focused vertical system for proton irradiation of a single cell for radiobiological research

Seminar by Dr Cizmar 'Multimode Fibres: Seeing through chaos'

2015年3月4日 (水) 10:00 11:00
C209, level C, Centre building
Speaker: Dr Tomas Cizmar, Reader in Physics and Life Sciences, University of Dundee Seminar title: Multimode Fibres: Seeing through chaos


2015年3月1日 (日) 10:00 15:00


2015年2月28日 (土) 15:00 16:00
OIST一般公開講演会 "たべて、遊んで、発見して!!" 入場無料

OIST Mini Symposium: Microglia - Key to Understanding Neural Development and Pathology

2015年2月27日 (金) (All day)2015年3月1日 (日) (All day)
OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room C209
OIST Mini Symposium - Open to all OIST members - For non-OIST members: Please contact the organizers for information on how to participate.

Seminar 'Machine learning and comparative methods in the study of HIV and human evolution' by Dr. Katarzyna Bozek

2015年2月26日 (木) 15:00 16:00
Meeting Room C016, Level C, Lab 1

Date/Time: Th 26 Feb 2015 15:00-16:00 Venue: Meeting Room C016, level C, lab 1 Speaker: Dr. Katarzyna Bożek, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology Title: Machine learning and comparative methods in the study of HIV and human evolution


"Fluid mechanics in two hours (2)" Prof. Gregory Falkovich

2015年2月26日 (木) 10:00 11:00
C210 Seminar room
Prof. Gregory Falkovich, Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science.

'Roles of a mitochondrial respiratory supercomplex assembly factor in muscle, fat and cancer metabolism' Satoshi Inoue

2015年2月25日 (水) 13:00 14:00
C016, Lab1
Seminar "Roles of a mitochondrial respiratory supercomplex assembly factor in muscle, fat and cancer metabolism." Prof. Satoshi Inoue

"Fluid mechanics in two hours (1)" Prof. Gregory Falkovich

2015年2月24日 (火) 14:00 15:00
C210 Seminar room
Speaker: Prof. Gregory Falkovich, Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science.

”BEC and classical field approximation" Kazimierz Rzazewski

2015年2月24日 (火) 10:30 11:30
Seminar Room C210
Prof. Kazimierz Rzazewski, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

"What drives weather changes?" Prof. Gregory Falkovich

2015年2月23日 (月) 15:00 16:00
B503 Seminar room
Speaker: Prof. Gregory Falkovich, Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science

Seminar 'Quantifying and modeling C. elegans exploratory behavior' by Prof. William Ryu, Mon 23 Feb 13:00

2015年2月23日 (月) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room B503, Level B, Centre Bldg.
Date/Time: Mon 23 February 2015 13:00 – 14:00 Venue: Seminar Room B503, Level B, Centre Bldg. Speaker: William Ryu, Associate Professor, Department of Physics Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto Title: Quantifying and modeling C. elegans exploratory behavior

"Pair dispersion in turbulence: the permanent and the irreversible" Anna Frishman

2015年2月23日 (月) 11:00 12:00
B503, Seminar room
Ms. Anna Frishman, Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science.

織の響 The Sound of Textiles

2015年2月22日 (日) 15:00 17:00
OIST Auditorium

Internal Seminar: Takahashi Unit and Yazaki-Sugiyama Unit

2015年2月20日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for February's second Internal Seminar Series on Feb. 20, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250. This month's seminars feature the Cellular and Molecular Synaptic Function Unit (Tomoyuki Takahashi) and the Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit (Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama).

'Spin Turbulence in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates' Makoto Tsubota

2015年2月19日 (木) 15:00 16:00
B503, Level B, Lab1
Prof. Makoto Tsubota, Osaka City University, Japan

'Future High-Energy Colliders / Charting the Unknown' Dr. Frank Zimmermann

2015年2月18日 (水) 13:30 14:30
C015 Meeting Room, Lab 1, Level C

Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Shintake Unit) would like to announce a seminar by Dr. Frank Zimmermann, Senior Scientist at CERN (Switzerland).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: February 18, 2015 (Wed) Time:13:30-14:30 Venue: Lab 1, C015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Future High-Energy Colliders / Charting the Unknown

Abstract: In 2012 the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider finally discovered the Higgs boson. For its prediction, made some 50 years earlier, Francois Englert and Peter Higgs were awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. The Higgs boson exhibits a few unique features never before seen. Its close examination may provide answers to several fundamental questions, such as the origin of dark matter, the electroweak phase transition, and the “naturalness” of the...


'Novel molecular targets for breast and lung cancer stem cells' Noriko Gotoh

2015年2月18日 (水) 13:00 14:00
C016, Lab1
[Seminar] 'Novel molecular targets for breast and lung cancer stem cells', Prof. Noriko Gotoh, Feb 18th.

"Quantum Turbulence Lectures" Makoto Tsubota

2015年2月18日 (水) (All day)2015年2月20日 (金) (All day)
C015 for 18th & 19th, C016 for 20th
3 days of lecture "Quantum Hydrodynamics and Turbulence" by Makoto Tsubota (Professor, Osaka City University, Japan)

“Accelerating Particles into Space and Medicine" Profs. Kumada, Yoshioka, Takahashi, Arai and Sugawara

2015年2月17日 (火) 14:00 16:00
Seminar Room B250, Center Building
Language: English. Open to the public. (1) “Introduction to OIST BNCT" by Profs. Kumada (Univ of Tsukuba) and Yoshioka (KEK, OIST), (2) "New Technology for X-ray and Gamma-ray Imaging" by Profs. Takahashi (JAXA) and Arai (KEK, OIST), and (3) "Our Future: Beyond Metastasis" by Prof. Sugawara (OIST).

[Time changed] Seminar: Dopamine neurons, synapses and susceptibility in Parkinson’s disease by Prof. J. Paul Bolam

2015年2月17日 (火) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room B503, Level B, Lab 1
Seminar: Prof. J. Paul Bolam, from the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit at the University of Oxford. Title: "Dopamine neurons, synapses and susceptibility in Parkinson’s disease"
