"What is the Man from the 9 Dimensions?" Hirosi Ooguri (English)

English only. A separate Japanese talk will be given at 2pm.
Superstring Theory is expected by many to be a unifying explanation of all phenomena in the universe. Through original works like a planetarium program and books, two of Japan's leading String Theorists will explain the 9 dimensions and what they bring to the cutting edge of particle physics.
This public lecture is part of the international conference "Strings 2018" and will include a screening of the planetarium program "The Man from the 9 Dimensions."
Hirosi Oguri
Dr. Hirosi Ooguri is Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics and the Founding Director of the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at California Institute of Technology, President of the Aspen Center for Physics, and a Principal Investigator of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics at the University of Tokyo. He also directed "The Man from the 9 Dimensions."
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