Past Events
Kakenhi Administration Seminar 科研費事務説明会(7/24&8/12)
Academic Mentor’s Meeting
Ryukyu Shimpo Science Club Event at OIST
Internal Seminar: Wickens Unit and Maruyama Unit
Weekly Teatime... with the Quantum Poet
"Genetic Engineering for Species Conservation Applications in Hawai'i" Prof. Floyd Reed
General Assembly for Kyushu Area High School Principals Association
Seminar "Multiboson theory for the magnetoelectric helimagnet Cu2OSeO3" by Judit Romhanyi
[Seminar] "EMT and myofibroblast generation in an injured lens: modulation of TGFb/Smad signal by extracellular matrix”
International Undergraduate Collaborative Workshop
Student Research Presentations
" Inflationary cosmology and searches for the particle physics of the early Universe" Shinsuke Kawai
Poster Eteaquette Time
Come refine your tea drinking etiquette while enjoying poster presentations by graduate students. Thursday, July 30 at 4 p.m. in Restaurant Level B.
Seminar 'Learning the Collective Dynamics of Biological Systems, from Neurons to Flocks' by Prof. Thierry Mora, Wed 29th July 13:00-14:00
"Two dimensional spatial adiabatic passage of matter waves" Jordi Mompart
Field Demonstration of the Submersible Microscope
Seminar 'Diversity Generation in Immune Receptor Repertoires' by Prof. Aleksandra Walczak, Mon 27th July 14:00-15:00
OIST Seminar: New Horizons in Science Education – Motivating Young Students to take the Challenge
Global Leadership Training Workshop
Okinawa Underwater Photographic Society Meeting
Internal Seminar: Saze Unit and Hikami Unit
OIST Marine Genomics Seminar Ser 32nd by Emma Farley
All are welcome.
Kakenhi Administration Seminar 科研費事務説明会(7/24&8/12)
Tea Party Time
Don’t throw it, drink it! Tea, coffee and treats on Thursday, July 23 at 4 p.m. in Restaurant Level B.
SEMINAR: Insights into Optimizing Topological and Thermoelectric Materials from Optics by Prof. Kenneth Burch
Femtosecond Spectroscopy Unit (Dani Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar on July 22nd from 11:00 to 12:00 at C 700 (Lab3) by Dr. Kenneth Burch, Associate Professor at Boston College.
Title: "Insights into Optimizing Topological and Thermoelectric Materials from Optics
Abstract: Thermoelectrics and Topological Insulators offer unique opportunities to improve power efficiency of devices and recover lost heat. A key difficulty is understanding the interplay between electronic structure, phonons, disorder, doping, nano-confinement and transport. In this talk I will outline our groups efforts to understand this interplay using various optical spectroscopies (Infrared and Raman) and as well mechanical exfoliation.
Umi Garrett - Piano Recital
OIST at Unna Matsuri
Student Research Presentations
Tea Time at the Conference Center
Come grab your preferred beverage at the OIST Conference Center during Tea Time this Thursday. Tea and snacks will be served in the newly built lobby area.