Kindergarten 5-6 Years Old

Kindergarden 5 - 6 Years Old


Wecome to Shinka Class!

Children in Shinka class are the biggest boys and girls at Tedako.  In this class, the children will form strong bonds with their classmates and teachers. The Shinka class is very fun and exciting. We would like to welcome you with open arms and open hearts! 

The kindergarten program at Tedako is a comprehensive approach to learning. This means we will integrate more than one curriculum area at a time. The children will learn in bi-weekly themes.  There are some weeks that there is so much going on that it’s hard to get everything done, so we will carry a theme over to the next week.  If you see a topic that you would like us to present to the class, please let us know.  Everything is play-based as research in child development has proven that play based activities are more meaningful for children. We will however work to get your child ready for elementary school, whether international or Japanese through teacher directed activities too.

Our program is unique in the fact that children will be educated in English and Japanese. Morning instruction will be from 9:30 to 11:00 and afternoon instruction will be 14:15 to 15:15 daily. During free time and independent reading time, the children will be free to read and play in the language of their choice. We also go outside and explore the world around us, provide much-needed visual presentations, go on field trips, and provide many objects for the kids to use their five senses.


Daily Activities

Circle Time

Circle time is a when the children and their teacher talk about the theme of the week and any special events that may be taking place on that day or in the days to come.  The children will also have a chance to speak freely in an open discussion time.  This time allows the teacher to work with the children on their speaking and listening skills.  During circle time, children also learn about the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, counting, and word families.  These areas will be taught using songs and games.  There will be both English and Japanese circle time every day.

Group Activity

Each day the children will have two group activity times, once in English and again in Japanese.  The activities will usually be different.  From time to time, the Miyarabi, Wakatida and Nujyumi classes will also combine for whole group activities.  Activities include, but are not limited to arts and crafts, songs, dance, indoor/outdoor games, cooking, and story time.


During centers, your child will have a chance to learn independently.  This playtime is structured around our educational focus of the week.  Some centers are play based and some are academic.  Kindergartners need to work on social skills and explore the world around them.  This means getting along with others, sharing, and interacting in small groups.  During center time is when the teacher will work one on one with students if needed.

Outdoor Play

Gross motor and outdoor play is very important for young children and we go outside for play two times each day unless there is lightening or it is raining hard. If the temperature is warm and there are, only a few sprinkles the children will go outside. In the summer and winter months we will follow the chart set by Tedako regarding appropriate temperatures to be outside in. Your child will need to always dress appropriately for the weather.  No children stay inside unless they have a doctor’s note.  Tedako requires that each child have a sun hat. This will protect the children from the sometimes-intense Okinawa sun.  We also ask that sunscreen be provided, especially during March-October.  During the summer months, we will have water play days. Your child may come to school in their water clothes with a change of clothes for afterwards. Also please bring a towel and a plastic bag labeled with your child`s name.

Snack and Lunch Time

Each day your child will receive two snacks provided by Tedako.  Your child may come with a home lunch or school lunch can also be purchased for 350 yen.    If you would like your child to drink anything other than water at lunch, please provide this.

Drop off and Pick up/Supplies

  • At drop off time (8:00am-9:15am), we accept your child outside. Please send your child to school with sunscreen on during hot seasons. 
  • If your child is sick or cannot attend for some reason, please call or e-mail us before 9:00am on that day to let us know. 
  • We play outside except during bad weather, so please bring shoes or rain boots every day. 
  • If an individual is not listed on the Emergent Contact Form, we do not release the child to that individual.  
  • Please sign the time of drop off and pick up on attendance sheet each day. If an authorized person will drop off or pick up your child, please inform that person of the attendance sheet. 
  • We ask that you prepare all the supplies on the attached supply list and write your child’s name on everything. Each child has his or her own cubby where we keep all their supplies. Please make sure there are enough cloths, diapers or other supplies at the pick-up time and refill them next day. 
  • We open from 8:00am-6:00pm on Monday to Friday. We will charge a late fee of 1000 yen every 15 minutes when a child is picked up after 6:00pm. 
  • When you pick up your child, please do not forget to take home his or her water bottle. 


Additional Information

Field Trips

We will take multiple excursions throughout the year. The teachers will inform you prior to the date, and you will be asked to sign a permission slip.  Children under 6 years of age must have an appropriate child seat to ride in OIST vehicles.


Label all backpacks, hats, jackets, and sweaters with your child’s name. Have your child wear play clothes that are appropriate for school. Remember we paint, use glue, and play quite actively in Kindergarten. Please do not send your children to school wearing necklaces, hoop/hanging earrings, or any kinds of bracelets.  Watches are alright.  If we notice the children playing with their watches or using them for purposes other than telling time, we will ask the children to put them in their backpacks. If you decide to send your child to school with a watch, we are not responsible for it if it becomes lost or broken.  Please do not send your child to school with an expensive watch. 


The Shinka Class uses a web-based application called CLASS DOJO as a means of parent/teacher correspondence.  Most notifications will be sent through this application. Teachers will be available to message on this app from 8:00am-18:00pm.  If there is an emergency or urgent message that a parents needs to notify the teacher about after 18:00, please do so through OIST mail.   A school newsletter will be sent via email at the beginning of each month with school information, snack menu, as well as a lunch calendar.


We celebrate birthdays at Tedako once a month. Please check the monthly newsletter regarding the date and time which we will celebrate for your child. The school will provide the cake and milk.


Parents are obliged to make alternative care arrangements if their child has a fever or vomited within 24 hours before they arrive to school. If your child has vomited at school, he or she may be sent home. Children who are sent home because of fever or any illness the day before, should at home.


Parents of children who require prescribed medication to be administered at school by the Tedako CDC staff must complete a medication authorization form. A form must be filled out each day, or as needed. Japanese medical law prevents CDC staff from measuring dosage. Medication should be premeasured in a container by dosage before given to CDC staff.


Daily Schedule (Updated 10/23)