Writing Workshop Series
Writing Workshop Series
Series Introduction:
This is a workshop series for all writers who want to boost comprehensive mastery of the composition process from the sentence to the wider organization of any piece of writing. By considering how even scientific writing is a story, participants will become more adept at communicating their specific writing purpose. Moreover, participants will reflect on what makes effective and high-quality writing, a skill that depends, in turn, on close reading ability. They are invited to bring drafts of a writing project currently in progress to apply what they learn in the series.
Modules in the Series:
Module 1: Writing as Process and Story
Module 2: Close Reading for Better Writing, Part I
Module 3: Close Reading for Better Writing, Part II
Module 4: Balancing Data with Purpose and Voice
Module 5: Enhancing the Integration of Sources
Module 6: Clean, Crisp, & Clear: Tidying up Your Writing
Please see the C-Hub events page (link here) for registration information.