Non-Academic Job Market Workshop Series

Non-Academic Job Market Series

Series Introduction:

This is a workshop series for those who are currently in the process of applying for non-academic positions and for those considering pursuing the non-academic job market in the future. Each module is an independent workshop, but it is highly recommended to attend all the modules to maximally benefit from the series. Participants will hone their skills for writing compelling résumés (or hybrid CVs) and cover letters, discuss (and practice) job interviews, contextualize their academic research toward industry positions, and learn comprehensively about the process of searching for a job. The series is meant to complement last year’s series on the academic job search.

Modules in the Series:

Module 1: Writing résumés

Module 2: Writing cover letters

Module 3: Transferable skills from academic science to other career settings

Module 4: Job interviews

Module 5: Job search process

Module 6: Further challenges in the job search process

Please see the C-Hub events page (link here) for registration information.