Theoretical Physics Seminar: Wenliang Li


Friday, December 18, 2020 - 14:00


Lab 4, E01


This is the 27th biweekly session of the OIST Theoretical Physics Seminar.
In this seminar series, we pretend to have a theoretical physics department, and tell each other informal stories over drinks and snacks.
Except no drinks and snacks, because people stopped consuming them for some reason. If you want them back, let me know.

Speaker: Wenliang Li (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics).
Title: "How to make precise predictions out of almost nothing?"

I will talk about an old idea called “bootstrap”, originally designed for the strong nuclear force, but later abandoned. About 10 years ago, this approach was revived by a clever reformulation that can be handed to computers. Now the bootstrap way is able to make precise predictions and address hard questions about superfluid helium and Heisenberg magnets. On the analytic side, spin is viewed as a complex number to use the powerful complex analysis.

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